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Go Nawaz Go at Pakistn India Match :P

Criticizing, disagreeing, accusing is another thing...but respect for the chair is another thing....We Pakistanis often label Indian PM Mr Modi for many things, and one can find many Indians who don't agree with Mr Modi's policies...but you will hardly find any Indian calling names, ridiculing, mocking, making fun of Modi's accent, or his dressing.....it's simply disgusting to see such videos, where these morons haven't got any self respect at all...they die everyday to find immigration towards Australia, or Canada...and they still think they are standing in Dharna....Please find some self respect for your country which you are representing. Imran Khan might never will be the PM of Pakistan...deal with it.
Was always disgusted at seeing MQM flags at Pakistan cricket matches. Now it seems like we have another party promoting such actions. And we question why we have been divided and conquered for so long? Sure have your differences internally, scrutinize the government, keep them on the hook domestically. But for goodness sake you are representing your country when you go to international matches and the whole world is watching. There should only be one flag present on such occasions which is the Green and White flag and only one chant which is Pakistan Zindabad. No political party's flag in this country should have the honour of being waved alongside our national flag whilst the whole world watches. Despite our political differences we are all Pakistanis, We are united and that is what the world needs to know.

What a bizarre day it would be when English fans show up to their country's football matches with labour or conservative flags. Or US fans show up to their national ice hockey games with Republican or Democrat flags. But these people are proud of their country's first and formost. Their political affiliations always take second place and they wont use such occassions to score petty political points. And no before I get labbelled a nooni know that I voted for PTI, Most of my family voted for PTI and in the next elections I will most likely vote for PTI (depending on how PTI performs in KPK during its tenure there.).
MQM had reason back in 1992 as their was Military Operation going on against them with Media Blackout for their POV and they had no other way left prove themselves so this was desperate Attempt and their Actions had been Criticized till death by same PTI Supporters but what explanation does these PTI supporters has to do all this after they still have KPK Govt.?
Kahan jae bechara:coffee: Army wale jane nahi dete SA ab lene nahi wale, India hi reh geya pichey:lol:
Wrong place to display internal politics.......... that too on a foreign soil.....

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