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Good luck Modi/RSS lovers from UAE..

What if modi galvanize the Indian expats and decided to simply take over their tiny desert nation. What options do UAE and Arabs in general have?
indian banya is incapable of fighting.. we have seen them time and time again since last 1000 years
Some xyz Arab saying shit has zero concern for us. When you deal with Monarchys, their public opinion is as good as a line drawn in water.
you know what . these Arab monarchs are very much concerned about their local Arab public :) . they knows Arab spring will return if they go against the sentiments of common Arabs. Pakistan is certainly have role in it but who is providing us the material ? obviously hindutva government of india :) . .
situation is very tense for a hindu in gulf . i literally saw a cop miss behaving with a hindu guy that too in dubai (one of the most liberal gulf city).
s, Imran Khan is crying Modi is Hilter this n that no one even bothered now thr desperation is coming out with these tweeter fake profiles lol.

oh really?...


"In the 1930s, Hindu nationalists collaborated with key figures in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany in order to help advance their extreme right-wing projects."

The Far-Right Is Going Global

You really need go out side hindu rss controlled media and see what really going on.

seems like you are a complete fool.

When you deal with Monarchys, their public opinion is as good as a line drawn in water.

Oh wait i thought you hindus had democratic credentials?.. doesnt the will of the people count?..

or do u use democracy as a farce like every thing else?..
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dont mess with this nigga

Mess with what? His skills at posting fake news? The video was of the police clearing a gathering due to coronavirus concerns. Most likely, the video is not even from Kashmir. Hindus who defy orders are being similarly beaten all over India. Here's a video that shows the police beating worshippers both inside a mosque and temple

Like we give a crap...
Gone are the days when we were looking our shoulder.

These idiots are good enough only to scratch our balls...
Already oil is sinking,
no one knows what the hell is going to happen in 6 months.

Right now medicine and Food is worth million times than oil ever was.
Yeah, good luck black-mailing Hindus.

And to all Hindus working in these worthless desert shit-holes...
please get out. these sand wiping idiots can look after themselves.

We do give a crap. We have 7m people living in the Gulf. They are our highest remittances in terms of dollars and it's cause of them we are maintaining a dollar surplus in our overall CAD.
And if they are to come home, will you find a job for 7m people. Not that they will do cos replacing 7m people is hugely impossible. Good things is Gulf politicians don't care about the Twitter banter. They have good equations with our government.
There is one proverb : Never curse your work and the place you work. That is God.

It's just some Pakistanis are taking advantage through fake accounts and fuelling rumours. Already Omani princess came out and verified she isnt on twitter and someone is impersonating her. So let's be cool. I am dedicated not cool with people abusing Islam when working there. Pakistanis might feel cool abusing USA when being citizens there and hate them. We should not be.
Don't be dumb, he said. Indian government would simply watch that, right? :D
What can they honestly do? They are a wannabe force projector.

This is also a paid fake tweet.

This is too

And this guy is an Isi agent and the organization that has been formed is Isi sponsored.

I tryed telling them that these scholars directly impact opinions of the locals which directly impact the opinions of the royals.
Like we give a crap...
Gone are the days when we were looking our shoulder.

These idiots are good enough only to scratch our balls...
Already oil is sinking,
no one knows what the hell is going to happen in 6 months.

Right now medicine and Food is worth million times than oil ever was.
Yeah, good luck black-mailing Hindus.

And to all Hindus working in these worthless desert shit-holes...
please get out. these sand wiping idiots can look after themselves.
That desert shit hole gives around 30 billion dollar a year to India. So... Yeah
Oh wait i thought you hindus had democratic credentials?.. doesnt the will of the people count?..

or do u democracy as a farce like every thing else?..
I can't rephrase my words for people with comprehension issues. Read what I wrote again.
Oil will be lucky to survive 15-20 years at most.Petrochemicals is a byproduct,and not consumed in anywhere near the volumes as oil.What MBS says is one thing,what saudi budget and reserves show is another.Sauids need oil at 80$ to balance their budget.Its doomsday for them right now.MBS's 2030 grand plan is in the doldrums.Dubai has been hammered by covid with tourism and airlines crippled.India is as dependant on arab oil as it wants to be.Americans are cajoling us to buy from them,we have taken some shipments we haven't switched in large quantity because arabs pushed the prices down and offered us a better deal.Russians are waiting too.And our largest supplier is Iraq which needs us to buy their oil to survive.Behave all good expats should or be liable to face action,but if you think arab world can blackmail india you are still living in the 90s.We are within next 2 years about to become 3rd largest nominal economy,already 3rd largest ppp economy.Gulf is a spent force.Economically India is not at all worried about any country in the muslim world threatening us.They simply lack the weight.
Go through the series of videos on production and consumption of different energy,steel,agro products and goods over last 50 years.One trend will appear - with usa at top in the beginning,china rising sharply since 2000 to become number one and india rising in last decade to become number 2 or 3.These are real economic production numbers and chronicle the economic story of the world in last 50 years in short data chartvideos.Time is our ally.
Too much day dreaming..
Your friends here think otherwise. We all know Indian society is now at the point of no return, non salvage-able. What we suffered due to Zia, you people will suffer due to Modi. Sit and watch.

You recovered from Zia. I am hopeful that we will recover from Modi.
Indian RSS goons had it coming for a while. PM Khan kept telling the world about Fascist regime and the threat it posed to all religious communities and not just Islam but countries were too busy looking at billion population for their own gains. Arabs have started to realize the error in their ways , I say better late than never.
I have countless times said it before if Arabs really wanted Kashmir could have settled long ago. All these countries needed to do was to send all Indian Expats back home until India promises to give Kashmir what's its forefathers promised but they did not. Now a Hitler inspired regime has taken over. Time to nib it in its bud.

Current Arabs leadership are mentally weak and don’t really care about Islam and Muslims. Their GOD is $$$. You think Arabs governmentS didn’t know about Modi involment in Gujrat riots, attacks on innocent Muslims, destroying Masajid and properties of Muslims in India, Kashmir lockdowns? Modi himself said what he did to Muslims in Gujrat. He instigated hatred toward Muslims and other minorities in India. do you think Arab world was not aware of that? But they still invited Modi and gave him an Award for killing Muslims in India. OIC is big joke and these Royal duffers are joke. IK realized the OIC does not care about Muslims, they are bunch of old lazy Arabs who only care about Power and money. I hope soon new Islamic group will emerge to counter OIC.
We Pakistanis know the name of the person, who helped RSS-Modi win recent elections.
You recovered from Zia. I am hopeful that we will recover from Modi.
Thing is Modi himself hasn't uttered anything foolish since he became PM. It's only the party's uncouthed making noises and with Twitter just brings the bad out of people.

The reality is, this is the new normal for some more years. Years of lack of recognition to popular demands which hold cultural significance to millions of citizens while playing double games with both Hindus and Muslims has its own way of.playing out. The thing is what will play out 30 years down the line cos of today's politics is the new unknown. There is now no anti and pro Hindutva. Only soft and hard Hindutva.
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