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Girl gets her 1st period, bro feels it's affair and kills her

Can't you for once take a day off from trolling, along with your chum @villageidiot who gave a Laugh react to your post ?

Usually happens in desi culture. The Great Indian Family System.

Who cares ??? I care and you too should care else if will appear that you support honor killing.

Last year, Mr. Chandrachud, the chief judge of India's supreme court said that hundreds of Indian citizens are murdered by their families by "honor" killing.

Honor killing must be declared the highest crime and the punishment must be firing squad in a public place.

Last year Delhi girl Aayushi was honor-killed by her parents and Bhakts gave the murder a "Love Jihaad" spin before it was discovered that it was her Hindu parents who murdered her because she married a man from another Hindu caste and because she was independent-minded :

You are absolutely right !

And this "honor-full brother" reminds me of @lastofthepatriots, @Areesh, @hussain0216, @Falcon34 and other crooks on PDF who regularly use "Oh that kanjari !" and other such misogynist words and keep saying how women swoon for them but they reject those "dirty women" casually.

Honor killing is an Indian gift to the world.

What p.o.r.n ? Did honor killing start in desi land only when internet came ? Please don't blaming women ( p.o.r.n actresses ) for perversion of humanity that such inadequate males like this brother and his mother have.

Honor killings also happen in Tamil Nadu, Andhra and Karnataka that are in the South. This is an Indian problem.

Just excuse for misogyny that his mother and his friends would have instilled in him.

Shut up pervert
Can't you for once take a day off from trolling, along with your chum @villageidiot who gave a Laugh react to your post ?
Here's the thing. I recognize the every person is unique and can't be expected to think or behave a certain way about certain. I understand @-=virus=- 's apparent incapability to show sincerity and emotion, so rather than bash him for it, like you do, I go along with it and allow him to express himself freely.
Here's the thing. I recognize the every person is unique and can't be expected to think or behave a certain way about certain. I understand @-=virus=- 's apparent incapability to show sincerity and emotion, so rather than bash him for it, like you do, I go along with it and allow him to express himself freely.

Allowing him freedom of expression is different than laughing along with him on threads where you should be angry about the incident. :)

yes, mast banda hai

kicks you around proper, I like it :smokin:

Saying "Shut up pervert" 10 times a day to me is the behavior of a jaahil troll and mob-lyncher. And you support him.
Allowing him freedom of expression is different than laughing along with him on threads where you should be angry about the incident. :)
It's a fucked up world, brother. No amount of our tears and condemnations will change it.
It's a fucked up world, brother. No amount of our tears and condemnations will change it.

I disagree. Every tear and condemnation counts, especially on reforming PDF which will reform its members and they in turn will speak of change with their near ones and amplify it on the internet, in their offices and schooling.

Didn't Che Guevara say "Every person who is angered by injustice is my comrade" ? :)
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Sanskari Uttar Pradeshi fellow
@-=virus=- @hatehs @Raj-Hindustani @Joe Shearer @Paitoo
India has too many frustrated and insecure men. BTW where does it say that the man is from UP? Not that I give a damn
Last year, Mr. Chandrachud, the chief judge of India's supreme court said that hundreds of Indian citizens are murdered by their families by "honor" killing.

Honor killing must be declared the highest crime and the punishment must be firing squad in a public place.

Last year Delhi girl Aayushi was honor-killed by her parents and Bhakts gave the murder a "Love Jihaad" spin before it was discovered that it was her Hindu parents who murdered her because she married a man from another Hindu caste and because she was independent-minded

That’s unfortunate:(

But here the law (at whatever capacity) will take its course. It was the Law Enforcement Agencies - after all - that discovered that it was the parents who did it. They will be punished according to a logical law. They won’t be “pardoned” because of other family members, you know.
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