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Gilani fears coup conspiracy; hits out at army

One thing I'm sure of is Imran Khan's not winning next general elections. PML-N has strong vote bank in North and Central Punjab. PML-N didn't come into power 5 times in Punjab for no reason, and that is exactly where Imran Khan's aiming. I, for one, at the moment, wouldn't want any other political parties besides PML-N and PPP to come into power for the next at least 3 elections and complete their terms. Only these 2 are the parties who could lessen Military's influence outside it's constitutional domain over time. Zardari's already made attempts to bring ISI under Interior Ministry and has continuously had some kind of involvement in Foreign Policy.

You are not in touch with Reality. You aren't even sure what you are saying that is a long shot dream for your PML-N to ever be in power infact this is the last time PML-N would be in Punjab this is the beginning of the end of PML-N/PPP.

I understand your dysphoria. Explain! why do you think these 2 Parties should follow each other every 4-5 Years for the next 15 Years after a massive failure; Are you blind not seeing what Pakistan and its economy is going through.
This **** sitting as a prime minister and president both just because of NAWAZ SHAREEF because here is the last time for NAWAZ TO RULE PAKISTAN. If any kind of election after March directly chances of Imran Khan to become prime minister. MQM is already quiet from last many months because ARMY give **** tu MQM don't passing any kind of statement against PTI because you will rule in karachi soon and IK will rule PAKISTAN and hand hand win win situation for the policies of Army and IK both include in sindh and Karachi MQM. Simple Army not interested to coup but also dont want NAWAZ SHAREEF to become in power because this idiot will again do non-sense harkatain as usual as before!

The rumors of Military takeover mostly coming from NAWAZ side because he has the most fear for the military coup because he knows ARMY against Nawaz and this is the only situation to continue support Zardari (from 2008 - 2011) to rule Pakistan and t now he is pressurize all parties and govt for the election because he has a fear of Military support to PTI (for rulling the state). So last chance of PPPP and PML-N to rule this state!

IK is Establishment support party and totallly BS that IK nazaryaat non-sense stuff... Establishment send all PML-K Musharaf party powerfull and PPPP powerfull member send to PTI to win this election and rule the state and kick ZARDARI and NAWAZ both forever!
Why President is risking all and came back ? He needs to be in power till march 2012 to make sure Swiss case are not open again , as after march 2012 the case be closed for ever.
Wiki leak is under pressure not to leak about Swiss accounts about Indian and Pakistani accounts. Under one estimate Pakistan's have 20 billion in out side accounts ( money from aid and loans stolen in 30th years) , while Indians have many time more.
Why have the President not submitted his reply to the courts ? Is he guilty ? Has US abandon him? ( In first Iraqi war Bush Senior asked Iraqis to rise against Saddam and then back out, So US can change their plan to back any one in their interest any time.
The civil Government can't fight or help in WOT and that's why US needs the true force Pakistan's Army as partners in WOT but with some compromises, GOP is willing to help US without any compromise but have no power on the Army which they tried through the Memo.
Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said Thursday there was a "conspiracy" to overthrow his government and, in unusually strident remarks, reminded the country's powerful armed forces that they are subservient to elected politicians.

WSJ's Julian Barnes has an exclusive report of the U.S. ready to take responsibility for the airstrike in late November that killed 24 Pakistani troops. AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad
.Mr. Gilani, who heads the Pakistan People's Party-led government, stopped short of blaming the army for playing a role in a move by an opposition party, through the Supreme Court, to topple the administration. But the remarks show a newfound assertiveness in the PPP to push back against its detractors, including the armed forces.

"I want to make it clear that there are conspiracies going on to pack up the elected government," Mr. Gilani said at a government function.

The political wrangling, and a decision by Mr. Gilani to push all major government policies from now on through Parliament, also are likely to delay a decision by Pakistan over whether to reopen North Atlantic Treaty Organization supply routes to Afghanistan.

A new U.S. military report, to be publicly released Thursday, states for the first time that the U.S. erred in the killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers during an air raid last month, U.S. officials say.

The U.S. report should help assuage Pakistani anger over the strikes, said Imtiaz Gul, director of the Islamabad-based Center for Research and Security Studies. But given Mr. Gilani's political troubles, the Parliament is unlikely to take up the issue of reopening the supply routes until early next year, he added.

A spokesman for Pakistan's foreign ministry concurred that the government wanted Parliament to decide on whether to reopen the supply line. He declined to comment further, saying Pakistan hadn't yet seen a copy of the report........

Pakistan Premier Warns Army Against 'Conspiracy' - WSJ.com
Army did try to create a hype, in fact within Army the coup info was moved, well it bitterly failed to have a mass opinion on its side, as one can easily guess from chabi wala khargosh aka Sheikh Rasheed's bitterness on TV. :laugh:

coup is no longer an option, this is what military must learn now. they must realize their actual status in the equation that is night-watch-man, let the civil government complete their tenure, we have had enough of your war-games !!

Army is born as night-watch-man, so think as night-watch-man, behave as night-watch-man, and act as night-watch-man under the Civilian Authority of 180 million people of Pakistan !!
Pakistan Army Wants President Zardari Out
Thursday, 22 Dec 2011 11:58 AM
Pakistan's powerful army is fed up with unpopular President Asif Ali Zardari and wants him out of office, but through legal means and without a repeat of the coups that are a hallmark of the country's 64 years of independence, military sources said.

Tensions are rising between Pakistan's civilian leaders and its generals over a memo that accused the army of plotting a coup after the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden in May.

"Who isn't fed up with Zardari? It's not just the opposition and the man on the street but people within the government too," said one military source who asked not to be named.

"But there has to be a proper way. No action is being planned by the army. Even if we tried, it would be very unpopular and not just with the government and the opposition but most Pakistanis too."

The Pakistani military spokesman declined comment.

General Ashfaq Kayani has pledged to keep the military out of Pakistani politics since taking over as army chief in 2007.

Any coup -- Pakistan has had three since independence in 1947 -- could further tarnish the military's public image which has already taken a battering after the bin Laden operation, widely seen in Pakistan as a violation of sovereignty.

But the army remains the arbiter of power and analysts say it has plenty of ways to pressure Zardari to step down, especially if a link is established between him and the memo, which sought the Pentagon's help in averting a feared coup.

Businessman Mansoor Ijaz, writing in a column in the Financial Times on October 10, said a senior Pakistani diplomat had asked that a memo be delivered to the Pentagon with a plea for U.S. help to stave off a military coup in the days after the raid that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in May.

Ijaz later identified the diplomat as Pakistan's ambassador to Washington, Husain Haqqani, who denied involvement but resigned over the controversy. No evidence has emerged that the military was plotting a coup and the Pentagon at the time dismissed the memo as not credible.

Friction between Pakistan's civilian government and military have bedeviled the nuclear-armed South Asian country for almost its entire existence, with the military ruling for more than half its 64-year history after a series of coups.

In the past the army has asked Pakistani civilian leaders to resign and influenced judicial proceedings against them.

Haqqani's resignation was seen by many analysts as further weakening the civilian government, which is already beset by allegations of corruption and incompetence in the face of many challenges, including a weak economy and a Taliban insurgency.


Zardari returned to Pakistan this week from medical treatment in Dubai that raised speculation he would resign under pressure from the military over what has been dubbed "memogate."

Although his position is largely ceremonial, he wields considerable influence as leader of the ruling party and his forced departure would be a humiliation for the civilian leadership and could throw the country into turmoil.

One of the military sources suggested that no direct action would be needed against the government because it had already made so many mistakes.

"If the government is digging its own grave, we are not going to look for spades," the source said.

The military has reasserted itself after a November 26 NATO cross-border air attack killed 24 Pakistani soldiers and the memo has also given it political ammunition.

In a statement submitted to the Supreme Court, which is looking into a petition demanding an inquiry into who may have been behind the memo, Kayani said it was a serious matter which required an investigation.

"We want anyone involved, be they in government or elsewhere, to be punished. But it is not for us to do anything. If the army moves to do anything it would have national as well as international repercussions," said another military source.

"So that is not likely. Anything that has to be done has to be done by the Supreme Court."

Officials from Zardari's ruling party have played down friction with the military and say they don't fear a coup.

But they fear that some judges in the increasingly aggressive Supreme Court dislike Zardari and could move against him.

"I am not bothered about the army. I think they are acting very sensibly and would not derail the system at the moment," a senior ruling party leader told Reuters.

"The worry probably would be what the Supreme Court does. They look in a mood to manipulate things."

The government's anxiety over memogate was highlighted in comments made by Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani on Thursday.

"Let me make clear to you today that there are intrigues, conspiracies afoot to pack up the elected government," he said in a speech at the National Art Gallery.

Pakistan Army Wants President Zardari Out

---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ----------

Looks like pretty cool stuff is going on within our country.....I wish we get rid of these traitor politicians Govt out of the Pakistan for good....never wanna see this corrupt democratic system backed by the US/NATO....within our country.....:smokin:
Looks like pretty cool stuff is going on within our country.....I wish we get rid of these traitor politicians Govt out of the Pakistan for good....never wanna see this corrupt democratic system backed by the US/NATO....within our country.....

and then the patriot military to lead us to Mars... :angel:
Civilian govt. can't do anything its all at the mercy of army if they want to survive better crack a deal.
Army did try to create a hype, in fact within Army the coup info was moved, well it bitterly failed to have a mass opinion on its side, as one can easily guess from chabi wala khargosh aka Sheikh Rasheed's bitterness on TV. :laugh:

coup is no longer an option, this is what military must learn now. they must realize their actual status in the equation that is night-watch-man, let the civil government complete their tenure, we have had enough of your war-games !!

Army is born as night-watch-man, so think as night-watch-man, behave as night-watch-man, and act as night-watch-man under the Civilian Authority of 180 million people of Pakistan !!

Well.. they are slightly more respectable than that.. but yes.
It is NOT their job to run governments.. if it does come to chaos.. let it. The people of Pakistan are responsible for cleaning up their mess.. not their leaders.
wow wow nice man i know army want to kick out these bastards but kiyani pasha still want to keep them . i personally think they should keep them but as dummy .till there time over and kick them out :cheers:
those who are against democratic setup & want army to take over need to think what has army done so special when it was in power many times in past. infact Pakistani army is responsible for weak political setup in pakistan that's why pak has history of political instability. the job of army is to protect a country from external & internal threats & not to dictate terms in everything.
those who are against democratic setup & want army to take over need to think what has army done so special when it was in power many times in past. infact Pakistani army is responsible for weak political setup in pakistan that's why pak has history of political instability. the job of army is to protect a country from external & internal threats & not to dictate terms in everything.

thanks for advise sir its our country and we are free to give power pak army or aliens :hitwall: if you know pakistan growth and landmarks you will never post this post :fie:
There is not going to be a coup. Even the military has realized that the last experience was a complete disaster. Even the most corrupt democratically elected government is better than a coup regime since we can be sure that the corrupt democratic government has a time limit and an expiry. In just few short months people will get to choose whoever they want to lead the country so a coup would be the most stupid thing to do. People are impatiently waiting for an election and they have waited this time for five years now. A coup would really hurt all those Pakistanis who are waiting for the election.
Pakistanis took us wrongly when we questioned their military.. By blaming military ..it means that top echelon of PA not the other foot soldiers who are doing their job diligently. They are as corrupt as political leaders.. but they do not share any accountability.
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