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Gilani fears coup conspiracy; hits out at army

I'd say best solution is to over throw current government.. let some one be appointed temporarily by Military, and have elections again in 1-2 months.

We had enough of Zardari.
thanks for advise sir its our country and we are free to give power pak army or aliens :hitwall: if you know pakistan growth and landmarks you will never post this post :fie:

imran bhai first of all this is a open forum where everyone can express their views. secondly of what landmarks are u talking abt???? ending jinnah's dream????? Bangladesh?????? helping U.S in WOT????? giving permission for drones???? if army is so good then why after some years ppl fed up with army rule & want it to end. Ayub khan, Yahya khan, Musharraf etc etc are big examples. yes it is ur country but i believe that even Pakistanis want some sort of stability in political terms. this hide & seek is going on for 64 yrs & it should end.
so whats your problem?still better then give our country to Italian waitress hands
well..u jst hit the wrong button mate..all i care is a peaceful neighbourhood.. u desire ur army to kick civilian gov out of power..thats wat Mushy(musharraf) did..bt he screwed big time now he is livin his life in exile..seems like ur Army generals are not even worth a waitress.
imran bhai first of all this is a open forum where everyone can express their views. secondly of what landmarks are u talking abt???? ending jinnah's dream????? Bangladesh?????? helping U.S in WOT????? giving permission for drones???? if army is so good then why after some years ppl fed up with army rule & want it to end. Ayub khan, Yahya khan, Musharraf etc etc are big examples. yes it is ur country but i believe that even Pakistanis want some sort of stability in political terms. this hide & seek is going on for 64 yrs & it should end.

thats mean you don't know pakistan dear you forget ayub zia mushy time economic growth projects develpments .only thing these bastards done was motorway .
thats mean you don't know pakistan dear you forget ayub zia mushy time economic growth projects develpments .only thing these bastards done was motorway .

now you tell me who was responsible for the mess ? Ayub did the blunder, zia did the blunder, mushy did the blunder. The short shortsightedness of pakistani generals have the larger impact. they got lot of Dollars initially from US by playing mercenaries for US and now see where you are standing.
Pakistanis took us wrongly when we questioned their military.. By blaming military ..it means that top echelon of PA not the other foot soldiers who are doing their job diligently. They are as corrupt as political leaders.. but they do not share any accountability.

Is General Kiyani and Pasha are corrupt? When they dont do anything against PPP they are called extension kay ghulam, PPP kay neechay lagay howay hain and blah blah and when they are handling the matter under the guidance of SUPREME COURT, suddenly PPP and those who are anti military a$$ is on fire. Can't blame those poor confused souls who dont even know how to act properly.
now you tell me who was responsible for the mess ? Ayub did the blunder, zia did the blunder, mushy did the blunder. The short shortsightedness of pakistani generals have the larger impact. they got lot of Dollars initially from US by playing mercenaries for US and now see where you are standing.

A record corruption and inflation without any record growth of Economy. Political reconciliation to hold together the system but not the "Public reconciliation to win people heart and mind". Democratic government is for the people not for the political parties to reconcile with each other ignoring the General populace.
Well.. they are slightly more respectable than that.. but yes.
It is NOT their job to run governments.. if it does come to chaos.. let it. The people of Pakistan are responsible for cleaning up their mess.. not their leaders.

It was redefining something that is taught in kakol academy in the brainwashing process.

anyway "its not the position of a General to take decisions". sir Winston Churchill.

so by all established benchmarks, they are just to perform what they are asked to do.
"I have a bull dog, the bull dog doesnot have me !!"
There is not going to be a coup. Even the military has realized that the last experience was a complete disaster. Even the most corrupt democratically elected government is better than a coup regime since we can be sure that the corrupt democratic government has a time limit and an expiry. In just few short months people will get to choose whoever they want to lead the country so a coup would be the most stupid thing to do. People are impatiently waiting for an election and they have waited this time for five years now. A coup would really hurt all those Pakistanis who are waiting for the election.
I guess If Army thinks its better for them to throwout the traitor govt then they shold do that no matter what in order to save the country from the conspiracy of US/NATO against our country......I guess we dont need no elections if our country's integrity is in danger....:smokin:
It seems pakistan army basically the generals are so much interested in running the Government.. why they can't stand in general election and win and accountable to the people.... Right... it is not their job to fight election but it is also not their job to interfere in the working of Gov.
I guess If Army thinks its better for them to throwout the traitor govt then they shold do that no matter what in order to save the country from the conspiracy of US/NATO against our country......I guess we dont need no elections if our country's integrity is in danger....:smokin:

I do not think that is the right way of doing things. The last time we disregarded democracy in favor of taking out those who we viewed as traitors in a military fashion, half of Pakistan was dislodged. We have to learn our lessons. 1971 should not be repeated again.
Pak Army the supreme one. if civilian got is corrupt or wrong then there is army to check them but who is there to check corrupt generals?????? generals enjoy free run in pak.
Army did try to create a hype, in fact within Army the coup info was moved, well it bitterly failed to have a mass opinion on its side, as one can easily guess from chabi wala khargosh aka Sheikh Rasheed's bitterness on TV. :laugh:

coup is no longer an option, this is what military must learn now. they must realize their actual status in the equation that is night-watch-man, let the civil government complete their tenure, we have had enough of your war-games !!

Army is born as night-watch-man, so think as night-watch-man, behave as night-watch-man, and act as night-watch-man under the Civilian Authority of 180 million people of Pakistan !!

WOW you very Hyper nowdays....Like one of respectd Member previously said that u r acting more Imran khan than Imran khan himself.....
something messy going out there.

Pakistan’s political and military leadership is now on a collision course with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani accusing the military leadership of hatching conspiracies against the democratic set up in a speech to parliament on Thursday. At the same time there are reports that the army is
trying to bolster opposition parties in a bid to effect a change of government.

Gilani, who is known for his conciliatory approach, looked to be a different person on Thursday when he stated that a “state within state will not be acceptable.” This was a direct reference to military’s domination in political affairs of the country. It was significant that Gilani chose to use the floor of the parliament to attack the military leadership. His message to the military was that the democratic government “will not leave without a fight.”

He said: “conspiracies are being hatched to pack-up an elected government. We remain in the government or in opposition. We will continue to protect the rights of the people”

Gilani rejected charges that his government had issued several thousand visas to American nationals and asked who issued “a six year visa to Osama Bin Laden.” “We are being asked by the judicial commission (examining the May 2 US raid that killed Osama) about issuance of visas (to Americans).

“But I want to ask how was (bin Laden) living here for the past six years? On what type of visa was he living here? Why was security not taken care of,” Geo TV quoted Gilani as saying.

In his fiery speech he tried to make it clear that no institution was a sacred cow and intelligence agencies cannot absolve themselves after the Bin Laden saga. Gillani also tried to make the judiciary realise that it was his government that stood with them in all testing times.

He said the government firmly stood with the institutions and fully protected them after the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. “I even sacked Gen (Retd) Mahmood Durrani for giving an irresponsible statement on the issue.”

Pak PM Gilani fears coup conspiracy; hits out at army - Hindustan Times

Pakistan plot to overthrow government, says PM Gilani
Yousuf Raza Gilani (5 December 2011) Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani: 'There can be no state within a state'
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Conspirators are plotting to bring down Pakistan's civilian government, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has said.

Without specifically blaming the military, he said it was accountable to parliament and no institution could be a state within a state.

His government is struggling with a memo scandal that has forced the resignation of the Pakistani ambassador to the US and threatens the president.

The leaked memo allegedly asked for US help to prevent a military takeover.

Correspondents are describing Mr Gilani's tirade as an unprecedented attack by a civilian leader on Pakistan's powerful military.

"I want to make it clear today that conspiracies are being hatched here to pack up the elected government," the prime minister said in a speech at the National Arts Gallery in Islamabad.
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“Start Quote

Nobody is above the law, all the institutions are subservient to the parliament”

End Quote Yousuf Raza Gilani Pakistan Prime Minister

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"But we will continue to fight for the rights of people of Pakistan whether or not we remain in the government."

Later, in parliament, he said: "There can't be a state within the state. They have to be answerable to this parliament."

The BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad says there has always been an impression in Pakistan that the powerful military and its intelligence services are a state within the state.

But successive military and civilian rulers have kept up the appearance that the military is a subordinate institution of the state. Mr Gilani's defiant comments and tough language throw the issue open to debate, our correspondent says.
Bin Laden raid

Pakistan's President, Asif Ali Zardari, has recently returned to the country after seeking medical treatment in Dubai. The 56-year-old denies any role in the memo.

His illness and the scandal surrounding the memo have led to speculation that he might be forced out of office.

Pakistan's Supreme Court has opened a hearing into the memo and demanded a reply from the president.

Tensions are high between the civilian government, which has ruled since elections in February 2008, and Pakistan's powerful military and intelligence services, after US forces killed Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad in May. The army was not told about the raid in advance.

Mr Gilani also referred to the controversy over the late al-Qaeda leader, querying how he had managed to get into Pakistan and live there for six years apparently undetected.

He reminded parliament that his government had given "solid support" to the army and its intelligence agency, the ISI, following the raid, which deeply embarrassed the military.

A strike by Nato forces on a Pakistani border post in November killed 24 Pakistani soldiers. This has caused outrage in Pakistan and made it more difficult for the civilian government to defend its policy of co-operation with the United States.

The army has ruled Pakistan for much of its history and has carried out four coups.

Some analysts have speculated that the "memogate" affair is a conspiracy by the army to embarrass the government.


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image of M Ilyas Khan M Ilyas Khan BBC News, Islamabad

Prime Minister Gilani made his unprecedented remarks - perhaps his most direct attack on the military - in the context of Osama Bin Laden's killing. He said the commission he set up to investigate how Bin Laden was able to live in Pakistan undetected for six years, had, under military influence, now come around to investigating his own government for issuing visas to alleged US agents who tracked down Bin Laden.

Mr Gilani said the civilian government provided a defence to the military against international pressure after Bin Laden's killing.

Also, his government doubled the salaries of the soldiers despite financial constraints to acknowledge their sacrifices. But, he said: "they cannot be a state within the state. They have to be answerable to this parliament".

Mr Gilani's outburst is indicative of the pressure the military is reportedly exerting on his government over the memo scandal.

It also indicates that the government has decided to confront the military on this issue, a move which no civilian government has made in Pakistan before.
I guess If Army thinks its better for them to throwout the traitor govt then they shold do that no matter what in order to save the country from the conspiracy of US/NATO against our country......I guess we dont need no elections if our country's integrity is in danger....:smokin:

u think army is going to save us from US/NATO???

they only know how to sell us to the very same ppl.
from Ayub to Zia to Musharraf, they all have been literally in bed with US all their time... some may have done it in a slightly respectable way.

a corrupt zardari who ultimately has to rely on the people of Pakistan to come into power is better than these Generals who are only accountable for the increase in profits of the Fauji foundation etc

---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

Islamic Republic of Pakistan where Allah is the only supreme authority........ but even Allah has to share His authority with the army many times. in the language of the mullah, this is plain SHIRK!
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