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Germany introduces €200B gas price cap to counter Russia’s ‘energy war’

Wrong decision which our leaders are making to burden more on economy win win for IMF and it's Jew masters better sit with regional powers like Russia on table and decide the terms for regional safety and stability of food and energy rather than taking us dictation

Recent gas pipeline destruction should have made Germany think differently who is ultimately beneficery of such act obviously USA who don't want peace for EU and Germany over its small goals

Germans should start to look at bigger picture
Wrong decision which our leaders are making to burden more on economy win win for IMF and it's Jew masters better sit with regional powers like Russia on table and decide the terms for regional safety and stability of food and energy rather than taking us dictation

Recent gas pipeline destruction should have made Germany think differently who is ultimately beneficery of such act obviously USA who don't want peace for EU and Germany over its small goals

Germans should start to look at bigger picture

I cannot believe the garbage being posted

If it is fine for Russia to attack Ukraine it is fine for Germany to take Prussia, Silesia and Pomarennia. Unlike the Russians Germans are a tad bit competent at what they do
Whole Nato did. They first said no more expansion in nato on the boarders of russia, but they did it. Again and again. And then nato tried to block Russia in black sea through Ukraine. Sanctions after sanctions. And here comes Russia.
Russia was the lifeline of europe and Europeans are busy cutting it.
That's literally not true and is a myth pushed by Russian propaganda.

Also 3 NATO nations already exist on Russia's border.

NATO actually didn't try to block Russia's access to the black sea, and the proof of that is their lack of response to Russia's annexation of Crimea.

Russia was never, isn't, and will never be a lifeline to Europe, ever.
That's literally not true and is a myth pushed by Russian propaganda.

Also 3 NATO nations already exist on Russia's border.

NATO actually didn't try to block Russia's access to the black sea, and the proof of that is their lack of response to Russia's annexation of Crimea.

Russia was never, isn't, and will never be a lifeline to Europe, ever.
Sir I will strongly suggest to read this
Specially after 1995, Russia was challenged on every front. This isnt Russian Propegenda. These are facts bro.
Sir I will strongly suggest to read this
Specially after 1995, Russia was challenged on every front. This isnt Russian Propegenda. These are facts bro.

Russia's economic & technological weakness made it irrelevant. You are essentially telling me Pakistanis have a right to emigrate to the EU while people of Eastern Europe do not
Russia's economic & technological weakness made it irrelevant. You are essentially telling me Pakistanis have a right to emigrate to the EU while people of Eastern Europe do not
NATOs boundaries never reached Indian border.
Immigration and Intimidation are two very separate concepts.

Did you occur to you why Germany has a good economy while the likes of Russia, Iran, North Korea and Cuba do not ?

hint hint
I really dont know why.
Please elaborate.
Sir I will strongly suggest to read this
Specially after 1995, Russia was challenged on every front. This isnt Russian Propegenda. These are facts bro.
The myth that the Russians spouted was that nato agreed to not expand to Russian borders; this is 100% a myth.

The link you provided only proves me right.

The Baltic states are NATO and on Russian borders and have been for a very long time. Ukraine joining would have changed nothing.

Besides, Ukraine originally never wanted to join NATO, their goal was the EU. Russia's idiotic invasion forced them to seek membership.

So it is literally Russian propaganda.
I cannot believe the garbage being posted

If it is fine for Russia to attack Ukraine it is fine for Germany to take Prussia, Silesia and Pomarennia. Unlike the Russians Germans are a tad bit competent at what they do
So you want to indulge into last war of the world just to please USA i don't understand your selfishness
So you want to indulge into last war of the world just to please USA i don't understand your selfishness

If you think Ukraine is fighting Russia to please USA I will let you live in your own fantasy land. I will give you a hint not everything revolves around Amerika or Pakistan
Luxembourg also has a AAA credit rating,do you think they can borrow 200b?

Germany credit rating is AAA. No problem at all to borrow additional one trillion euros. Will be cheaper for everyone if Putin stops the war tomorrow. Otherwise will continue like this. by the way Germany controls the central bank it can print trillions after trillions of euros. Let’s see who will lose this game.

That's exactly what Weimarer Germany did,print trillions after trillions,and we all know how it ended up
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