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Global protests against regime change in Pakistan

US, Pakistanis, Indians, etc all have short memory. The art is to keep it alive. A good journalist never let it story die and a politician his issue/stance die. IK is fighter and he repeats a lot. It may work. People still cry on Hz Hussain RA shahadat.
Don't worry this issue is not going to die. Today's protests were all spontaneous wait when IK gives the official call.
My estimate is if it goes on like this for another 2 to 3 days, a core commander conference will be called a few people will be forcefully retired and the date of fresh elections will be announced, the damage of reputation army is taking is unprecedented and they cannot blindly follow COAS who is already serving on extension, they will have to put an end to it to save the rest.
If establishment takes out Imran tonight the game is over then?

Imran is only a vassal or meme of the awam. People are pissed because they don’t want to be taken for a ride any longer by establishment and their kanjar political thugs. No more robbing, looting, and sucking of blood will be tolerated. If establishment touches Imran they will have dug their grave. This is not about Imran but about Pakistan. That’s why even non supporters of Imran are upset and siding with him.

Say no to slavery. Say no corrupt dynastic politicians. Say no to compromised Generals of PA.

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