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Good luck Modi/RSS lovers from UAE..

We still haven't completely recovered from Zia.

These are depressing times; do not add to it, please. That is a sincere request. I know the damage he did to Pakistan; the thought of that happening in India, even as it is happening as far as the initial horrifying stages are concerned, is blood-chilling.

Thing is Modi himself hasn't uttered anything foolish since he became PM. It's only the party's uncouthed making noises and with Twitter just brings the bad out of people.

The reality is, this is the new normal for some more years. Years of lack of recognition to popular demands which hold cultural significance to millions of citizens while playing double games with both Hindus and Muslims has its own way of.playing out. The thing is what will play out 30 years down the line cos of today's politics is the new unknown. There is now no anti and pro Hindutva. Only soft and hard Hindutva.

True enough; I have written at length on this, elsewhere. However, I have hope for the future. You mentioned 30 years; I will not live to see it, but for all your sakes, on both sides of the Radcliffe Line, for that matter, on both sides of both Radcliffe Lines (there was one in the east as well), I hope that in that time, the people of India, most especially the people of north India, will begin to climb out of their superstitious, regressive, boorish outlook and understand what the nation stands for.
These are depressing times; do not add to it, please. That is a sincere request. I know the damage he did to Pakistan; the thought of that happening in India, even as it is happening as far as the initial horrifying stages are concerned, is blood-chilling.

There is no hope for you old man. Our's and your's are two very different scenarios. We remained ignorant united, we died ignorant united and then finally we fought it united. Your's is rapidly pacing towards a clear divide, a divide based on hatred of many years, a divide that happened because you let people spread hatred and taught them to oppress any voice of reasoning. A communal religious / gender / color / creed / caste / cow divide where every calamity is and will be given religious colors, where you will easily be picked and thrashed because you stand Desh Darohi in their eyes. We didn't let that happen, our common people remained common ...... your's on other hand are no more common.

The majority in your country have been sold false hope(s) repeatedly, well before time and out of place repugnant false hopes, and that majority conveniently took that false hope as reality .... evident from chest thumping on this very thread. Believe me nobody outside subcontinent buys this sense of false bravado and honor where you eat pan masala from a tin wearing a suit and pass insulting looks at gora sb as he is inferior subhuman.

You must have seen many members here irrespective of their nationality and religion questioning Ummah. However, your bakht chands ignored it in their calculations ....... they thought they are free to record lynching and burning and it will go unnoticed. Karma ....... every action will bring a consequence ... their false bravado and chest thumping is now unleashed ..... even modi cannot control it. He has two options 1. Be a Gandhi and die like him or 2. play mum like he did in Gujrat and not get killed .... in either case ............... We will light candles for you.

I hope you don't mind me saying Congress should never return to rule India. I strongly wish the world to see what has remained hidden from their eyes and how they were made fools.
Current Arabs leadership are mentally weak and don’t really care about Islam and Muslims. Their GOD is $$$. You think Arabs governmentS didn’t know about Modi involment in Gujrat riots, attacks on innocent Muslims, destroying Masajid and properties of Muslims in India, Kashmir lockdowns? Modi himself said what he did to Muslims in Gujrat. He instigated hatred toward Muslims and other minorities in India. do you think Arab world was not aware of that? But they still invited Modi and gave him an Award for killing Muslims in India. OIC is big joke and these Royal duffers are joke. IK realized the OIC does not care about Muslims, they are bunch of old lazy Arabs who only care about Power and money. I hope soon new Islamic group will emerge to counter OIC.
You are correct. It is only now when the RSS goons have started to hit Arab women, and thinking about turning Arab land into hindu etc, that they have started to wakeup. Like I said before it was billion population that they were interested in. Muslims specially those of Kashmir and Palestine can go to hell.
There is no hope for you old man. Our's and your's are two very different scenarios. We remained ignorant united, we died ignorant united and then finally we fought it united. Your's is rapidly pacing towards a clear divide, a divide based on hatred of many years, a divide that happened because you let people spread hatred and taught them to oppress any voice of reasoning. A communal religious / gender / color / creed / caste / cow divide where every calamity is and will be given religious colors, where you will easily be picked and thrashed because you stand Desh Darohi in their eyes. We didn't let that happen, our common people remained common ...... your's on other hand are no more common.

The majority in your country have been sold false hope(s) repeatedly, well before time and out of place repugnant false hopes, and that majority conveniently took that false hope as reality .... evident from chest thumping on this very thread. Believe me nobody outside subcontinent buys this sense of false bravado and honor where you eat pan masala from a tin wearing a suit and pass insulting looks at gora sb as he is inferior subhuman.

You must have seen many members here irrespective of their nationality and religion questioning Ummah. However, your bakht chands ignored it in their calculations ....... they thought they are free to record lynching and burning and it will go unnoticed. Karma ....... every action will bring a consequence ... their false bravado and chest thumping is now unleashed ..... even modi cannot control it. He has two options 1. Be a Gandhi and die like him or 2. play mum like he did in Gujrat and not get killed .... in either case ............... We will light candles for you.

I hope you don't mind me saying Congress should never return to rule India. I strongly wish the world to see what has remained hidden from their eyes and how they were made fools.

Any reply would be an anticlimax.

I presume, as I read this through my rheumy, bleary eyes, you do not really expect any response to this peroration?

Oh, BTW, I have been opposed to the Congress from 1968 onwards.

I can't rephrase my words for people with comprehension issues. Read what I wrote again.

Wrong language. You don't have a hope of getting through.
There is no hope for you old man. Our's and your's are two very different scenarios. We remained ignorant united, we died ignorant united and then finally we fought it united. Your's is rapidly pacing towards a clear divide, a divide based on hatred of many years, a divide that happened because you let people spread hatred and taught them to oppress any voice of reasoning. A communal religious / gender / color / creed / caste / cow divide where every calamity is and will be given religious colors, where you will easily be picked and thrashed because you stand Desh Darohi in their eyes. We didn't let that happen, our common people remained common ...... your's on other hand are no more common.

The majority in your country have been sold false hope(s) repeatedly, well before time and out of place repugnant false hopes, and that majority conveniently took that false hope as reality .... evident from chest thumping on this very thread. Believe me nobody outside subcontinent buys this sense of false bravado and honor where you eat pan masala from a tin wearing a suit and pass insulting looks at gora sb as he is inferior subhuman.

You must have seen many members here irrespective of their nationality and religion questioning Ummah. However, your bakht chands ignored it in their calculations ....... they thought they are free to record lynching and burning and it will go unnoticed. Karma ....... every action will bring a consequence ... their false bravado and chest thumping is now unleashed ..... even modi cannot control it. He has two options 1. Be a Gandhi and die like him or 2. play mum like he did in Gujrat and not get killed .... in either case ............... We will light candles for you.

I hope you don't mind me saying Congress should never return to rule India. I strongly wish the world to see what has remained hidden from their eyes and how they were made fools.
Wonderful Sir.
There is no hope for you old man. Our's and your's are two very different scenarios. We remained ignorant united, we died ignorant united and then finally we fought it united. Your's is rapidly pacing towards a clear divide, a divide based on hatred of many years, a divide that happened because you let people spread hatred and taught them to oppress any voice of reasoning. A communal religious / gender / color / creed / caste / cow divide where every calamity is and will be given religious colors, where you will easily be picked and thrashed because you stand Desh Darohi in their eyes. We didn't let that happen, our common people remained common ...... your's on other hand are no more common.

The majority in your country have been sold false hope(s) repeatedly, well before time and out of place repugnant false hopes, and that majority conveniently took that false hope as reality .... evident from chest thumping on this very thread. Believe me nobody outside subcontinent buys this sense of false bravado and honor where you eat pan masala from a tin wearing a suit and pass insulting looks at gora sb as he is inferior subhuman.

You must have seen many members here irrespective of their nationality and religion questioning Ummah. However, your bakht chands ignored it in their calculations ....... they thought they are free to record lynching and burning and it will go unnoticed. Karma ....... every action will bring a consequence ... their false bravado and chest thumping is now unleashed ..... even modi cannot control it. He has two options 1. Be a Gandhi and die like him or 2. play mum like he did in Gujrat and not get killed .... in either case ............... We will light candles for you.

I hope you don't mind me saying Congress should never return to rule India. I strongly wish the world to see what has remained hidden from their eyes and how they were made fools.

Have you ever come across the German term 'schadenfreude'?
One sample: He is one of the most senior journalist in India. (I have few more samples from pro-Modi, right-wing Indian media bitching about BJP incels ruining India's image abroad. But I'm saving those to shove it on indians' face when they reply to my original post lol)

View attachment 626060

Notice: "Damage control"...."Valuable friends".....

Arabs are literally making Indians their BITCH :lol::rofl::lol::rofl:
Modi just tweeted... unlike broadcasting it through national TV, like he usually does.. which means it is just for foreign consumption.

@Areesh @BHarwana
the clip where modi says than you can identify them with clothes (Muslims).

At heart, this is what Indians think about Arabs
they think same about the Afghanis too..
Hope so. But looks like a long road ahead full of blood and chaos. Not even sure I will live long enough to see it.

Yes, this is a serious development, and if I was of a religious mind, I would be praying that India pulls through. The damn fools don't even realise that they are destroying the nation, and still think that their social media echo chamber represents reality.

Evil can be fought, the stupid can be taught; the stupid and evil are impossible to fight or to teach.
Yes, this is a serious development, and if I was of a religious mind, I would be praying that India pulls through. The damn fools don't even realise that they are destroying the nation, and still think that their social media echo chamber represents reality.

Evil can be fought, the stupid can be taught; the stupid and evil are impossible to fight or to teach.

A record number of high net worth individuals who are tired of these shit show is leaving India. Just see below, doing a goodge will reveal more.


A lot of NRIs including me, made up the decision to move out to greener pastures like Australia and Canada, and the current political turmoil is a big push for someone like me who was always hesitant and wanted to live in my own country and die. Now we have made our decision. I know its a small number comparing India's population, but what we have to note is rest of the Indians are not moving out not because of any love left but they simply cant. I'm talking about normal people, especially minorities, not the super power babus crying Modi the great.

I sadly concur - though I pray it does nt turns out to be true - that it is indeed the case. The India we knew as before, no longer exists. And I'm truly worried about my friends and family even though we are from south and relatively calm there - at least for now.
And I really don't know how long the minorities will hold off, though they are being pushed to the wall from every ankle. That lasts only until someone decides enough is enough. Given the population and diversity we have, it will soon become a Syria multiplied times 100. Hope better sense prevail.
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