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Global protests against regime change in Pakistan

Exactly, like one of those Lotas who switched sides was asked, how will you face the people in streets?.... He very convincingly said, the Pakistanis have a short memory, they will soon forget.
US, Pakistanis, Indians, etc all have short memory. The art is to keep it alive. A good journalist never let it story die and a politician his issue/stance die. IK is fighter and he repeats a lot. It may work. People still cry on Hz Hussain RA shahadat.
I don't know if the protests will matter or not, but pulling your money definitely will

32 billion diaspora Pakistani send to Pakistan, start pulling that and then watch them squirm

This is precisely what I was saying before, overseas Pakistanis should stop sending money, the establishment needs to be a taught a lesson on this treacherous act.
Karachi never left Khan. They are 200 times more understanding than the jahils of Lahore. They know IK can't do much for them. 18th amendment in essence was breaking of the country.
Naa.. I am from Karachi.. PTI support diminished.. However, they couldn't accept foreign invasion.. Same for Lahore and other cities.. but I am focusing on Karachi as it was completely neglected due to, as you pointed out, 18th amendment.
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