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Germany anti-Islam protests: Cologne Cathedral to switch of lights in protest against Pegida


Sep 20, 2014
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One of Germany’s most famous landmarks will go dark on Monday night as thousands people are expected to flood the streets in anti-Islam demonstrations.

As the Pegida movement against the so-called “Islamification of the West” has grown, so has opposition to it and Cologne Cathedral’s silent protest is set to be one of the most symbolic so far.

It will turn its lights off for almost three hours during the rally, following the example of the Semperoper concert hall in Dresden, where the protests have been centred.

In December, more than 17,000 people marched on the city with the “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamification of the West”, filling the city’s historic square singing Christmas carols and waving German flags.

More than 17,000 joined a Pegida protest in Dresden on 22 December Its leaders have been dismissed as “Nazis in pinstripes” and the group’s rise has coincided with arson attacks on refugee hostels and the daubing of swastikas on city walls, but the controversy has not dissuaded supporters.

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, used her new year’s address to deliver her most outspoken attack to date on Pegida, accusing its leaders of “prejudice, coldness and hatred”.

She accused them of hijacking and abusing political slogans, including “wir sind das Volk” (“we are the people”), that helped to topple the Berlin Wall 25 years ago.


The sudden popularity of Pegida has shocked Germany’s main parties and provoked heated political debate as the country struggles to cope with a record 2014 influx of more than 200,000 asylum seekers. The influx is set to continue well into the new year.

In November, new hostel accommodation destined for use by asylum seekers was left damaged in a suspected arson attack near Nuremberg. Swastikas and anti-immigration graffiti were daubed on the walls.

No asylum seekers" sprayed on the wall of a house in Vorra, Bavaria, during attacks on empty refugee hostels Monday’s rally is the latest in a string of weekly protests around Germany against perceived rising immigration and “extremism” that started in October.

Munich has seen 15,000 people demonstrating with Pegida, while thousands more have joined counter demonstrations that saw the same number of anti-fascist protesters chanting “no Nazis here” in Cologne.

Pegida insists it is opposing only against extremism and not against immigrants or Islam itself, but the demonstrations have received support from far-right and Neo-Nazi groups, prompting concerns that xenophobic sentiment might be rising.

It is calling for the immediate deportation of asylum seekers with criminal convictions but claims to support the admission of refugees fleeing war or political and religious persecution – provided all other EU member states “shoulder the burden” equally.

But its main focus is the preservation of “Judeo-Christian Western culture” against what supporters claim is the rise of “radicalism” and “parallel societies with Sharia police

German politicians have been accused of pandering to the group by proposing a radical overhaul of the country’s asylum system, including swift deportations of anyone refused refugee status.

Bavaria’s ruling Christian Social Union, which is part of Mrs Merkel’s federal coalition, has proposed a new fast-track asylum process, in which “simple” cases would be decided in just six weeks, compared to the current average of eight months.

Immigration has a topic of hot debate in Germany this year following a surge in the numbers of asylum seekers, fuelled by the wars in Syria and Iraq. Germany takes in more asylum seekers than any other EU country and expects 200,000 claims for 2014, up from 127,000 in 2013.

Germany anti-Islam protests: Cologne Cathedral to switch of lights in protest against Pegida - Europe - World - The Independent
Germany has a strong and educated civil society. Last time they let fascist xenophobes take their country it lead to an 11% decrease in their population.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Or more easily put, when Muslim extremists form squads of "Shariah police" in German cities to enforce Shariah, or when Sunnis and Shia's, kurds and ISIS supporters bring their sectarian and political wars into the streets of German cities and elsewhere in Europe, then they will not only feed right wing sentiments but also justify what you call "racism", "xenophobia", etc...

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Germans, and European as a whole are very intelligent, very tolerant, and respectful people. Its the pathetic immigrants who abuse the hospitality of their European hosts who are responsible for the growing xenophobia.
Germany needs to realize that the speech control laws they enacted as a bulwark against Nazism and xenophobia need to be expanded to protect all minorities, not just specific ones.
Germans are going to burn there country, and funny part is most doing preaching in Germany are converts one of them Piere Vogel former boxer
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Or more easily put, when Muslim extremists form squads of "Shariah police" in German cities to enforce Shariah, or when Sunnis and Shia's, kurds and ISIS supporters bring their sectarian and political wars into the streets of German cities and elsewhere in Europe, then they will not only feed right wing sentiments but also justify what you call "racism", "xenophobia", etc...

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Germans, and European as a whole are very intelligent, very tolerant, and respectful people. Its the pathetic immigrants who abuse the hospitality of their European hosts who are responsible for the growing xenophobia.

These protests are not against the Islamofascists but against Muslims.
How are they going to burn their own country?
Germans are not stupid, like Paksitanis.
These actions will make sure of that by the way this man is
Pierre Vogel
These protests are not against the Islamofascists but against Muslims.
How do you know exactly?? And lets suppose they are against Muslims, which they really aren't, but even then, what's wrong with that??

Especially when considering that majority of Europe's Muslim immigrant populace remains silent while their coreligionists justify wrong actions in the name of Islam??
These protests are not against the Islamofascists but against Muslims.
Horus, as Desert Fox said, its not against average Muslims, but Islamists.

But even if it is against Muslims, Germans have full legal right to restrict the immigration of Muslims into their country and protest against Muslims.

Are you suggesting this should be outlawed?
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Or more easily put, when Muslim extremists form squads of "Shariah police" in German cities to enforce Shariah, or when Sunnis and Shia's, kurds and ISIS supporters bring their sectarian and political wars into the streets of German cities and elsewhere in Europe, then they will not only feed right wing sentiments but also justify what you call "racism", "xenophobia", etc...

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Germans, and European as a whole are very intelligent, very tolerant, and respectful people. Its the pathetic immigrants who abuse the hospitality of their European hosts who are responsible for the growing xenophobia.

You are right that the actions of certain extremists are fueling this hysteria, but you are wrong to justify the hysteria.

The actions you mentioned are like those of gang members. I don't blame the Germans for not liking their actions, since I, as a Muslim, don't want them anywhere near my neighborhood either. If they want sharia zones, they can move to Middle East or wherever.

So, I sympathize with the Germans who are alarmed by the extremists, but the reaction should be the same as to gangs. It should not target Islam as a religion or ordinary Muslims.

The authorities are to blame for allowing the extremists on both sides so much freedom that matters start to get out of hand.

Germans have full legal right to restrict the immigration of Muslims into their country and protest against Muslims.

Probably not.
Such a restriction would constitute discrimination based on religion which would be against German law.

The restriction would have to be based on something more than just being Muslim.
You are right that the actions of certain extremists are fueling this hysteria, but you are wrong to justify the hysteria.

The actions you mentioned are like those of gang members. I don't blame the Germans for not liking their actions, since I, as a Muslim, don't want them anywhere near my neighborhood either. If they want sharia zones, they can move to Middle East or wherever.

So, I sympathize with the Germans who are alarmed by the extremists, but the reaction should be the same as to gangs. It should not target Islam as a religion or ordinary Muslims.

The authorities are to blame for allowing the extremists on both sides so much freedom that matters start to get out of hand.
The real intent behind all of this is to tighten the immigration and stop more immigration of Muslims/from Muslim countries.
Eventually I see this will happen.
These actions will make sure of that

No they won't.
Germany is not Pakistan.

Germany will not allow themselves to be terrorized by a bunch of fanatics. They will exterminate these fanatics in one afternoon if they try something big.

edit: typos
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