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Germany ready to deploy troops in Pakistan.

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We very ..happi ...let the whole world send their troops here so that we can have some fun.....Insha-Allah.....:)
No need to change that german interests on international stage are almost the same as americas

LOL .. oh really
The Euro is a direct competitor to the Dollar , go figure
Like I said you are either too young, too stupid or simply you are an Indian. :cheesy:
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China doesnt care about akistan, they do a crap for pakistan, they wont risk their booming economy and all their archievements for pakistan who only buy some planes. akistan has nothing to offer for china wich is comprehensible. Chinese are reasonable peoples.

Your attempts of trolling are ridiculous.

Your claim that American interests are the same as German interests are just plain wrong.

The Euro was launched as a competitor to the Dollar and in capitalist terms the Euro is the enemy of the Dollar.

If the Euro were to ever get into the place where it could replace the Dollar as the international reserve currency, this love fest between the US and Germany will be over

For now though you Chancellor seem to be happy to be groped by the Americans

In the above video the Cowboy established his dominance over the Nazi woman by groping her .LOL , for now it seems Germans are happy to be groped by the Americans

There is whisper that goes around sometimes that what the Germans could not pull off with their weapons and wars in Eurpose (i.e to bring all of Europe under their influence) they are no trying to do so with the Euro

Be rest assured that the Americans are watching and even more so the Brits are watching.
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let them come and stay at border of afgan and pakistan for one week, next week they will run back like a mad dog..................lol

I'm sure you must have thought the same for US, but now everyone knows who's crying like a mad dog.
Such nihlistin denial remarks in the face of global terrorism says you don't know how to deal with the fact that Pakistan was one of only two worldwide nations to have recognized Taliban ruled Afghanistan. Pakistan allowed as the Taliban ambassador from Afghanistan to Pakistan Mullah Omar, a bloody murdering heretic. Etc.
Such nihlistin denial remarks in the face of global terrorism says you don't know how to deal with the fact that Pakistan was one of only two worldwide nations to have recognized Taliban ruled Afghanistan. Pakistan allowed as the Taliban ambassador from Afghanistan to Pakistan Mullah Omar, a bloody murdering heretic. Etc.

Nonsense and nothing but trash
Your claim that American interests are the same as German interests are just plain wrong.

The Euro was launched as a competitor to the Dollar and in capitalist terms the Euro is the enemy of the Dollar.

If the Euro were to ever get into the place where it could replace the Dollar as the international reserve currency, this love fest between the US and Germany will be over

For now though you Chancellor seem to be happy to be groped by the Americans

In the above video the Cowboy established his dominance over the Nazi woman by groping her .LOL , for now it seems Germans are happy to be groped by the Americans

There is whisper that goes around sometimes that what the Germans could not pull off with their weapons and wars in Eurpose (i.e to bring all of Europe under their influence) they are no trying to do so with the Euro

Be rest assured that the Americans are watching and even more so the Brits are watching.

They are both a part of a military bloc called NATO . That is enough knowledge.
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LOST 35000 LIVES, 60 Billion US $

Osama was branded a terrorist by the US after his alleged involvement in the 9/11 attack, which resulted in the killing of a few thousand innocent Americans. So, the principle is that those who kill innocents are terrorists. Therefore, if Osama was a terrorist for his alleged involvement in the 9/11 episode, then following the same principle why the US, which is responsible for killing more than a million innocent Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, is not termed a terrorist state?

If Osama, without a trial, could be condemned and killed, then why the killer states involved in the assassination of innocent Muslims in Indian Held Kashmir and Palestinians — India and Israel — are not declared terrorist states for killing innocents.
Germany ready to deploy troops in Pakistan.

and we are ready to send them back parasled in coffens . these bastards only teach the language what afghan taliban teach them daily .if germnay forget these pics we will rearrange these partes in germany after they bring there feet on our motherland


Calm down guys. This is just media tactics to get some attention on an international level.
Pakistanis seem to be challenging Germany...:lol: Please don't overestimate yourselves..first finish off Taliban and Al Qaeda probs then talk about finishing Germany...Just as you wanted to finish off USA ;)
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