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Germany introduces €200B gas price cap to counter Russia’s ‘energy war’

The Europeans are not looking to fight. That does not mean they can't beat the crap out of you

Dodging as usual the question:
are you worried that Ukraine and its allies will beat Putin ? you should be. that will leave China alone.
Russia has applied for joining the EU and NATO many times. If the western countries think that it can isolate China, they just need to agree to Russia's application. On the contrary, if the blood of each other's relatives and friends is stuck on the hands of the West and Russia, it will be difficult to pacify each other's hatred.

As for China, don't worry about us. We are never alone. Even in 1971, when we were hostile to the United States and the Soviet Union at the same time, we could get two-thirds of the support of the United Nations to restore our permanent seats under the opposition of the United States and the Soviet Union. Now we are the largest trading partner of almost all countries. In fact, we are the real majority.
Russia has applied for joining the EU and NATO many times. If the western countries think that it can isolate China, they just need to agree to Russia's application. On the contrary, if the blood of each other's relatives and friends is stuck on the hands of the West and Russia, it will be difficult to pacify each other's hatred.

As for China, don't worry about us. We are never alone. Even in 1971, when we were hostile to the United States and the Soviet Union at the same time, we could get two-thirds of the support of the United Nations to restore our permanent seats under the opposition of the United States and the Soviet Union. Now we are the largest trading partner of almost all countries. In fact, we are the real majority.

NATO is tricky. If Russia is part of NATO there is no reason for NATO existence. Maybe some other European security structure. Russia has to qualify for EU membership. Even before Putin Russia was way behind in democracy, rule of law etc.

As far as China goes no one will assist you in a conflict with USA
NATO is tricky. If Russia is part of NATO there is no reason for NATO existence. Maybe some other European security structure. Russia has to qualify for EU membership. Even before Putin Russia was way behind in democracy, rule of law etc.

As far as China goes no one will assist you in a conflict with USA
We don't need the help of any country. We just need to expand the navy until our navy is more than twice the strength of the United States navy.

Does the United States dare to enter into a naval arms race with us?

Or does the United States dare to give up its sea power?

BTW: China is now expanding its navy. In the last 10 years, the Chinese navy has added 2 million tons of warships. Even the combined speed of NATO and the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War was not as fast as ours.

On August 12 this year, the US Ticonderoga class cruiser crossed the Taiwan Strait and the Chinese 055 class destroyer that accompanied the voyage.

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What do you expect ? Europeans are going to roll over when you invade their homes. They have one of the largest wealthiest economic blocs on the planet.
One step: dont provoke Russia. Thats pretty much it.
Russians will make rich people poor pretty much soon and easily.
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Germany calls it Russia's energy war...

While the truth Russia is still selling it at a cheap price.

While USA and Germany are busy keeping the price afloat and then blaming it on Russia.

After the collapse of USSR, Russia is offering friendship and world peace.

But everything is betrayed and backstabbed.

And it's still Russia's fault.

The elites win and the people lose.

The drama of the 21st century.

Btw, third world countries are also paying for it, they are already poor and Germany still adds a big burden to it.

It's amazing how German leaders still think they are innocent and even act like they are the victim too.

Democratic politicians....
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One step: dont provoke Russia. Thats pretty much it.
Russians will make rich people poor pretty much soon and easily.

Who the hell are the Europeans ? They ruled half of the world less than 100 years ago. They launched a couple of savage world wars. Just because they have decided to be sane and settle their differences through NATO and EU it does not mean they lack a punch.

Europeans might not spend a lot compared to USA. They can easily beat the sorry *** Russian military in a conventional war. They have enough nukes to make Putin think twice about a nuclear war.
Who the hell are the Europeans ? They ruled half of the world less than 100 years ago. They launched a couple of savage world wars. Just because they have decided to be sane and settle their differences through NATO and EU it does not mean they lack a punch.

Europeans might not spend a lot compared to USA. They can easily beat the sorry *** Russian military in a conventional war. They have enough nukes to make Putin think twice about a nuclear war.

Europeans never ruled the world. They never managed to conquer China. China is the world's oldest continuous civilization. You cannot rule the world without conquering China.

On top of that, British never conquered any part of mainland Europe. They were only able to take Gibraltar from Spain.

Let's don't get me started on Europeans being civilized. European men have deep set eyes, big canine teeth, big brow ridges, heavy facial hair, large mustache. European men are not peaceful. European men are war mongers.
Russia has Europe over a barrel as Europe expected an eventual liberalisation and democratisation of Russia.
They thought deep economic tie-up with Russia would facilitate such development's
Instead a expansionist authoritarian oligarchy has tightened its grip on Russia and wants to expand its borders into Europe.
Europe will pay a heavy price, BUT ONLY IN THE SHORT TERM,

Europe is now fully cognisant of this blackmail and will be galvanised to carve out a green independent energy future.

This will take time and a lot of pain
The west is going to bankrupt till 2050.
Their people will start migrating to India, China and Asian countries for taxi driver and house keeping job. 🤣🤣🤣

There are tens of thousands scrambling to get to Europe every day !!!!!
Practically men women and children from at least 50 countries are trying to enter Europe even if it kills them which it does in their hundreds.
Still they come
There are tens of thousands scrambling to get to Europe every day !!!!!
Practically men women and children from at least 50 countries are trying to enter Europe even if it kills them which it does in their hundreds.
Still they come

Europe has poor living standard compared to China. I have lived in both China and the UK and I can honestly say UK is third world compared to China. It's not even close.
One step: dont provoke Russia. Thats pretty much it.
Russians will make rich people poor pretty much soon and easily.
No one provoked Russia.

Putin just had grand dreams of being considered one of if not the greatest Russian leader in history.

He's turned out to be a massive fool instead.
Europeans never ruled the world. They never managed to conquer China. China is the world's oldest continuous civilization. You cannot rule the world without conquering China.

On top of that, British never conquered any part of mainland Europe. They were only able to take Gibraltar from Spain.

Let's don't get me started on Europeans being civilized. European men have deep set eyes, big canine teeth, big brow ridges, heavy facial hair, large mustache. European men are not peaceful. European men are war mongers.

Europe = UK + continental Europe - Russia

Sure they never conquered Russia, Turkey, Japan, China and Korea. They ruled Europe, most of Africa, Americas, large parts of Asia and Australia. That is 80% of landmass and 75% of world population

People queue up to enter Europe - starting with our resident Pakistanis

The west is going to bankrupt till 2050.
Their people will start migrating to India, China and Asian countries for taxi driver and house keeping job. 🤣🤣🤣

Climate change is more likely than bankruptcy
Europe = UK + continental Europe - Russia

Sure they never conquered Russia, Turkey, Japan, China and Korea. They ruled Europe, most of Africa, Americas, large parts of Asia and Australia. That is 80% of landmass and 75% of world population

People queue up to enter Europe - starting with our resident Pakistanis

Climate change is more likely than bankruptcy

None of the places ruled by Europeans were advanced or heavily populated. North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa. These are all back water. China is the name of the game. If Europeans cannot conquer China, then China will rule the world.

That is 80% of landmass and 75% of world population

It's not about number. It's about quality. China has the world's best quality land. India is too hot for development. China has favorable climate for development.
destroy bitcoin and the cia is finished. cia is also weakened with destroying the plot to take down the global economy and national currencies. The putin agenda that China is supporting is the cia agenda to isolate and destroy China.

Tucker Carlson is a Trumper and deepstater. Trump is the face of the cia to destroy China; and promoter of the cia plot against countries around the globe. Why would Tucker and fellow cia trolls blame the US for the pipeline. Because of two reasons:

1) cia knows that neoconservatism failed because the public rejected cia endless wars and cia agenda, up to 50% of netizens turned on the neo-con cia so the cia went underground with cia asset Trump as the cia proposed leader of the "resistance", trying to fool the masses that Trump is fighting the deepstate. The cia is circling the wagons around Putin for the Tucker crowd. The Trump/Putin brand of these cia individuals fakely "fighting the deepstate" is very important to the survival of the cia. That is the cia brand in the US - Tucker and Trump - both back Putin to destroy the EU.

2) The second goes along with the first, the cia has to pretend that it is getting defeated by Tucker and Trump and other Putinites, so when bitcoin is proposed as global currency, the bitcoiner Trumpers believe and promote that the cia was defeated. A 1984 system where the masses falsely believe the cia 1984 agents are defeated (when it is the same as the Trump years, Trump was never fighting the deepstate and cia). Trump was always on Team cia. And cia is planning to rule the globe with the masses of Putinite/Trumpers not knowing this.

The goal of the cia is a 1984 system, that nobody figures out that they are living in 1984.

Former US General Flynn and a cia Trumper/Putinite says crazy stuff as this:

Michael Flynn Says a State Governor Can Declare War and ‘We’re Going to Probably See That’​

The cia deepstate that Trump serves is destroying Europe, destroying the national currencies, destroying the economies of Europe and globally.

Why would the cia want to ok domestic terrorism again after the 1/6 color revolution of cia trump.

Here is why...

The zionists need working electoral majorities (until the zionists have their authoritarian totalitarian regimes throughout UK/US/France/Israel/Russia).

The liberals were split. The leftists went anti-zionist and anti-Israel, especially in Europe. And the neo-liberals follow zionist CNN and zionist Rachel Maddow. Similar in Europe. There is not enough popular support on the center-left to support cia wars and zionism. So the zionists went neo-nationalist.

And easy to predict, the Putinites and Trumpers support the Russian invasion because the zionists control the movement's leaders. The fake resistance is controlled by Putin/Trump/Likud and other zionists. Trumper and Putinites are being played by the cia deepstate that also controls Biden. cia controls both sides of Dems and Republicans; China, Iran and much of Europe figured this out.

Netanyahu's Unholy Alliance With Europe's 'Anti-Semitic' Far Right

Such comments endear Netanyahu to the Right. "I am quite happy," says Fiorello Provera, a senior member of the Italian right-wing party Lega Nord and a former European parliamentarian. "I think that Netanyahu is the right man for the difficult situation." Provera then made a plea for the Israeli prime minister to not completely turn his back on the continent. "Since the left has abandoned Israel," he said, "what is left for Israel are the right-wing parties of Europe."

The nationalists and libertarians were carefully manipulated for over a decade by Netayahu and cia crones. For the purpose to get these individuals to support the cia agenda of destroy the EU and destroy China. Along with hating Muslims in Europe in a staged migrant crisis. And hate "Mexicans" in the US in another staged migrant crisis.

The zionists milked as many wars in the Middle East as possible with neo-conservatism. Trying to get McCain or Romney to do an Iran War. The latter failed with the 2008 and 2012 elections. Then, had cia Trump shift the missions from MENA wars to a war vs China and a Putin War to knock out competition of Germany and the EU. The Entente (x overtly France) hates the EU and wants it destroyed.

It is for this reason, that the anti-zionist leftists are the real resistance. It is the reason why Trump wants to criminalize antifa leftists (ie: those who oppose Trump). Trump wants that authoritarian state I mentioned above, the cia media wants it, the cia Republicans want it. To get the nation anti-"Woke", and watching Tucker Carlson. It is why there is a cia staged war with cia staged victims of LGBTQ, to get the leftists destroyed in arguments on tv, on the net and other places. Tucker Carlson is tasked to whip support for the destruction of the leftists, because they are the resistance, not directly controlled by the cia. The Tucker crowd believe believe themselves to be fighting the cia Pompeo deepstate, and that is where the cia wants the masses.

cia fake "woke" agenda, fake UN agenda, fake WEF agenda. Staged for the sole purpose to drive the entire population to Trumpism, Putinism, Tucker, Republicans, and the cia reservation.

The plan was after the 1/6 coup, if it succeeded, was going to be the take out of China, and the elimination of leftists in the US, branded "antifa" as "terrorists" because Trump was planning to go authoritarianism with crackdown on opponents. The path to 1984 with the conservatives cheering. You are an American, this was the cia plan. cia lost, so are chimping out and wanting to destroy the peace-nik Europeans.
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