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Germany ready to deploy troops in Pakistan.

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You Indians are never short of obsessions. Look how yo guys are jumping in joy. Stop playing on somebody else's shoulder, you dont even have balls to cross the border even in this difficult situation. Keep dreaming until sikhs in punjab and kashmiris wakes you up with your wet pents down.

Sometimes I just wonder how much time you guys have to spare and to jump into every discussion in this forum and bash Pakistan. Remember its not as bad as it is pictured but unfortunately we have no asnwer to the western and local agents (hindu) propaganda for the time being. You keep dreaming on your side of the border, while we clean up this mess.

sikhs of punjab have been wetting Pakistan's pants for 63 years now . Sweet dreams though .

And ofcourse you don't trust hindus even of your own country .
what happened when germany deployed to afghanistan in the form of nato and rest of the world...you are now holding secret meetings with taleban like rats negotiating a safe and honourable exit...wont you ever learn from your mistakes?:undecided:

False flag . haven't changed your flags yet .
am going to start a body bag manufacturing business .... :P
markus thats cause of our indian lobby in washington and european union....they are wasting money of a common indian who works with full dedication in call centers..they pay money to all the top officials to give such sort of idiotic statements.,,,,we should remain away from the big as americans and nato will soon leave the region

Do you feel shame to hold your country's flag?? Is it that shameful that you wanna hold some other country's flag?? Or you're in love with the Indian flag??
will that not be a step towards redicalizing millions of Pakistanis living abroad???

but then again, you are most welcome. we will welcome you with fireworks which might go on for quite some time :)
We will slaughter these Nazi pigs will be slaughtered if they ever do this misadventure! :angry:

Infact we should build gas chambers and ovens for cooking them , give them a taste of their own medicine.

bloody KRAUT bastards!! ahahahha what a name => KRAUT , the brits are good at keeping names thats for sure :lol:
hmmm let me think what we'll make out of them

KRAUT salad
KRAUT kabab
KRAUT chutney

and finally

KRAUT nomore :D:D:D:D
We will slaughter these Nazi pigs will be slaughtered if they ever do this misadventure! :angry:

Infact we should build gas chambers and ovens for cooking them , give them a taste of their own medicine.

bloody KRAUT bastards!! ahahahha what a name => KRAUT , the brits are good at keeping names thats for sure :lol:

hmmm let me think what we'll make out of them

KRAUT salad
KRAUT kabab
KRAUT chutney

and finally

KRAUT nomore :D:D:D:D

Calm down....
Here's the English version the news (courtesy: IRNA):

Germany open to troop deployment in Pakistan or Yemen

Berlin, May 27, IRNA -- German Defense Minister Thomas de Maziere does not rule out the deployment of German troops in unstable countries, including Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan or Somalia, the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported on Friday.

De Maziere said he expected that requests would be made for the stationing of German forces in volatile states as part of international military operations like in Afghanistan or the Balkan region. 'How we respond to these depends on the type of request as well as our considerations,' he told Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

The minister stressed 'soldiers are part of (German) foreign policy, and a political process must accompany the deployment of soldiers.'

He pointed out Germany's alliance interests are 'usually also national interests.'

De Maziere made headlines earlier this month by saying his country would be ready to boost its global military intervention role.

'We have to be prepared for many conceivable scenarios,' the minister told German public broadcaster ZDF.

The spectrum of German military missions abroad could include merely election monitoring as well as a major military interventions like what took place in the Balkans, de Maziere was quoted as saying.

He said in future up to 10,000 soldiers would be able to participate simultaneously in various military missions abroad.

There are presently around 6,750 German troops deployed around the world of whom over 5,300 soldiers are stationed in Afghanistan as part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).

Critics of Germany's growing global military interventionist role say it smacked of economic imperialism.
Pakistan is not their daddy's country that they can 'deploy' as they wish.
Germany has a disgusting past they are mass murdering SOBs and they shed crocodile tears today not because they regret their actions of the past but simply because they lost!
Many Pakistanis foolishly thing that germans are ‘good’, I’ve seen this attitude mostly among the Pashtuns but it’s also there among others. What they don’t realize that if there were Pakistanis in Germany at the time off WWII these Nazi would have slaughtered them also , it wouldn’t have been just the Jews.
Germany played its role for the break of Czechoslovakia and these types of barkings coming out of these eternal Nazis must not be taken lightly.
Don’t worry people this cycle of thinking comes regularly to the Germans when they have stability and it’s when they have expansionist nationalism they press the self-destruct button and fall spectacularly flat on their backside.

Our leaders have made Pakistan a joke but our 180 million strong citizens would entertain the Nazis by drilling them a new arsehole. Germans better be ready to build a bunker on par with the Fuhrerbunker.
I think All the developed country should send their troops to Pakistan to kill all the terrorists,

Now Germany is on my love list :smitten:
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