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Featured GNA has just announced a ceasefire in Libya .

Egypt Rafales are armed with Meteor range 100+ km. Furthermore, Egypt Rafale at Jufra airbase are complemented by Russian air force Su-35 armed with 100+ km range R-77-1 and Greek / UAE air force F-16 Block 60 armed with AIM-120C7, all of which are superior to Turkish air force F-16 Block 50. Furthermore, US imposed arms embargo on Turkey for being hostile to Israel. That means no F-16 upgrade for Turkey's F-16 Block 50 bought in the 90s.

Turkish f16 are all upgraded to block50+, next level upgrade will be Turkish package. :p:


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Egypt Rafales are armed with Meteor range 100+ km. Furthermore, Egypt Rafale at Jufra airbase are complemented by Russian air force Su-35 armed with 100+ km range R-77-1 and Greek / UAE air force F-16 Block 60 armed with AIM-120C7, all of which are superior to Turkish air force F-16 Block 50. Furthermore, US imposed arms embargo on Turkey for being hostile to Israel. That means no F-16 upgrade for Turkey's F-16 Block 50 bought in the 90s.

maybe in your dreams

1) Egyptian Rafales lacks METEOR and SCALP Missiles ...... btw only a few hours and no more Jet hangars and Fighter Jets in Sidi Barrani Air Base in Egypt

2) Turkish F-16s can use Boeing E-7T AEWC's 600km Radar to detect F-16 block60 or Rafale and to fire 120km AIM-120C7 networked air to air missile via link-16 data link for BVR combat

3) wake up !
between 2011 and 2015 Turkiye modernized 163 F-16s with modern Systems and Missiles for $3,9 billion

Link-16 System
National IFF System
Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suite (SPEWS II)
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG)
Modular Mission Computer
Advanced interrogator/transponder
Integrated precision navigation
LCD Color MFDs
Improved AVTR System
Multifunctional Information Distribution System
High speed Anti-Radar Missile Targeting System
ASELPOD Targeting Pod

and most modern weapons

-- AIM-9x sidewinder
-- AIM-120C7
-- AGM-88 HARM
-- AGM-154 JSOW
-- 110 km KGK guided Bomb
-- 250+ km SOM Cruise Missile ( land attack/anti ship capabilities )

now Turkish Airforce has 163 of CCIP modernized F-16 block52 standart with Boeing E-7T AEWC and AIM-120C7 air to air missiles can match with Emirati F-16 block60 , Egyptian SU-35 and Rafale in BVR combat

also 29 F-16 block50+ entered service between 2011 and 2012

and in a few yars Turkish CCIP modernized F-16s will have also 4,5 gen capability with Aselsan GaN based AESA Radar

AESA is very complex. Turkey don't have know how to make AESA.

if you are so ignorant or liar its your problem

do you know what about Turkish giant defense company ASELSAN which is one of the best in the World ?

Aselsan GaN based AESA Radars

450 km Aselsan CAFRAD Naval AESA Radar for TF-2000 class Destroyer project ( Turkish GABYA Frigate tested CAFRAD Radar in 2018 to fire ESSM )

600 km Aselsan AESA Radar for SIPER high altitude Air Defense System

and Aselsan Airborne AESA Radars for F-16s , the TFX Fighter Jet project also AKINCI and MIUS UCAVs

Turkish giant defense company ASELSAN AESA radar could eventually compete with systems such as Northrop Grumman's APG-83 Scalable Agile Beam Radar

also Turkiye has developed 65km GOKDOGAN air to air missile ..
and now Turkiye develops RAMJET powered long range networked air to air missile AKDOGAN ( similar to METEOR ) to carry by F-16s for BVR combat

and Thanks to network centric warfare capability of the Turkish Airforce .....
4 Boeing E-7T AEWC with 600km MESA Radar and in a few years , 600km EIRS early warning AESA Radars will be in service

also great Electronic Warfare capabilities with Turkish KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare Systems , MEHPOD and EHPOD Jamming Pods ..... and by 2023 HAVASOJ airborne stand off Jammer Aircraft
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How or why did we lose a second Rafale? And what is it does the EAF miss precisely?
the fist one just after being delivered and the second the day Macron came to Egypt..Egypt lost 2 Migs 29 M2 , what Egyptians call Mig 35...

Nope we do have at least 50 SCALP missiles, I don’t have a ‘photo’ because simply the EAF doesn’t have public photographers.
I doubt it...Israel won’t let the French deliver a weapon that can change the balance of power...The EAF publish a lot of thing they don’t have...Younhavejust to see what it’s published in this forum by well known PDF’s dreamers.
Daydreamers keep dreaming dream is free

we have seen the US and France in Syria .... ROJOVA is dead
nobody can steal oil/gas reserves and MAVI VATAN ( Blue homeland ) from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkiye is not Iraq or Syria or Libya or Algeria ...... and Turks are not pathetic Arabs
If they are dreamers in PDF, you are one of them..at least ..Turkey is just a troublion in the area , like Israel..you can’t fight Egypt in Lybia or in eastern Med, just as you can’t fight the Greeks..Lybia is a tall order for Turkey...You venture will never be military in nature, but commercial...That is reality pal!
the fist one just after being delivered and the second the day Macron came to Egypt..Egypt lost 2 Migs 29 M2 , what Egyptians call Mig 35...
Sources? We’ve only confirmed a loss of a Rafale and one MiG-29M2, for pilot error and mechanical failure respectively.
If they are dreamers in PDF, you are one of them..at least ..Turkey is just a troublion in the area , like Israel..you can’t fight Egypt in Lybia or in eastern Med, just as you can’t fight the Greeks..Lybia is a tall order for Turkey...You venture will never be military in nature, but commercial...That is reality pal!

Daydreamers are still dreaming ......

1) Turkiye blocked the US+France and their PKK/YPG Terrorists in Syria
2) Turkiye blocked Russia+Iran+ASSAD+Hezbollah in Idlib/Syria
3) Turkiye blocked Italian,French,American and Israeli drilling Ships in the Eastern Mediterranean

what about poor weak puppet Egypt and Greece who are nothing without the US or the EU or Russia ?
We dont care about puppet Greece and Egypt

now Turkish Army is in Libya , not Egyptian Army who can not match with eveenn less than 1.000 ISIS terrorists in Sinai
and Turkish Armed Forces fought and won in Iraq,Syria ,Libya .....
Turkiye , Qatar and GNA kicked HAFTAR+WAGNER+France+Egypt+The Uae combined in Libya

a few weeks ago Turkiye , Qatar agreed with Libya to set up Air and Naval Bases in Libya ..
and nobody can stop Turkiye-Qatar in Libya ... ( When mega Turkish Military projects enter service step by step in the next 10 years , then we will see what will happen with pathetic puppet Greece-Egypt and The Uae )

even today Turkiye has enough military power to protect its rights against bandit countries and their puppets

now Turkish Armed Forces are in Iraq,Syria,Northen Cyprus,Azerbaijan,Qatar,Somalia,Libya and Eastern Mediterranean also soon in Niger ..... That is reality

btw The US-The UK-France-Israel and their puppet Arab Dictators SISI , HAFTAR , MBS and MBZ are just troublion in the region who destroyed Iraq,Syria,Libya ....... who is the next ? Palestine or Lebanon or Tunusia or Algeria ? wait for your turn

since 2013 Turks are fighting all of them to protect their rights in the Eastern Mediterranean and to protect Turkiye's territorial integrity


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Daydreamers are still dreaming ......

1) Turkiye blocked the US+France and their PKK/YPG Terrorists in Syria
2) Turkiye blocked Russia+Iran+ASSAD+Hezbollah in Idlib/Syria
3) Turkiye blocked Italian,French,American and Israeli drilling Ships in the Eastern Mediterranean

what about poor weak puppet Egypt and Greece who are nothing without the US or the EU or Russia ?
We dont care about puppet Greece and Egypt

now Turkish Army is in Libya , not Egyptian Army who can not match with eveenn less than 1.000 ISIS terrorists in Sinai
and Turkish Armed Forces fought and won in Iraq,Syria ,Libya .....
Turkiye , Qatar and GNA kicked HAFTAR+WAGNER+France+Egypt+The Uae combined in Libya

a few weeks ago Turkiye , Qatar agreed with Libya to set up Air and Naval Bases in Libya ..
and nobody can stop Turkiye-Qatar in Libya ... ( When mega Turkish Military projects enter service step by step in the next 10 years , then we will see what will happen with pathetic puppet Greece-Egypt and The Uae )
View attachment 669659

even today Turkiye has enough military power to protect its rights against bandit countries and their puppets

now Turkish Armed Forces are in Iraq,Syria,Northen Cyprus,Azerbaijan,Qatar,Somalia,Libya and Eastern Mediterranean also soon in Niger ..... That is reality

btw The US-The UK-France-Israel and their puppet Arab Dictators SISI , HAFTAR , MBS and MBZ are just troublion in the region who destroyed Iraq,Syria,Libya ....... who is the next ? Palestine or Lebanon or Tunusia or Algeria ? wait for your turn

since 2013 Turks are fighting all of them to protect their rights in the Eastern Mediterranean and to protect Turkiye's territorial integrity
Bullshit....Keep living in the past...There is a talk that Greece may take Turkey place in NATO..without NATO, Turkey will join the ranks of the middle eastern countries...a future fail state..
Bullshit....Keep living in the past...There is a talk that Greece may take Turkey place in NATO..without NATO, Turkey will join the ranks of the middle eastern countries...a future fail state..

in the past ? I am not talking about 50 or 100 years ago

I am talking about 3 Turkish Military operations in Syria between 2016 and 2020 .. and still Turkish Forces in Syria
and Turkiye -Qatar - GNA kicked HAFTAR+WAGNER+France+Egypt+The Uae combined in Libya by 2019-2020 and still Turkish Forces in Libya

also and still Turkish Forces in Iraq and Turkish Republic of Northen Cyprus , Qatar and Somalia

also a few weeks ago Turkish Navy blocked Hellenic-French Navies and Turkish F-16 Fighter Jets intercepted 6 Greek F-16s over the Eastern Mediterranean

and only ignorant little boys can say that Greece may take Turkey place in NATO

Turkiye is the most important strategic country in NATO

Looking at the map is enough to see Turkey’s importance: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

-- Turkiye control Bosphorus which is only gateway to the Black Sea for NATO/The US against Russia
-- Turkish KURECIK Radar Base host American AN/TPY2 Radar for NATO's Air Defense against Russian and Iranian Ballistic Missiles to protect Europe .. even Israel

-- Turkish Army is the 2nd strongest Army in NATO after the US Army and 84 million Turkiye can block Russian invasion to protect South Eastern Europe

-- Turkish INCIRLIK Air Base host B-61 Nuclear Bombs against Russia and Iran
-- Turkish INCIRLIK Air Base is one of top 5 American Base in the World to fight Russia , Iran , ISIS in Iraq , Syria and in the Middle East

-- Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) is the standing headquarters for NATO land forces when directed by the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, it provides the core of the headquarters responsible for the conduct of land operations. The command is based at İzmir in Turkiye

-- Turkiye block Terror organizations and refugees to enter Europe from the Middle East

so if the US/NATO lose Turkiye then Russia and China may have military Bases in Turkiye that means bye bye The US/NATO in the Middle East and in the Eastern Mediterranean and in the Black Sea

btw what about NATO for Turkiye ?

Turks fought NATO Countries and their terrorists PKK/YPG , FETO since 2013 not to be fail state and Turkiye won
and without NATO , The TURKS ruled all Middle East , N.Africa and all Balkans for centuries ...

Turkiye is not rootless Arab Country .... Turks and Europeans wrote the history in Europe , Anatolia , N.Africa and Middle East in the last 1.000 years

and now , Turkiye has more military projects than Israel+Greece+Bulgaria+Romania+Egypt+S.Arabia+The Uae+Bahreyn+Jordan+Algeria+Tunusia+Iraq+Syria+all Arab Countries combined

and Turkiye is only industrialized economic power house in the region .. ( Turkiye has bigger GDP PPP than Israel+Egypt+Greece combined )

and Turks have 2229 years great state - military tradition since 209 BC

and great Turkish soft power from Bosnia to Indonesia from N.Africa to Balkans and from Somalia to Pakistan-Afghanistan and from Turkic Peoples in Russia to Central Asia and East Turkestan/China

in the next 15-20 years Turks again will be global power but Arabs and Greeks will remain as puppets

better you think about useless puppet Arab Countries and Greece which are nothing without the US or the EU or Russia
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maybe in your dreams

1) Egyptian Rafales lacks METEOR and SCALP Missiles ...... btw only a few hours and no more Jet hangars and Fighter Jets in Sidi Barrani Air Base in Egypt

2) Turkish F-16s can use Boeing E-7T AEWC's 600km Radar to detect F-16 block60 or Rafale and to fire 120km AIM-120C7 networked air to air missile via link-16 data link for BVR combat

3) wake up !
between 2011 and 2015 Turkiye modernized 163 F-16s with modern Systems and Missiles for $3,9 billion

Link-16 System
National IFF System
Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suite (SPEWS II)
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG)
Modular Mission Computer
Advanced interrogator/transponder
Integrated precision navigation
LCD Color MFDs
Improved AVTR System
Multifunctional Information Distribution System
High speed Anti-Radar Missile Targeting System
ASELPOD Targeting Pod

and most modern weapons

-- AIM-9x sidewinder
-- AIM-120C7
-- AGM-88 HARM
-- AGM-154 JSOW
-- 110 km KGK guided Bomb
-- 250+ km SOM Cruise Missile ( land attack/anti ship capabilities )

now Turkish Airforce has 163 of CCIP modernized F-16 block52 standart with Boeing E-7T AEWC and AIM-120C7 air to air missiles can match with Emirati F-16 block60 , Egyptian SU-35 and Rafale in BVR combat

also 29 F-16 block50+ entered service between 2011 and 2012

and in a few yars Turkish CCIP modernized F-16s will have also 4,5 gen capability with Aselsan GaN based AESA Radar

if you are so ignorant or liar its your problem

do you know what about Turkish giant defense company ASELSAN which is one of the best in the World ?

Aselsan GaN based AESA Radars

450 km Aselsan CAFRAD Naval AESA Radar for TF-2000 class Destroyer project ( Turkish GABYA Frigate tested CAFRAD Radar in 2018 to fire ESSM )

600 km Aselsan AESA Radar for SIPER high altitude Air Defense System

and Aselsan Airborne AESA Radars for F-16s , the TFX Fighter Jet project also AKINCI and MIUS UCAVs

Turkish giant defense company ASELSAN AESA radar could eventually compete with systems such as Northrop Grumman's APG-83 Scalable Agile Beam Radar
View attachment 668956

also Turkiye has developed 65km GOKDOGAN air to air missile ..
and now Turkiye develops RAMJET powered long range networked air to air missile AKDOGAN ( similar to METEOR ) to carry by F-16s for BVR combat

and Thanks to network centric warfare capability of the Turkish Airforce .....
4 Boeing E-7T AEWC with 600km MESA Radar and in a few years , 600km EIRS early warning AESA Radars will be in service

also great Electronic Warfare capabilities with Turkish KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare Systems , MEHPOD and EHPOD Jamming Pods ..... and by 2023 HAVASOJ airborne stand off Jammer Aircraft

Turkey's AESA is a mockup. Just like India's Kaveri turbofan. Turkey don't have know how to make AESA.
-- Turkiye control Bosphorus which is only gateway to the Black Sea for NATO/The US against Russia

Russia don't need Bosporos. Russia got ports in the Baltic, Pacific. Bosporos is only cherry on top of cake. It's not necessary. Nor will Turkey fight Russia for Bosporos.
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