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Featured GNA has just announced a ceasefire in Libya .

GNA controls still very little and none of the oil fields and refuse to go East out of fear. Sounds like the LNA won.
GNA controls still very little and none of the oil fields and refuse to go East out of fear. Sounds like the LNA won.

GNA does control some oilfields. However, GNA does not need to control oilfield physically. They have the central bank. LNA cannot sell the oil without GNA's approval. If they try, it would be illegal smuggling and Turkey has plenty of ships in the region to block that.

Both GNA and LNA needs to find an agreement so that oil production can reach nominal levels. LNA wants a 50/50 split of the income, while GNA insists on something around 70/30 split (because 70% of the population lives in areas controlled by them)
A Haftari Mig-29 was downed yesterday in the Sirte area. The pilot was a Russian mercenary, who uploaded a video from the site saying he was shot down.

Turkish AWACS and F-16s were north of Sirte when the incident happened. Turkey sending a message?

This is the first time Turkey shot down a Russian air force fighter jet. The Su-24 shoot down in 2015 didn't count since it's an attack jet, not a fighter jet.

GNA does control some oilfields. However, GNA does not need to control oilfield physically. They have the central bank. LNA cannot sell the oil without GNA's approval. If they try, it would be illegal smuggling and Turkey has plenty of ships in the region to block that.

Both GNA and LNA needs to find an agreement so that oil production can reach nominal levels. LNA wants a 50/50 split of the income, while GNA insists on something around 70/30 split (because 70% of the population lives in areas controlled by them)

Russia, France, Israel, UAE, Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt recognize the Tobruk government as the legitimate government in Libya, they do not recognized GNA as legitimate due to GNA's buddy buddy relationship with Hamas, so there is no problem when they buy oil from the Tobrok government.

Individual UN member states are free to not recognize a UN recognized member state. For example, the US and Turkey do not recognize the Damascus government as legitimate despite it being a UN recognized member state.
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Russia, France, Israel, UAE, Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt recognize the Tobruk government as the legitimate government in Libya, they do not recognized GNA as legitimate due to GNA's buddy buddy relationship with Hamas, so there is no problem when they buy oil from the Tobrok government.

Individual UN member states are free to not recognize a UN recognized member state. For example, the US and Turkey do not recognize the Damascus government as legitimate despite it being a UN recognized member state.

Algiers doesn’t recognized it and that what counts the most.Russia has changed its position since last visit of her Foreign Minister
Were they ? Having it downed by a MIM Hawk is out of question at least.
Those planes are old and I’ll maintained...more likely a mechanical failure
Algiers doesn’t recognized it and that what counts the most.Russia has changed its position since last visit of her Foreign Minister

Russia cannot legally recognize a government such as GNA that has links to Hamas given the fact Russia is the first country that banned Muslim Brotherhood shortly after the Chechen war. This is why Russia recognizes the Tobruk government as the legit government in Libya.

Oh, and @Vergennes , I guess we all know which Rafales were the ones that came in undetected and destroyed the turkey hawk batteries in an amazing show of stealth and penetration and perfect destruction without a single loss and return to bass safely”

oh boy..this PDF must be delirious..Egypt has already lost two Rafales trying to fly them.The last one lost , was the day Macron came to visit Egypt! The Egyptians know well they haven’t done it, the Rafale is limited in range, added to that the lack of pilot’s experience for that kind of missions. The ones who destroyed the hawk batteries around El Watiya Air Force base are known.at least to the Turks .and was conducted , as a warning , not for a purpose to destroy the base..The Turks took the hit and complied to a request that was irritating to the party behind the attack...Egypt understood too, that crossing the Lybia border was not a smart thing to do and not to her best interest...

Oh, and @Vergennes , I guess we all know which Rafales were the ones that came in undetected and destroyed the turkey hawk batteries in an amazing show of stealth and penetration and perfect destruction without a single loss and return to bass safely”

oh boy..this PDF must be delirious..Egypt has already lost two Rafales trying to fly them.The last one lost , was the day Macron came to visit Egypt! The Egyptians know well they haven’t done it, the Rafale is limited in range, added to that the lack of pilot’s experience for that kind of missions. The ones who destroyed the hawk batteries around El Watiya Air Force base are known.at least to the Turks .and was conducted , as a warning , not for a purpose to destroy the base..The Turks took the hit and complied to a request that was irritating to the party behind the attack...Egypt understood too, that crossing the Lybia border was not a smart thing to do and not to her best interest...

Rafale has Spectra EW that can easily fool vintage Hawk radar. On top of that, Rafale stationed at Jufra airbase certainly has the range to destroy Hawk at Watiya. SCALP stand off weapon can destroy Hawk before Hawk can know it's coming.
What did these stupid Arabs get for turnig against there state. Hadith clearly say one fitna will be worst than the last one. So they traded in Gaddafi for complete breakdown of the state. Now the Lebanese are wanting the same thing.
Oh, and @Vergennes , I guess we all know which Rafales were the ones that came in undetected and destroyed the turkey hawk batteries in an amazing show of stealth and penetration and perfect destruction without a single loss and return to bass safely”

even old F-4s can destroy HAWK ADs and can return to base safely ...... because of armed with 280km SOM Cruise Missile

They attacked on HAWK Air Defense System from 100 km away safe distance and HAWK System has range of only 45-50 km

Turkiye deployed KORKUT 35mm SPAAGs with airburst ammunition and HISAR-O Air Defense Systems in Al Watiya Base to intercept Cruise Missiles

and if needed , Turkish F-16s will hunt MIG-29s and SU-24s in Libya to protect balance of power between GNA and LNA

Turkish Armed Forces will show full of power to destroy LNA , WAGNER and mercenaries from Syria,Sudan,Yemen,etc

Daydreamer Russia will get her lesson in Libya as like We gave a lesson to daydreamer the US-France in Syria
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oh boy..this PDF must be delirious..

LOL! Look who's talking about delirium! :lol: The guy who didn't have the guts to actually quote me and who obviously didn't even read the entire quote!

It had nothing to do with Egyptian Rafales, but the French ones. Learn to read the entire quote and make a better effort to understand.

Egypt has already lost two Rafales trying to fly them.

lol, even the French are refuting a single Rafale crash while in Egypt they've resigned to one of the 2-seaters crashing and one pilot surviving and the other dying and here you are pushing a false narrative of 2 Rafales!! lol. Oh yeah, I saw another delusional post from you claiming the EAF also lost 2 MiG-35s LOLOL! Oh boy....
still dreaming about puppet SISI's weak Egypt who can not produce even Cruise Missile

christian France bombed Libya in 2011 to still oil reserves from Libyan People
and now christian Russia is in in Sirte-Jufra line to control oil fields

puppet SISI's weak Egypt can be a pawn for chritian interests .... nothing else

you ignorant joker

Libya should pay $15 billion to Turkish Construction Campanies which built many projects in Libya during QADDAFI period

regional super power Turkiye fight France+Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean
regional super power Turkiye fight Russia+Iran+ASSAD+Hezbolllah in Idlib/Syria

and regional super power Turkiye saved GNA from HAFTAR+Russia+France+Egypt^+The Uae in Libya

on the other hand pathetic Egyptian Army can not match with even less than 1.000 ISIS terrorists in Sinai

Since three months , Erdogan said GNA will take Sirte and Jufra but after the Egyptian red line , he can't move one inch to the east . Red line is a declaration of war if you don't know ,but what the puppet Erdogan did after that ? nothing ,even his air defences were destroyed and he did nothing .Haftar made many strikes on GNA and he did nothing , Russia killed his soldiers in Syria but he sent some drones to kill pathetic Syrian soldiers . Israel killed 10 Turkish citizens in 2010 but Erdogan did nothing hahahaha he can't fire even one bullet on Israel .

Egyptian Army will completely destroy any forces if moved to the east one inch ,it doesn't matter if you said it's weak army or not because you have to move through the red line first and then you can prove it's "weakness ":p: . And it's good to steal more from Libya coz the people there will always remember that and will kick everyone of the Erdogan's puppets there.
Egyptian Army will completely destroy any forces if moved to the east one inch ,it doesn't matter if you said it's weak army or not because you have to move through the red line first and then you can prove it's "weakness ":p: . And it's good to steal more from Libya coz the people there will always remember that and will kick everyone of the Erdogan's puppets there.
They can hold either or both for 2 days IMO, since any ground intervention would need mobilization hundred of kilometers into Libya. Egypt can inflict losses though the Air Force but would need to wait for the first of Armoured Divisions to repel the GNA on ground.
Erdogan said GNA will take Sirte
Didn’t he claim to have captured Sirte? I think so.
F-16 is good but it's not match against Russian Su-57 which will soon be deployed to Jufra airbase.
Huge doubt, they can be lost in an attack/offensive from the West and they can be accessed by third parties easily.
It had nothing to do with Egyptian Rafales, but the French ones. Learn to read the entire quote and make a better effort to understand.
Unless the GNA shares it’s intel it could be anyone, or maybe we would read about the airstrike in a book 10 years from now.
lol, even the French are refuting a single Rafale crash while in Egypt they've resigned to one of the 2-seaters crashing and one pilot surviving and the other dying and here you are pushing a false narrative of 2 Rafales!!
We can confirm that an F-22 was lost while flying over the Red Sea :p:.
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