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Goa airport temporarily closed after MiG-29K fighter jet crash-lands on runway

Aliens after hijacking their plane are manipulating their jets control, (the "could be" inference from their media this time)
Yep calling pilots and technicians blind is some logical argument. :lol: You are a funny guy.
I would like to say you're insane. Where did i called technician are blind but i said technical (maintenance) mishap/mistake but i called pilots were definitely blind can't see a airport or ATC confirmation from both (military/Civilian) coms or GPS/Glonass navigation system on MIG-29 @Chhatrapati :crazy::crazy::crazy:
I would like to say you're insane. Where did i called technician are blind but i said technical (maintenance) mishap/mistake but i called pilots were definitely blind can't see a airport or ATC confirmation from both (military/Civilian) coms or GPS/Glonass navigation system on MIG-29 @Chhatrapati :crazy::crazy::crazy:
And your source being? :lol: Look troll, I'm not interested in engaging with these childish tantrums of yours.
How do you know anything on what happened? Now don't tell me you are an xyz expert and you are sure ..... is what happened. I have heard far more such claims from your ilk.
And your source being? :lol: Look troll, I'm not interested in engaging with these childish tantrums of yours.
How do you know anything on what happened? Now don't tell me you are an xyz expert and you are sure ..... is what happened. I have heard far more such claims from your ilk.
yes whatever float on your boat, don't humiliate yourself further, every Modern jets has these systems, you called these arguments/opinions Childish, then you knows nothing about Military aviation , you troll @Chhatrapati
yes whatever float on your boat, don't humiliate yourself further, every Modern jets has these systems, you called these arguments/opinions Childish, then you knows nothing about Military aviation , you troll @Chhatrapati
As expected, back with theories and nothing to substantiate on cause of it. :enjoy:
As expected, back with theories and nothing to substantiate on cause of it. :enjoy:
you lack logic/commonsense, you're aren't researching Military aviation, and i am continuously doing this, i am crazy about aviation especially Military aviation, you're just baseless troll @Chhatrapati
you lack logic/commonsense, you're aren't researching Military aviation, and i am continuously doing this, i am crazy about aviation especially Military aviation, you're just baseless troll @Chhatrapati
Here another thing I expected. :enjoy:
Now don't tell me you are an xyz expert and you are sure ..... is what happened.

I asked a simple question, what's your source for claim? If you don't have then lets stop discussing it.
Here another thing I expected. :enjoy:
Every jets have Becon called TACAN system (TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION SYSTEM) which inform Civil airport/traffic to know where are Military jets are
A tactical air navigation system, commonly referred to by the acronym TACAN, is a navigationsystem used by military aircraft. It provides the user with bearing and distance (slant-range or hypotenuse) to a ground or ship-borne station. It is a more accurate version of the VOR/DME system that provides bearing and range information for civil aviation.

GPS/Glonass was first build for their respected armed forces, then later open for civilian uses @Chhatrapati
The Global Positioning System (GPS), originally Navstar GPS,[1] is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Air Force.

Why you're trolling so much @Chhatrapati :hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy:
is the mig 29 the worst modern day fighter jet this plane has been nothing but a disaster
Every jets have Becon called TACAN system (TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION SYSTEM) which inform Civil airport/traffic to know where are Military jets are
A tactical air navigation system, commonly referred to by the acronym TACAN, is a navigationsystem used by military aircraft. It provides the user with bearing and distance (slant-range or hypotenuse) to a ground or ship-borne station. It is a more accurate version of the VOR/DME system that provides bearing and range information for civil aviation.

GPS/Glonass was first build for their respected armed forces, then later open for civilian uses @Chhatrapati
The Global Positioning System (GPS), originally Navstar GPS,[1] is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Air Force.

Why you're trolling so much @Chhatrapati :hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy:
Apart from the :blah:, copy paste you don't have the answer. What is the exact cause of it? If you don't know, then buzz off. This conversation is over if you come up with tantrums.
I bet the pilot jettisoned the tanks instead of lowering the landing gear lol
Maybe next time they will do one better and repeat the performance on their aircraft carrier
Just like abhinandan ejected himself instead of firing any of his missiles?
Apart from the :blah:, copy paste you don't have the answer. What is the exact cause of it? If you don't know, then buzz off. This conversation is over if you come up with tantrums.
You know what, you're just trash/blabber i gave you reasonable logics that modern jets Civilians/Military of those system so how that possible that a modern jets drop its fuel tanks on international airport, instead of a brain you have cow dung in your head @Chhatrapati :blah::blah::blah:

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