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Ghaher 313 fighter

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I am not trying to demean or anything here, but I find it quite hard to imagine this thing actually flying, let alone for "Thousands of hours".
Another question comes to mind if it really did fly for "Thousands of hours" why not bring the actuall flying jet on display instead of a poorly made mock up which at a glance looks to have a constitution of aerodynamics problems that would prevent it from achieving a quarter of what is being publicized.
The problem lies in Iran's isolation and its government petty need for making recognition.

Every time I have tried to discuss this at the forum, I have been accused of being a pan-Turk! The thing you are talking about is the manner of a government who wants to rescue Iran not the one dreaming the reign of her monopoly.

It does take away from actual development. There were brilliant and realistic ideas that somehow did not sit well with the clergy. Or knowledgeable people who ended up being targeted by the clergy. Instead of sending monkey's into space...which while an admirable achievement is unnecessary for the pressing problems Iran faces... it would have been better to test recon satellites.

and I started a thread about possibility of secularism in Iran, the best conclusion belongs to Aeronaut: "The overall understanding of the nation is the most important thing in achieving a suitable state of secularism."

The same goes here, instead of making cardboard mockups of CAD blueprints. it would have been better to actually put the effort in making the Shafagh work or at least strip down the F-14 and rebuild it from the ground up..and improve that design.

A copy of mig 29 was much more than possible at current step. Just consider the hint: "you should cover your disastrous economical performance with something!"

Not only would it have been more realistic.. it would also have been effective in the current unjustified international pressure that Iran faces.

You are just speaking too serious about the responsibility of our government, dude!
I am not trying to demean or anything here, but I find it quite hard to imagine this thing actually flying, let alone for "Thousands of hours".
Another question comes to mind if it really did fly for "Thousands of hours" why not bring the actuall flying jet on display instead of a poorly made mock up which at a glance looks to have a constitution of aerodynamics problems that would prevent it from achieving a quarter of what is being publicized.

These were the responses to the same question asked by me:

Do countries always show their latest technology out in the open?

This was a reveal for our enemies to know that we have built something. Don't forget Iran is a country under heavy pressure from enemy nations. So this reveal used a model just as a deterrent. So countries like USA know about our increasing capabilities.

Well, this is just speculation. So in my opinion:

We would not have revealed it this early had we not been under such threats. We probably made this quick reveal just so US/Israel see this. Even if they think it is fake, it will at the very least put a seed of doubt in their mind.

Fighter jets are not things that will be made overnight. I am sure as the weeks and months go by we will see more and more videos, pictures and information about it.
A general question: What makes the Pak-Fa or F22 any different? Both are untested platforms and their specs thus far have mostly been hype.
First of all the Cockpit glass can't in anyway be real, unless the technology in the plane renders pilot's visual input useless or they expect him to fly from memory:

Second they really need a better paint job specialist, or some input on how to make a stealthy coating using something other than black paint:


There is the issue of the inlet and the engine compat,emit and the radar size carrying capability but I will not go into detail for that unless asked.

Beautiful. GooD design. Loved the wings.

But the front looks a bit short to incorporate a few things, but it can be made stealthy.

Seriously, there is something goofy about this.

Then again it is a mock up.
I apologize on my behalf from everyone who was insulted by any Iranian member,fake account or not.

Some guys only make our country look worse, they think they are actually doing something good or helping their country.

@ Iranian members: If anyone casts any doubts, if you have proper technical info, answer it and if you can't,simply leave it.If they are wrong, by your logical response, those who have no prejudice or hate, will be convinced, and if you are wrong, you have actually learnt something from others.
By insulting others, you are simply destroying a whole country's reputation in minds of many people.
I am not trying to demean or anything here, but I find it quite hard to imagine this thing actually flying, let alone for "Thousands of hours".
Another question comes to mind if it really did fly for "Thousands of hours" why not bring the actuall flying jet on display instead of a poorly made mock up which at a glance looks to have a constitution of aerodynamics problems that would prevent it from achieving a quarter of what is being publicized.

They are telling truth Iranian F5 have flown "Thousands of hours" .

i would like to be the 1st to declare iran has made the worlds largest RC.

this govt has practically destroyed Iranian scientific community image with this.

I apologize on my behalf from everyone who was insulted by any Iranian member,fake account or not.

Some guys only make our country look worse, they think they are actually doing something good or helping their country.

@ Iranian members: If anyone casts any doubts, if you have proper technical info, answer it and if you can't,simply leave it.If they are wrong, by your logical response, those who have no prejudice or hate, will be convinced, and if you are wrong, you have actually learnt something from others.
By insulting others, you are simply destroying a whole country's reputation in minds of many people.

First of all the Cockpit glass can't in anyway be real, unless the technology in the plane renders pilot's visual input useless or they expect him to fly from memory:

Second they really need a better paint job specialist, or some input on how to make a stealthy coating using something other than black paint:


There is the issue of the inlet and the engine compat,emit and the radar size carrying capability but I will not go into detail for that unless asked.

well any answer now is meaningless....we know about it as you know...
ofcourse i will downloading the interview the headman of project...after seeing that maybe can answer
First of all the Cockpit glass can't in anyway be real, unless the technology in the plane renders pilot's visual input useless or they expect him to fly from memory:

Second they really need a better paint job specialist, or some input on how to make a stealthy coating using something other than black paint:


There is the issue of the inlet and the engine compat,emit and the radar size carrying capability but I will not go into detail for that unless asked.

Looks very uneven from the reflecting light. And the cockpit canopy is abnormally cone shaped.
Also what is the deal with the electricity cable connected to it in the presentation?



A roll out ceremony is suppose to showcase an actual airplane, or to the very least an a complete airframe to show case new technology. This is suppose to be the plane's major roll out ceremony that the president himself attended.
Was the f117 subsonic due to wing design, air inlet size, air inlet position? or all three? I wanted to ask you as a comparison to f313's inlets placement & size and its effects on its flight parameters

Everyone can keyword search 'hopeless diamond' and see the -117's precursor's shape. When Lockheed designed that body, and I did not use the word 'aircraft', low radar observability was the highest consideration. Literally at the expense of everything else, hence they called it 'hopeless', because that body could fly only like a tossed rock. Believe it or not, what Lockheed did was not unusual in aviation. You take the most optimistic ideas you have into a body and everyone begins to chip away at it until the final product have only a fraction of your original concept. That 'everyone' group are the subordinate areas like aerodynamics, flight controls, environmental, propulsion, etc.

In the past, Aerodynamics took the lead and everyone else is subordinate to that group. But with the -117, Aerodynamics had to share its leadership position with the Radar guys and these gents had no other method except the angled faceting technique for radar echo controls. That created serious problems for Aerodynamics first, then Flight Controls second. As a side note, laymen should not confuse aerodynamics with stability. The F-16 is very aerodynamic but would spin out of control in a millisecond. As the war raged between Aerodynamics and Radar, Flight Controls and Propulsion were working to find solutions appropriate to their areas. When the dust settled, it was precisely because of that angled faceting technique that must be there in order for the body to be 'stealthy', subsonic was the best compromise for that body as finalized by Aerodynamics. It was Radar that forced Aerodynamics to relocate the intakes to upstairs, which because of the potential for starvation, Flight Controls had to re-program the computers to have AoA limits lower than what originally was programmed in. So since the body was forced to be subsonic by Aerodynamics, Propulsion removed the afterburners from the engines and that allowed the body to be even 'stealthier' in the rear aspect. Low IR signature was a side benefit as well.

The wings had little to do with that subsonic decision because overall the body was clearly optimized for high speed, like how the -104 Starfighter was with its rocket like fuselage, but with stubby wings it could barely maneuver, the -104 was little more than a straight line fast interceptor intended to make the first hit to any intruder. But the -117 was intended to have at least some maneuverability and Flight Controls adapted from the -16's. Without the radar low observability demand, the -117's body could easily hit Mach.
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It appears to have neither a gun or gunport nor hardpoints. What weapons is this suppose to carry? If fighter (A2A) it need a gun and missiles. If ground attack, it needs various munitions and hardpoints.


... which also begs the questions WHAT weapons? What A2A missiles does Iran produce (I´ve read only about ´Fatter´, a Sidewinder like SRAAM). If not any, which imported weapons is this pup intended to carry?
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