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Girl gets her 1st period, bro feels it's affair and kills her

That only happens in India, a so called educated India you and gaurav arya brag about. A developed country like US and UK :lol:

Yes, globally. Indian and Pakistani societies are facing these kinds of challenges, and UK and US societies are facing other challenges...... you are free to sugarcoat that not happening in Pakistan

Yeah, but not much sh*t as happens here.
Yes, globally. Indian and Pakistani societies are facing these kinds of challenges, and UK and US societies are facing other challenges...... you are free to sugarcoat that not happening in Pakistan

Yeah, but not much sh*t as happens here.
Well in Pakistan people don't kill their sisters just because they are having periods or their biology is different. Though people kill on honor if they are sure she is bringing a bad reputation to the family.
Here they are at least educated enough to know what menses are.
Now try to find something else against Pakistan google is your best fraaaand saaar :lol:
Well in Pakistan people don't kill their sisters just because they are having periods or their biology is different. Though people kill on honor if they are sure she is bringing a bad reputation to the family.
Here they are at least educated enough to know what menses are.
Now try to find something else against Pakistan google is your best fraaaand saaar :lol:

But they can be killed if a Pakistani sister wants to pursue dance..... and you must be justified for this act.
But they can be killed if a Pakistani sister wants to pursue dance..... and you must be justified for this act.
No one dies by dancing here. Girls dance here on every wedding almost.
This is the nature of most indians arguing for the sake of arguing.
In Pakistan, aren't women getting raped?

In Pakistan, aren't there a variety of reasons why girls are killed?

If you don't know, you must be a particularly socially blind individual who fails to notice any negative aspects of your own culture. And if failed so, there is no chance for improvement in your society if such a majority of people live in.

India has a population of more than 1.4 billion people, and both good and bad things frequently occur there.

It is on the same level of warped thinking as this boy killing her sister if a Pakistani brother can kill his own sister because he did not like her modeling. No occurrence cannot be justified. That's why I said there's a bunch of sick South Asians with a bad mentality.


You can find incidents if you look hard enough, also we can only hear about the ones that are reported, and most of the time, Asian societies are in complete disarray. In addition to the incidents that are reported, there are also many that go unreported, and the presence of sick people has seriously damaged society as a whole.

As I previously stated, you can keep working to ensure that no one knows how fantastic your society is.

Being an Indian always makes me feel ashamed of the safety of women. I dislike applying sugar coating like others do.
Okay south asians are messed up societies to be honest.
Yes India has bigger population with bigger problems.
But as far Pakistan is concerned there are rapes but if you take 10 Indian rape cases and than take 10 Paksitan rape cases - these 10 pakistan rape cases occur in 1 year where in Indian 10 Indian rape cases occur in 1 day. And this rate is appalling.

On the holistic picture all south asian nations must improve women rights & LGBTQ Transgender rights.

I do agree with in PAkistan there are zero tolerance towards transgender rights individuals and they keep getting killed randomly by mobs. Sad state of being if you ask me.
Sincere question : What are your criteria ?
Same education level as mine
Professionally and financially stable
Someone who travels, like's to go to new places
Not a drama queen or self centered.
self love
Never a muslim.
If a she has all the above she's mature, she won't screw you around or your brains, understanding and mostly importantly these type of girls would never leave you in your tough time, they stick around. would never emotionally blackmail you, feminism can be a problem with them, but gradually you can change their perspective and that's where most of guys fail especially muslim dudes. Nobody changes in a week it takes time.
Generally a good requirement and analysis but :

Same education level as mine

Why is this necessary ? Industrialized education doesn't really educate and there are lot of fields and sub-fields that have to be abolished or are unnecessary : Law, Finance, Human Resources, Social Work ( why is this a degree ? ), Psychiatry ( this is a charlatan science ), Industrial Management, various fashionable or obsolete or unnecessary things in computing including cutting up the field into "computer science" and "computer engineering"... maybe more fields.

Professionally and financially stable

You want maturity but not necessary that those who are professionally and financially stable will do so for long. Think of the 200,000 IT workers who have been removed in USA itself between November 2022 and April 2023. Tens of thousands more are being removed in USA and West related companies : Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon, Accenture etc.

It is also possible for new systems to be adopted by companies and countries and back-end workers in places like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to be removed. Technological systems like ChatGPT. I have occasionally got YouTube ad of one Indian chap offering a paid course in ChatGPT because he says that ChatGPT will remove more human workers. Fuel and extract changes also affects work environment deeply. Consider if petrochemicals were no longer required. :)

So please don't look for professional and financial stability in your aspired woman.

Never a muslim.


feminism can be a problem with them, but gradually you can change their perspective and that's where most of guys fail especially muslim dudes. Nobody changes in a week it takes time.

Are you on a mission to increase "Muslimahs" ? :)
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Generally a good requirement and analysis but :

Why is this necessary ? Industrialized education doesn't really educate and there are lot of fields and sub-fields that have to be abolished or are unnecessary : Law, Finance, Human Resources, Social Work ( why is this a degree ? ), Psychiatry ( this is a charlatan science ), Industrial Management, various fashionable or obsolete or unnecessary things in computing including cutting up the field into "computer science" and "computer engineering"... maybe more fields.
You want maturity but not necessary that those who are professionally and financially stable will do so for long. Think of the 200,000 IT workers who have been removed in USA itself between November 2022 and April 2023. Tens of thousands more are being removed in USA and West related companies : Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon, Accenture etc.

It is also possible for new systems to be adopted by companies and countries and back-end workers in places like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to be removed. Technological systems like ChatGPT. I have occasionally got YouTube ad of one Indian chap offering a paid course in ChatGPT because he says that ChatGPT will remove more human workers. Fuel and extract changes also affects work environment deeply. Consider if petrochemicals were no longer required. :)

So please don't look for professional and financial stability in your aspired woman.
Look its about equality in a relationship women are some what jealous of their guy earning more than them, they get this inferiority complex, i once dated a waitress and it did not ended up well, it includes social status and the people you hang around, I had female friends who were more educated, intelligent, their social skills in social settings and there sense of dressing were way different and better than her and when she saw all that, we started having silly arguments and she starting suspecting me of cheating , in my experience your social group matters the most which is impacted by both education and financially stability, so if you hang around with these kinda and date who has only went till high school than its gonna cause you alot trouble mostly guys have no problem but its the girl who screws it up, And really man u would never want a girl whose dependent on you, i have seen examples around of men being sucked by these hot and less educated women, the lesser the educated woman is the more materialistic she is. After that i never dated out of my social group, And every time things go smoothly. if you are from west and educated they will fit u somewhere in the system where at least you have better than living standards than those who are not that educated.
muslims girls in western countries want a guy who's a good muslim while they themselves wanna live like feminists, they except everything a muslim would but they give nothing in return. They want a guy who's a virgin but hey don't ask about their virginity its none of their your concern, they actually want a dog not a husband. top level drama queens and are master of emotional blackmailing.
Are you on a mission to increase "Muslimahs" ? :)
No, I only talk about islam if they ask questions, secondly feminism have been imposed on women in west, Its natural for women to care, listen to their guy, if you do it the right way, i have always started by getting them to cook for me, than taking things futher like influencing the way they dress, to the way they view there purpose in life.
i have always started by getting them to cook for me

Nice. Good tip for me and others, depending on situation of course.

than taking things futher like influencing the way they dress, to the way they view there purpose in life.

This has to be put into context. So please explain and I will reply to this and the rest tomorrow because I am soon logging-off.
This has to be put into context. So please explain and I will reply to this and the rest tomorrow because I am soon logging-off.
Ever taken a girl to shopping or went to shopping with? , well if u play along well you can help her chosen less revealing clothes, if she asks how do i a look today, u can point out the clothes, use a compliment to point to her clothes, gift a pair ourself, tell her to try them and act like ur blown away, and when she really starts trusting you, u can cut to point, tell her how those shorts and half dresses potray her has piece of meat to be lusted over and you don't like how other dudes look at you, i was on a dinner with my lady and told her, you want me to beat that guy who has been constantly staring at you or wanna leave, she told me let's leave, after that she a never wore those tight and revealing half dress atleast when she was with me. Its gradually process and over a few months you can change her perspective on how one must dress. Mostly in west are atheists, to change and give fresh prespective of this life, i usually gift them a book of al ghazali, Knowing urself and god, this literally shakes their entire foundations of belief system. There is also a book of ibn e sina called shifa, they can really mess a brain of an atheist
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