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Gilgit-Baltistan Constitutional Status and Updates

Gilgit Baltistan was forcefully annexed by the Kingdom of Jammu and Kashmir and gained it's independence in 1947 through a war of independence.

I personally don't believe that this is anything about the people of GB or Pakistan or domestic politics.

I think it is an international move to open access all the way from Karakoram/Baltoro/K1-6/Masherbrum/Gasherbrum etc... all the way.


the area in striped lines, and the strip above it (gray) are VERY IMPORTANT
Right, does the sun hit ur house from the left or right?

I personally don't believe that this is anything about the people of GB or Pakistan or domestic politics.

I think it is an international move to open access all the way from Karakoram/Baltoro/K1-6/Masherbrum/Gasherbrum etc... all the way.


the area in striped lines, and the strip above it (gray) are VERY IMPORTANT
So all of China and India
Instead there should be refrendum in Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir under UN and international monitoring and let them decide and get done. After that the r@n rona of dehati aurat will also be b1tch slapped.
What mountain, what colors does it exhibit during sunrise and sunset?

the mountains around Gilgit City they are amazing in winters, half of the city is in the shadow of the mountain half of it in the sunlight. but the non-availability of electricity makes it unbearable at nights, burning wood for warmth is the only happiness you find at night .
Just integrate it already. Successive Pakistani governments have made the same mistake of relying on a UN plebiscite under a UN resolution which is explicitly in India's favor i.e. it requires Pakistan to remove its soldiers from Kashmir and GB first and only then asks India to follow and remove its forces too. India has not provided Pakistan with any assurance that they will do this if Pakistan removes it forces first making the UN plebiscite route a moot point.

By integrating GB into Pakistan, Pakistan would be sounding the death bell of the UN resolution path to resolve the Kashmir issue, but the fact of the matter is this issue will never be resolved through that route either way. Why make the people of GB who have proven their loyalty to Pakistan time and time again, second class citizens then. The right to self determination as enshrined in the UN charter ensures that the fight for Kashmir will continue albeit through a different route. I just hope the politicians in AJK grow some sense as they are the ones primarily blocking the GB move.
GB people dont want autonomy they want representation in national assembly and senate..

The problem is this move will week Pakistan stance of kashmir being disputed territory as we want whole kashmir unlike india whom is in content with current boarder

Autonomy was granted and they refused that ..they want provincial powers that include 20seats in senate and NA..as that way they will get more benefits

Pakistan should call a resolution to make this a temp solution till it is resolved by GB and Kashmir if they want to should be given NA /provincal status

They second is kashmiri polticans on both sides of baorder who opposes GB rights

Lets face GB is not part of Kashmir never been part of Kashmir

By denying them provincial rights govt is creating more problems
GB people dont want autonomy they want representation in national assembly and senate..

The problem is this move will week Pakistan stance of kashmir being disputed territory as we want whole kashmir unlike india whom is in content with current boarder

Autonomy was granted and they refused that ..they want provincial powers that include 20seats in senate and NA..as that way they will get more benefits

Pakistan should call a resolution to make this a temp solution till it is resolved by GB and Kashmir if they want to should be given NA /provincal status

there was no autonomy given it was just a showpiece without any real power the real authority rested in the ministeries in Islamabad
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