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Give Pervez Musharraf Support

Who are those people, who don't believe he is popular?
Is this not enough to see whom people trust more?

IK has already caught redhanded PPP and PML-N rigging elections in collaboration.
Put Musharaf in Jail upon his return... and trust me... most people in Pakistan think this way...

We have had enough of people like Zardaris and Musharafs... We need new faces who are grounded in the righteous teachings of our master Muhammad saw... No more to moderate and useless Muslims and Mr 10 percents...
Put Musharaf in Jail upon his return... and trust me... most people in Pakistan think this way...

We have had enough of people like Zardaris and Musharafs... We need new faces who are grounded in the righteous teachings of our master Muhammad saw... No more to moderate and useless Muslims and Mr 10 percents...

Bro you cant compare Zardari and the likes with Musharraf... What has Zardari done except gobbling up more money... and no people in Pakistan dont think this way. Its the uneducated and illeterate and ofcourse those with no souls who elect leaders there are upon us in Pakistan right now by selling there souls. Musharraf is the light we need... and if by putting him in jail as you said will change anything then yes put everyone else in the jail too... but that wont change anything... In the history of Pakistan who is the COAS who after the coup d'etat after being taken out of the country had the courage to form a party and still come back to Pakistan to fix it? Give him a chance... He deserves it...
Musharraf is the light we need...
I think that's pushing it, I just don't see what impact he can have.

He doesn't have the domestic support base, the political set-up or network as it stands.

It really does look like a pointless and expensive exercise.

If he can get the MQM to give him full backing, the Chaudary's to come on board, Pir Pagaro and others to stand behind him in a broad coalition, then yes, he may make inroads.

You don't come to power with only Sher Afghan and a Maj-Gen by your side.
Put Musharaf in Jail upon his return... and trust me... most people in Pakistan think this way...

We have had enough of people like Zardaris and Musharafs... We need new faces who are grounded in the righteous teachings of our master Muhammad saw... No more to moderate and useless Muslims and Mr 10 percents...

The prob is that Pakistan simply lacks any religious leaders... I mean, aside from the heads of terrorist organizations who aren't Muslims (because they go against everything Islam teaches) but claim to be doing good things for Islam although they aren't, who is there?

I wish that we had a good religious leader- one that inforces Sharia properly- like making Zakaat compulsory, focus on education, punishments for corruption, etc... but since we don't have one, any capable and loyal leader is good.

Musharraf was best we had for quite a long time... Economy doubled, corruption in Pakistan gov. lowered significantly, we saw poverty levels go down by 10%, etc... and he wasn't a bad Muslim, if it matters- how many Pakistani politicians even go to Hajj?

All Pakistan Muslim League
I feel like I ve landed in Musharaf land... :)

Brothers if you are sincere and serious then consider the following...

1. Firstly stop regurgitating the propaganda that Musharaf did huge deeds for the economy... I did mention to you that you should google Musharaf's Economic Deception... and read what turns up, it is important...

2. It is politically naive to think that Zardari being the ruler has nothing to do with Musharaf... Those who are good and sincere towards their nation make sure that even when they depart they leave the country in good hands... The problems that Pakistan faces today is basically due to Musharaf... Zardari is simply another stooge backed by the British where Musharaf was a stooge backed by America... This cycle of puppets has to end...

3. We dont need a religious leader at all... We simply need a leadership (not just a leader) that implements Islam holistically rather than partially... Our model should be the Khulafah e Rashideen as we all agree upon one thing in common... That Abu Bakr, Umar, Utman and Ali RA were the best of leaders and they implemented Islam in the best way... This is not a difficult task since their era is well documented and recorded...

4. To think of Musharaf as light is to insult light... Musharaf is a darkness from the darkness of ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality and humiliation... Protect yourself (and your neighbours) from him...

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