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Gilgit-Baltistan Constitutional Status and Updates

When we have clear UN resolution on Kashmir and GB, what is stopping us from conducting plebiscite in these areas. Don't we hava courage? All we fear is that India will dismantle the special status of Kashmir and will replace local population with people from other parts of India. I say, guys, go ahead, we will see what India can do. Here my suggestion is: if USA wants to stay in the region, bring him to Kashmir, the Indian Kashmir, through UN. Let the big boys face each other, face to face.
It was forcefully taken by Pakistan.
lol is that what they teach you there? The Pakistan Army wasn't even in Gilgit Baltistan; they were deployed in Azad Kashmir and were ordered to stop advancing by the military chief who was British. Majority of the 1947 war was fought by rebels and their Pakistani Lashkar allies.

The insecure Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir was afraid that the Muslims of Kashmir would begin asking to join Pakistan and thus initiated the Jammu massacre, a state-sponsored ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Jammu which toppled the Muslim-majority overnight. Half a million were killed or forced to flee into Pakistan.

Soon after, the people of Gilgit Baltistan began to revolt, with the district of Ghizer being the first to raise revolutionary flags. The Gilgit Scouts and vassals states joined shortly after. Dogra garrisons were surrounded and taken over.

Stories of the atrocities in Jammu caused outrage throughout Pakistan, with many Masjids calling for Jihad. Tribes of NWFP mobilized and marched into Kashmir, Lashkars and sectarian militias from Punjab also contributed.

Gilgit Baltistan's independence was achieved, thought the state was short-lived as they joined Pakistan right after.

Bangash Muzzaffar, the raja orderly in Chilas, represented the views of the region's people when he said:

The whole of Gilgit Agency is pro-Pakistan ... we could never swear allegiance to Hindustan. Apart from religion, the Gilgit Agency is really a part of the NWFP and is therefore a part of Pakistan. If Kashmir remains independent, well and good ... .But if the Maharaja through pig headedness and bad advice, political pressure or attractive remunerations accedes to Hindustan, then there will be trouble here!
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