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Give Pervez Musharraf Support

I can understand..but whatever is happening in Pakistan is having repercursions in INDIA..right ? what we dream is a stable, well fed, educated Pakistan not a place whr lots of brainwashed street BELTED urchins ready to blow themselves up to kill innocents getting crossing over to India and doing "kasab's" and Pakistan is also a Nuke state..remember that it has GREAT international responsibility to hold those Nukes safe...so it becomes bit complicated u see..

listen buddy when some **** goes wrong then talk for heaven's sake this is Pakistan's leader thread and it has nothing to give a **** about india. I have never lost on this forum but people like you really press the button, We have many threads on this forum for you guys to butt in! where all the mods are. seriously!! lol there shoud be some rules here. If its an internal metter of Pakistan then it should be left alone with Pakistani people. WTF musharraf has to do with your country... get a life dude hahah you guys make us laugh. :pakistan:
WTF musharraf has to do with your country... get a life dude hahah you guys make us laugh. :pakistan:

Gen Mush comes here often for giving lectures ? and he gets good payment also:lol:
Therz always a bit of INDIA in every Pakistani ..who said that? ur esteemed President..
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Gen Mush comes here often for giving lectures ? and he gets good payment also:lol:
Therz always a bit of INDIA in every Pakistani ..who said that? ur esteemed President..

He also said in india tht ur state helps BLA>?
The proof of Musharraf's cowardness is his allowing USA to use Pakistan's soil against Afghanistan! I think he was not a brave General
I think the present General has far better unblemished image,
man of few words..uncontroversial ,
than Gen Mush..
The proof of Musharraf's cowardness is his allowing USA to use Pakistan's soil against Afghanistan! I think he was not a brave General

Fine what will you do when you are in his possition eh?
Allah help only those who help themselves, agar sirf dua karne se hi ye dunya chal rahi hoti to koi bhi kaam me nahi jaata.He did what was best for pakistan ,its people musharaf era was golden era.good for you criticize every leader who come in power but you know what USA is a country which have muslim population livin in it and there living condition and freedom is better than ours
I think the present General has far better unblemished image,
man of few words..uncontroversial ,
than Gen Mush..

i know why indian members are against him , he was a worst nightmare for them they cant see for economy increasing or worst our defence capabilities
Those calling Musharraf back are doing that in mere frustration as they see Zardari worse than him! whoever comes in power will first have to lick USA's feet and compromise on national security

Our national security has already been compromised by people like you who have their head stuck so far up US's *** that the only thing you see left right and center is the United States.

Look around you and learn what causes terrorism, learn how TTP came into existence and how they flourish and dam right Musharaf allowed the US to use Pakistani Bases to bomb those taliban turds in Afghanistan. Taliban mentality does not belong in any society period. I am happy for Afghanistan.. people like you is what empowers Terrorism. Don't worry though.. your numbers and dwindling
What US could do about tiny North Korea or Iran??? They believed in their own power and potential. Dignified nations do not succumb to undue pressure from biggest powers on earth. Musharraf got his forehead sweat when a single call of Armitage shivered his body! He would have resisted to the last extent. It is his actions which have led Pakistan to the catastrophic stage we are facing now. Economy no doubt was good at his time but after selling many innocent people to Guantanamo and Bagram detention centers. During his times, US aid was reaching people that was good thing for the people for the time being but nations do not depend on the price after auctioning their prestige. We have even more tough times ahead, Musharraf or Zardari or Nawaz Sharif, these are sold products and their loyalties are attached to USA. It is better not to dream for good when you see any of these vultures in power.
What US could do about tiny North Korea or Iran??? They believed in their own power and potential. Dignified nations do not succumb to undue pressure from biggest powers on earth. Musharraf got his forehead sweat when a single call of Armitage shivered his body! He would have resisted to the last extent. It is his actions which have led Pakistan to the catastrophic stage we are facing now. Economy no doubt was good at his time but after selling many innocent people to Guantanamo and Bagram detention centers. During his times, US aid was reaching people that was good thing for the people for the time being but nations do not depend on the price after auctioning their prestige. We have even more tough times ahead, Musharraf or Zardari or Nawaz Sharif, these are sold products and their loyalties are attached to USA. It is better not to dream for good when you see any of these vultures in power.

Then who in your mind will be ideal for pakistan? As far as musharraf is concern he was a millitary man a phone call is too tiny thing for him. Its not about loyalty but about keeping relation good with the time super power.As for iran and north korea there economy is drying out sanctions are too much burden to them.Iran is richest in oil recourses but still inflation is killing them. At least musharraf tried to develop this country put inflation on halt, increase pace of industries.
If you care about people sold out america then also must care about people who are sold to UAE for some horse race in which pakistanis children are tied to the camel or horse. If you care about them then also care about people who are dying because they cant feed themselves because of recent increase of prices.
Also those who are affected by recent flooding in which peoples lives are affected.
Remember 2005 earthquake there was not even a single person out on street protesting about lack of funds.How things were done during musharraf era.
well good luck with your :blah: and the mindset you have created that musharraf sold people. (this is the vary thing which makes logic to you). President of a country selling its own people.what will america do with these people and what will musharraf gain?A few bucks?dude he was president he could make buck without selling so called people. Which now a days government is doing.
What US could do about tiny North Korea or Iran??? They believed in their own power and potential.
They don't need to do anything about that joke of a regime called North Korea right now all they have to do is support South Korea which has more than enough man power and military combined with Japan to annihilate North Korea and wipe it out of the map.

US doesn't need to do anything with regards to Iran for now. Obama is not stupid, he's in fact one of the smartest presidents to come in a long while. Right now their focus is entirely on Afghanistan like it should have been in the first place which Bush messed it up by going into Iraq.

Musharraf got his forehead sweat when a single call of Armitage shivered his body
Yes as if you were sitting right next to Musharaf when Amitrage called. It's not about being afraid and sweat dripping around your forehead. When a superpower calls in after a major terrorist attack in their country you would immediately think about what consequences lie ahead for your country and how it would change the dynamic of the territory in the coming years. That in itelf is ALOT of responsibiliuty and anyone worth his salt would sweat.

Don't expect any reasonable leader to pull a Badar Munir over the phone scream Allah Akber and hang up the phone.

It is his actions which have led Pakistan to the catastrophic stage we are facing now.
No its that Wahabi dictator called Zia-ul-Haq who has literally destroyed Pakistan for the coming generations by planing seeds of ****** Assholes who are now killing OUR country men. His skewed Islamic ideology was not only a disgrace for this country because of him we now have to pay for many years to come.

During his times, US aid was reaching people that was good thing for the people for the time being but nations do not depend on the price after auctioning their prestige.
If it wasn't for the US Pakistan wouldn't even exist today. Our whole country is running on IMF loans and US dollars that have been pouring into the country for more than 35 years.. what prestige are you talking about?

It is better not to dream for good when you see any of these vultures in power.

Who would you have in power? MMA? Zaid Hamid? Imran Khan? Nawaz Sharif? When was the last time these schmucks held a rally against Terrorism or have actually spoken and condemned the Terrorists? They are always manipulating answers and i have yet to hear a Straight forward Strategy from these douches.
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Well brother like you said all we see good from him is wealth! well we all are human. Sadly we all need money for everything. We get stronger because of money. We buy stuff out of money and all that we see cost something, Point that you put that richer got richer and poor got even more poor but to be honest to ourselfs Even poor's life got better. the poor who had not even a bike has either a car or moter bike! when people used to have not even one tv in rural areas now we have way better life even for poors. What i believe is that we got so comfortable with good life which came so fast in his government time. that when this terrorism started to gain power and our system was shaked by it we started to hate the guy for everything. For heaven's we fought with him for everything that he gave us which means he gave us more good then bad. now like you said we need PTI but i wish them good luck too. Man we have only one county and we cant afford to keep experimenting new people. What we need is a person like him but at the same time we need some better party working with that person. Let it be PTI or you and me. im sorry im so tired and sleepy and thought it would be rude to not answer your post so i decided to reply but i will try to make my point at later time lol till then God bless all Pakistani's what we shoudlnt forget that i can like anyone and you can like whoever you chose but in the end of the day we all are country men and brothers Allah Hafiz lol:pakistan:
i agree with majority of your points, things have been in a better way, but as the wages have risen so did the prices, so the gulf is still there, its my last day on this forum... so wont like to enhance this debate, I wish too either it be mushy or imran or any other, people of pakistan should be happy... thats all that matters :)
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