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Global concerns over Islamic forces gaining ground in Bangladesh

See...you know it too. As a Baloch, deep down you also desire your land to be Rakhine again...but this is a Pakistani forum...so you have to keep pretending...I feel you, dude. No worries....Rakhine state in Baluchistan is almost a reality....just wait a bit. :smitten:
Sure, I got nothing but sympathy for rohingya..

Unlike cocksmokers likes yourself .. who have none for their own kin..
Keep b!tching.
Deep down you guys known days of Baluchistan as a part of Pakistan is numbered. Baluchistan will become Rakhine again.

Shorty, how dumb can you possibly be, seriously,,,
Rohigyas are in your hometown Chittagong, a place where you don't bother to live, MM doesn't want them, BD doesn't want Rohingyas, they are reluctant to go back to MM, BD doesn't allow them free movement, they are stuck there now, probably forever,,, what do you think is gonna happen once they start to fight in Chittagong!

(Don't QUOTE or tag me again if you have nothing intelligent to say)

Rakhine Baloch....just a few drone strikes away.....You dream will surely come true...:victory1:
Bhangi cheerleading for drone strikes..:lol:

Meanwhile his sisters n mothers are exploited and killed by a country like India and all he can do is wank with his tears;


Shorty, how dumb can you possibly be, seriously,,,
Rohigyas are in your hometown Chittagong, a place where you don't bother to live, MM doesn't want them, BD doesn't want Rohingyas, they are reluctant to go back to MM, BD doesn't allow them free movement, they are stuck there now, probably forever,,, what do you think is gonna happen once they start to fight in Chittagong!

(Don't QUOTE or tag me again if you have nothing intelligent to say)
Rohingyas are being exploited and sold into prostitution by these people ..

They either buy them or marry them and than pimp them as pros.

Pathetic people.

Free Baluchistan from al-Ba....sorry Pakistan...and make it Rakhine again.
And oh beware of Pak missiles.

The Pakistani made KRL-122 MLRS that you use might be patriotic and fire up your hole.

Shorty, how dumb can you possibly be, seriously,,,
Rohigyas are in your hometown Chittagong, a place where you don't bother to live, MM doesn't want them, BD doesn't want Rohingyas, they are reluctant to go back to MM, BD doesn't allow them free movement, they are stuck there now, probably forever,,, what do you think is gonna happen once they start to fight in Chittagong!

(Don't QUOTE or tag me again if you have nothing intelligent to say)
The irony.. buys weapons from Pak... eats India n myanmari dicks.

And cheerleads for US strikes against Taliban..


Rakhine Baloch....just a few drone strikes away.....You dream will surely come true...:victory1:
Now I know why even indians mock and abuse you clowns on this forum...

And why people here in Karachi hate Bangladeshis.. and call them dirty names..

Or why even Gulf hates you.
With the help of mighty America and India, Baluchistan will become Rakhine. Inshallah.:partay:

Baloch Activists Thank Modi, 'Mother India' for Support
Pakistan: BLF chief Baloch says Indian help 'welcome'
India should help Balochistan struggle, says Pakistani rebel chief

Good for baloch people. Pak establishment is doing the same to baloch people what they did to ppl from East bengal before 71. Its only a matter of time before it gets separated.

My sympathy to those people from balochistan who r fighting for their freedom.
Stay strong. Ur wish will be fulfilled one day.
With the help of mighty America and India, Baluchistan will become Rakhine. Inshallah.:partay:

Baloch Activists Thank Modi, 'Mother India' for Support
Pakistan: BLF chief Baloch says Indian help 'welcome'
India should help Balochistan struggle, says Pakistani rebel chief

By reading the links, I have started to think India is already inside Pakistan doing some grand work to dismantle that country from within. I wonder, why the GoP does not look after the interest of Baluch people and give them their due share? I can remember east Pakistan before 1971.
Sure, I got nothing but sympathy for rohingya..

Unlike cocksmokers likes yourself .. who have none for their own kin..

Bud they are just having you on for the most part. They don't really know what they are or what they want, they are a deluded bunch of scatterbrains.

Here is just one of these loving on Pakistan when its convenient:

China and the Muslim world including Pakistan are our only dependable ally.


And now its braying from its feelz for Baluchistan to be broken away etc. This thing is apparently a doctor too it claims (and one of many that does atrocious job on keeping BD patients inside BD because its busy braying here instead), so yeah you can get a fair idea how even their "best" turn out like.

Really it is their total lack to commit to some position consistently (i.e logic and fact rather than whatever feel they want at the time) that turned me against them over time here. Really poor show by this lot, and then they wonder why they get dumped on by everyone that comes across them. Emotional, ignorant crappy brats (no real father figure for them in their life it increasingly looks like), thats why you should not trust a thing (claim on development, or whatever moral fake feelz blah) that comes out of this sewer. They are failed people, that should only be ridiculed when not being ignored.

@Ocean @django @Desert Fox
Bud they are just having you on for the most part. They don't really know what they are or what they want, they are a deluded bunch of scatterbrains.

Here is just one of these loving on Pakistan when its convenient:

Yeah and that comment is by poster whose old nick was doyalbaba ,now homo sap.... and this is the guy who has posted most nastiest and vilest comments on pakistan on this forum.

The day they want support from pakistan , pakistan becomes ally , the day they want from india , india becomes ally and same goes for other countries, then the very next day same bang deshis are sitting over here bashing same countries. And i am sure u must be aware that the country these ungrateful bang bang deshis bash the most is pakistan and guess what ? they do all of it while sitting on a Pakistani forum.

And regarding china being an ally just some days back these same bangos were absuing chinese over rohingya issue and holding it responsible for rohingya genocide.

As of paksitan being his dependeable alliy then he can fcuk himself for all we care.

Issue with bangdesh is that no matter who supports them, no matter which country in the world is approached by them for support, once they have recieved the favor ,right next moment they turn back and stab in back of those they had just helped them out.
Indian and Pakistani members ganging up on Bangladeshi members.
Now I have seen everything.:partay:
Shouldn't Bangladeshis be more concerned about Indian BSF gunning down poor Bangladeshi farmers at their borders? What's Balochestan got to do with Bangladesh or even Mayanmar? Biggest catch sits in an undisclosed location of Pakistan by the name of Kalboshan Yadev. He tried to stire up trouble and was hunted down and caught. Regarding drone strikes, wasn't there a recent strike in AFG that killed dozens of children during their religious graduation ceremony? This will only further infuriate Afghan Taliban who will seek revenge from the Afghan government, US and their Indian allies. It must have hurt you when a recent Baloch nationalist gave up his terrorist demands of independence in Russia and joined forces with his country Pakistan to denounce Indian funded tribal warlords. The very same tribal war lords such as Bramdag and Marri today live in lavish palaces of India after being denied citizenship from Switserland. Their same tribesmen and clansmen have been ashamed and humiliated to openly admit their tribal leaders who sit and dine with Modi while they fight for a worthless cause and roam the Barron hills like stateless Gypises. Today many are joining hands with Pakistan after their utter disgust and disappointment by the behaviour of their own tribal elders.
Yeah and that comment is by poster whose old nick was doyalbaba ,now homo sap.... and this is the guy who has posted most nastiest and vilest comments on pakistan on this forum.

The day they want support from pakistan , pakistan becomes ally , the day they want from india , india becomes ally and same goes for other countries, then the very next day same bang deshis are sitting over here bashing same countries. And i am sure u must be aware that the country these ungrateful bang bang deshis bash the most is pakistan and guess what ? they do all of it while sitting on a Pakistani forum.

And regarding china being an ally just some days back these same bangos were absuing chinese over rohingya issue and holding it responsible for rohingya genocide.

As of paksitan being his dependeable alliy then he can fcuk himself for all we care.

Issue with bangdesh is that no matter who supports them, no matter which country in the world is approached by them for support, once they have recieved the favor ,right next moment they turn back and stab in back of those they had just helped them out.

Indian and Pakistani members ganging up on Bangladeshi members.
Now I have seen everything.:partay:

You see the big problem is these BeeDee people will one day say there are 0 illegals from their side in India, and other days they are celebrating it like their biggest accomplishment:


As much as Pakistan is our adversary, I respect that they have a clear defined position largely w.r.t India....and the feeling is mutual to large degree from their side (among the solid core of their membership here and also in real life).

When there is such a position, there can be productive conversation (if we feel like conversing on it in first place). The people that fundamentally understand this will also end up hating those that cannot produce a consistent position for themselves but brazenly contradict all their multitude of "positions" depending on what time of the month it is and whether they had their twink period yet. This is why a good chunk of Indians and Pakistanis, as adversial as they are to each other, totally hate the Bangladeshi feelz sheeple on this forum, which seem to have become an ever increasing % of their membership (The balanced consistent ones have largely been pushed away by this Hagseena/1971/BAL feelz mob).

BeeDees here have a structure roughly equivalent to the entropy of what a delta swamp full of all the assortment of flotsam and jetsam is. One only need to look to their "capital" "city" to get a full on idea of what this is. The lucky ones have escaped it all (and some are really good friends of mine in real life), but largely are not to be found here....they can't stand the smell of their compatriots that so openly bathe in the sewage they create.

@django @El Sidd @Ocean @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Areesh
You see the big problem is these BeeDee people will one day say there are 0 illegals from their side in India, and other days they are celebrating it like their biggest accomplishment:


As much as Pakistan is our adversary, I respect that they have a clear defined position largely w.r.t India....and the feeling is mutual to large degree from their side (among the solid core of their membership here and also in real life).

When there is such a position, there can be productive conversation (if we feel like conversing on it in first place). The people that fundamentally understand this will also end up hating those that cannot produce a consistent position for themselves but brazenly contradict all their multitude of "positions" depending on what time of the month it is and whether they had their twink period yet. This is why a good chunk of Indians and Pakistanis, as adversial as they are to each other, totally hate the Bangladeshi feelz sheeple on this forum, which seem to have become an ever increasing % of their membership (The balanced consistent ones have largely been pushed away by this Hagseena/1971/BAL feelz mob).

BeeDees here have a structure roughly equivalent to the entropy of what a delta swamp full of all the assortment of flotsam and jetsam is. One only need to look to their "capital" "city" to get a full on idea of what this is. The lucky ones have escaped it all (and some are really good friends of mine in real life), but largely are not to be found here....they can't stand the smell of their compatriots that so openly bathe in the sewage they create.

@django @El Sidd @Ocean @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Areesh
Well said.

The people that fundamentally understand this will also end up hating those that cannot produce a consistent position for themselves but brazenly contradict all their multitude of "positions" depending on what time of the month it is
People like that are decievers and cannot be trusted. You cannot have a honest discussion or compromise with them. One can either ignore them or put them in their place.
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You see the big problem is these BeeDee people will one day say there are 0 illegals from their side in India, and other days they are celebrating it like their biggest accomplishment:


As much as Pakistan is our adversary, I respect that they have a clear defined position largely w.r.t India....and the feeling is mutual to large degree from their side (among the solid core of their membership here and also in real life).

When there is such a position, there can be productive conversation (if we feel like conversing on it in first place). The people that fundamentally understand this will also end up hating those that cannot produce a consistent position for themselves but brazenly contradict all their multitude of "positions" depending on what time of the month it is and whether they had their twink period yet. This is why a good chunk of Indians and Pakistanis, as adversial as they are to each other, totally hate the Bangladeshi feelz sheeple on this forum, which seem to have become an ever increasing % of their membership (The balanced consistent ones have largely been pushed away by this Hagseena/1971/BAL feelz mob).

BeeDees here have a structure roughly equivalent to the entropy of what a delta swamp full of all the assortment of flotsam and jetsam is. One only need to look to their "capital" "city" to get a full on idea of what this is. The lucky ones have escaped it all (and some are really good friends of mine in real life), but largely are not to be found here....they can't stand the smell of their compatriots that so openly bathe in the sewage they create.

@django @El Sidd @Ocean @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Areesh
Totally concur yaar.Kudos

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