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Go Nawaz Go!

same campaign from opposite side but its by replacing GO with RO :D








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Bank people can check note after deposited and refuse to accept it, returning to depositor or bank can replace notes.

Replacing currency doesn't devalue it. Currency is, in many countries, based on reserves, such as gold etc. Not sure how Pakistan works, but if in Canada, millions of dollars of pennies were withdrawn. It didn't devalue the dollar.
Surge of anger: Protesters force PM to cut short relief visit

MULTAN: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif promised to set up a forum where victims of the flood can air their grievances so their complaints may be resolved as soon as possible, during a visit to camps set up for those affected by the floods near Sher Shah dyke in Multan.

However, his words did not placate those in the camps and the prime minister was advised to leave the area after PML-N MPA Muhammad Ali Khokhar and Provincial Minister for Prisons Punjab Abdul Waheed Arain were attacked by a mob.

The crowd also attacked vehicles of the civil administration. Both ministers were rescued by police officials while the mob chanted, ‘Go Nawaz go’. An Express News cameraman Muhammad Nazeer was reportedly assaulted by Arain as he aired footage of the flood victims.

During his visit, the PM was given a briefing on the condition of those displaced by the floods. It is a test of political parties to show their solidarity with the flood victims right now, he said, adding that he invites all parties to help those affected.

The protestors dispersed after the MPAs assured them of the provision of aid.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 16th, 2014.http://tribune.com.pk/story/762904/s...-relief-visit/

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