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Give Pervez Musharraf Support

Proud of a Dictatorship ? :rolleyes:

It might have technically been so, but he was a democratic choice in the sense that he was supported by the majority of Pakistan when fate enabled him to undo the ganja emirate and rid us of the self proclaimed emirul momineen of raiwind.
He will most definitely have support among the .1% of the population comprising of friends, extended family and the upwardly mobile urban class. Army brats and teenagers with I-hate-politics attitude don't matter in any political process in Pakistan, they can just post pictures on Facebook and jump around with big statements without ever indulging in anything substantiative.

Couple of things; is .1% a scientific assessment? We have a standing in service military of a million when you include reserves. Add families and retired-but-alive servicemen and their families and this alone becomes 5-6% of the country's population. Then add pml-q votes that will support him, mqm votes and a significant percentage of non army, non pml voters such as myself. I think the .1% estimate is deeply flawed.

Also, your characterization of his supporters having an I-hate-politics attitude also needs to be corrected. We are talking here about his return and participation in parliamentary politics, after all.
It might have technically been so, but he was a democratic choice in the sense that he was supported by the majority of Pakistan when fate enabled him to undo the ganja emirate and rid us of the self proclaimed emirul momineen of raiwind.

Belive me or not Mushii is yet another rotten egg , apart from all of his US faithfullness he has not been able to earn a tiny degree of respect for Pakistan on the international stage.

How do you rate a dictators performance ?

U Turn on WOT lead us to the destruction of our economy and stability , 40 thousand people are dead because of his wrong decision.

If he had to take this decision why the hell he didn't bothered asking any other person ?

Musharraf is Husni Mubarik who would go to Any extent to stay in power.
Tell me in his almost 10 years of rule what have Pakistan gained ???
Have we became a vibrant economy ?
What is our littercy rate ??
Are we respected on international Air ports ?
Does any of our Universities have their place in world top 100 ?
How many Natural resources have started production?

He is NOT different from mr zaradari or Ganja Brothers , Ch Bros , Bhuttos or Altaf the great !!

"In tillon main teel nhi"
^ ok, please relax. I am not asking you to support him. I consider him the best of all available options and will donate to his campaign and vote for him. You can vote for someone else if you like.
^ ok, please relax. I am not asking you to support him. I consider him the best of all available options and will donate to his campaign and vote for him. You can vote for someone else if you like.

Dear why do you expect me to sit quite when you people are talking about bringing our version of Husni Mubarik back again ?

Look i am not Anti anyone , i am just a pro Pakistani & i will support each effort which would be done in a good faith by anyone aimed at the development of Pakistan.

IF you can convince me that why exactly Musharraf is the Best choice for my Nation while looking at his track record , you will find me on your side.

I dont support any party , i just support those who support Pakistan & i hate those who have disgraced the Blood of our myrters.
Couple of things; is .1% a scientific assessment? We have a standing in service military of a million when you include reserves. Add families and retired-but-alive servicemen and their families and this alone becomes 5-6% of the country's population. Then add pml-q votes that will support him, mqm votes and a significant percentage of non army, non pml voters such as myself. I think the .1% estimate is deeply flawed.

Also, your characterization of his supporters having an I-hate-politics attitude also needs to be corrected. We are talking here about his return and participation in parliamentary politics, after all.

Well I was referring to the voting class, even then .1 seems a really flawed assessment. Let's make it 5-6%. Voter turnout overall has been around late thirties to forty percent, but among the urban middle class and the new aristocracy, it is most definitely below 15%.

Is Mush big enough to get them out of their drawing rooms? Will they bear the sunlight and stand in queue with the average man to vote (Oh, the disgrace of not getting the special treatment being led into the office ahead of the queue by the "jananay walaa").

People already enjoying a sound life hardly care about general well being. I'm being overly pessimistic, critical and perhaps even idiotic, but I certainly believe that nobody or nothing is big enough to change the social, political and economic contract that the urban middle class aims for. The only thing that can deliver is a bottoms up proletariat evolution.
Mr techlahore, ur actions truely reflects ur love for that nation seller.
Mr techlahore, ur actions truely reflects ur love for that nation seller.

What nation ????

Do you really believe that we are able enough to be called a Nation ??
If we were one all of those dictators , Drunkheads , inept rulers wont be able to rule us for 60 years !

If we were a nation Mushii would have gone down the drain after ceasing power by force for 10 long years.

We need to grow a spine and get some brain first.
Sparklingway, God forbid there is a 'proletariat' revolution in Pakistan. You will have a lot of rev(ersion) and certainly no (ev)olution. 1947 all over again in terms of it's barbarity and loss of life. Thankfully in 5000 years, the people here have never been the revolutionary types. The so-called 'islamic' germ (and I refer specifically to the Taliban/intolerant flavor) could have - dangerously - changed that in a sufficiently large subset of the population. But what the army has achieved is encouraging and my prayer is that these card carrying jihadists, jamia hafsa danda brigades and overly vocal jui and ji supporters will be pummeled into dust before such poison can be spread.

Careful what you wish for... I don't think you know the Pakistani people well enough yet, perhaps, to ask for what you are asking for.

If a young man is not attracted to socialist ideas early on in life, he lacks sensitivity and perhaps, spirit. But if he is not cured of these ideas by a certain age, then he lacks patience, understanding and practicality. You, very clearly, are a young man. So your socialist leanings I will take as evidence of virtue. Hopefully things will be different in a few years.
Mr techlahore, ur actions truely reflects ur love for that nation seller.

Why? Because I asked you not to argue for a Pakistani leader's assassination? I don't care whether you like or hate Musharraf, zardari or altaf, but you can't make the case here for the murder of, or violence against, any of them. End this discussion here now if you wish to participate on this forum further.
Sparklingway, God forbid there is a 'proletariat' revolution in Pakistan. You will have a lot of rev(ersion) and certainly no (ev)olution. 1947 all over again in terms of it's barbarity and loss of life. Thankfully in 5000 years, the people here have never been the revolutionary types. The so-called 'islamic' germ (and I refer specifically to the Taliban/intolerant flavor) could have - dangerously - changed that in a sufficiently large subset of the population. But what the army has achieved is encouraging and my prayer is that these card carrying jihadists, jamia hafsa danda brigades and overly vocal jui and ji supporters will be pummeled into dust before such poison can be spread.

Careful what you wish for... I don't think you know the Pakistani people well enough yet, perhaps, to ask for what you are asking for.

If a young man is not attracted to socialist ideas early on in life, he lacks sensitivity and perhaps, spirit. But if he is not cured of these ideas by a certain age, then he lacks patience, understanding and practicality. You, very clearly, are a young man. So your socialist leanings I will take as evidence of virtue. Hopefully things will be different in a few years.

Nice lecture big boy , the highlighted part is the only thing i agree with.

oh yes Jinnah's Pakistan is long gone so is Iqbal's and what is left is the skinless bones and a skull with a bullet hole in it.

Agree or not , there is more Bloodshed coming soon & this time its not ours but of those who did this all to us.

Pakistan was an Idealogical state , a tollerant Islamic society where everyone was supposed to shape their dreams.

Look at us , here we are in 21st century , the most miserable nation in the world , we have become , PPPISTAN , Nawazistan , Altafistan , Chuhdristan , Musharafistan but Pakistan is lost like a banished soul.:cry:
Why? Because I asked you not to argue for a Pakistani leader's assassination? I don't care whether you like or hate Musharraf, zardari or altaf, but you can't make the case here for the murder of, or violence against, any of them. End this discussion here now if you wish to participate on this forum further.

Knowledge sets you free (maybe too much) :rolleyes:

While the people occupying these lands have been more or less servants at the behest of invading powers in the past and in modern times been economically and politically subservient to the aristocracy, this system clearly cannot yield results. If the urban middle class is supposed to bring a sea of change, which many believe, than it is inherently flawed for a majority of the population will still be disconnected from the process. The disparity between public opinion and public policy would still exist then.

Certainly, youthful bubble bring socialist tendencies. I do hope that such dreams do not die. The very first young protesters and political activists in independent Pakistan were socialists (1953 student protest), Pakistan's first elections were in the wake of left leaning protests, the third time around it'll be a success (hopefully).

While we both believe in improving the general well being of our nation and society, we most definitely have different opinions as to how. I happily agree to disagree.
I wasn't a fan of Musharrafs last few years and his opposition to the Judiciary. He shouldn't have sided with his political goons who were obviously doing the same evil as Musharraf's political opponents, i.e., looting the country through fraudulent deals, bogus privatization of national assets, not to mention he wasn't an effective general in fighting the extremists, Pakistan was losing ground one territory after another until he left and the final nail in the coffin the media gags, the use of force against protesters.

However I support him for his Lal Masjid action and taking out Bugti when he did (perhaps he should've done it sooner).

But he had some good ideas especially related to secularizing Pakistan and making it a modern country. If he can come back and secularize Pakistan and not make the same mistakes as he did earlier he would still be above a lot of other crops on the field. Especially considering Zardari and Nawaz Sharif.
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