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Girls beat up Iran cleric over dress code


May 25, 2010
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Girls beat up Iran cleric over dress code

Tehran, Iran (CNN) -- They may be a far cry from their Western counterparts fighting for the acceptance to breast-feed -- or go topless -- in public, but two girls clobbered a cleric recently in a small town in Iran when he admonished one of them to cover herself more completely.
The cleric said he asked "politely," but the girl's angry reaction and some pugilistic double-teaming with her friend landed the holy man in the hospital,
according to an account Monday in the semiofficial Mehr News Agency.
Hojatoleslam Ali Beheshti said he encountered the girls on his way to the mosque in the village of Shahmirzad for noon prayers in late August.
Women's bodies: The public perception of private parts
He told one of the girls to cover up, the report said.
"She responded by telling me to cover my eyes, :yahoo:which was very insulting to me," Beheshti said. So he asked her a second time to cover up and also to put a lid on what he felt was verbal abuse.
She hit the man of the cloth, and he hit the ground.
"I don't remember what happened after that," he said. "I just felt her kicks and heard her insults."
Beheshti, who emerged from the infirmary three days later, said he did not file a complaint against the girls.
But he doesn't mind the local prosecutor's investigation into the matter either "as long as the case helps the cause of Islamic hijab."
The girls may have put the "jab" into "hijab," but fighting with morality police or private individuals telling women to cover up is rare in small towns. It's more common in larger cities, where women are more likely to take a stand.
Wow, that is embarrassing. Not only is he decked out by a woman, he goes out onto the world news for being the guy that was beat up by a woman. I guess we know who wears the pants in this relationship...

if you visit Iran, you will have this sense that men and women are equal in Iran.. and that is my honest opinion.
Resorting to violence was illegal, since they were never threatened in any way.

The next guy would assume a violent reaction and you know where things will go from there.
:lol: the 'holy man' should have minded his own business.
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