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Global concerns over Islamic forces gaining ground in Bangladesh

Federation of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Provinve Rakhine.

Location. Between bangladesh and myanmar.

Dhoti phategi. Mulk banega
Nah....Drone strikes to be conducted in Baluchistan to make it Rakhine again. Make Baluchistan Rakhine Again #MBRA
falls news,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BD is next supa powaer .............. lols:blah::blah::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Time to kick all 1.8Million of them ,,,,,,,,,,, send them all to BD , just learn something from Myanmar ......... and wall on Afghan border,,,,,,,,,,,, thanks to Trump Great idea :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Federation of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Provinve Rakhine.

Location. Between bangladesh and myanmar.

Dhoti phategi. Mulk banega

Short Nancy boy and his lame comebacks are as stupid as saying an independent Chechnya is gonna emerge from South India or Saudi Arabia :lol:
Rakhine state in Baluch land will be a reality....BD is drowning so no chance of a Rakhone state there. Baluchistan will do.

Drones are cumming, my boy. Prepare your anus.

That's exactly why the great Rakhine State shall be located in present day geographical boundary of Pakistan.
Before that BSF might come n fuk you up.. much like your countrymen that are killed like rats.. or your kin in mayanmar..

All while you jump like a umpa lumpa fish fk.

Nah....Drone strikes to be conducted in Baluchistan to make it Rakhine again. Make Baluchistan Rakhine Again #MBRA
Balochistan Rakhine? Says a bangali.

Niga Makranis eat fish bigger than you midgets.

Go cry bout 71 rapes now.
Again? Hilsa effects
Before that BSF might come n fuk you up.. much like your countrymen that are killed like rats.. or your kin in mayanmar..

All while you jump like a umpa lumpa fish fk.

Balochistan Rakhine? Says a bangali.

Niga Makranis eat fish bigger than you midgets.

Go cry bout 71 rapes now.

Short Nancy boy and his lame comebacks are as stupid as saying an independent Chechnya is gonna emerge from South India or Saudi Arabia :lol:
Keep b!tching.
Deep down you guys known days of Baluchistan as a part of Pakistan is numbered. Baluchistan will become Rakhine again.
Yeah sure.
As a Baloch... I’m laughing at the kangla oops Bangladeshi bhangis lame comeback۔
See...you know it too. As a Baloch, deep down you also desire your land to be Rakhine again...but this is a Pakistani forum...so you have to keep pretending...I feel you, dude. No worries....Rakhine state in Baluchistan is almost a reality....just wait a bit. :smitten:

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