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Germans today see Nazi defeat as liberation

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With regret lot of the men in the Indische Freiwilligen Legion der Waffen-SS were from ethnic groups that would go on to make Pakistan. The Pashtun and Punjabi of Pakistan contributed disproportionaly more men to the British Indian Army.

* http://www.csas.ed.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/48674/WP24_Shaheed_Hussain.pdf

On the other hand many Punjabi and Pashtuns went on to win the ultimate medal for bravery - the Victoria Cross in British Army and Commonwealth Forces. Sepoy Ali Haider I am glad to say won it fighting the German's in Italy.

*Ali Haidar (military) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

@Penguin sorry for going off topic. I thought I would clarify. I vacate the ground to you ..
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You are so vocal about nazi "evil" that you are blind to the evil perpetrated by your own country.
Dodging the topic

If it was not a great campaign then why was it carried out till 1945 unless it was motivated by a strong desire to wipe out German civilians?
I don't have to defend 'strategic bombing' because I disagree with your views on who initiated it. Dodging again

Yea, it is okay for Brits to bomb civilians but Germans cannot. ROFLOL!!!
Not answering the question. Dodging.

That is the best you can come up with, "bla bla bla"? LOL!! You have talked to bombing survivors and I am sure you must have been to the moon as well. The things people can claim on the internet.

P.S. - What did the bombing survivors tell you, that they loved being bombed by the allies?
It is all you post: bla bla, unsubstantiated

India is a vegetarian country. Other than promoting yoga, tree hugging movement, satyagraha and preaching Buddhism Indians did not ghastly crimes like the dutch.
Hitler was a vegetarian too.
Ashoka's Conquest of Kalinga?
Muhammad Shah, Sultan of Kulbarga vs. Bukka I, Raya of Vijayanagar?
Partition of India (1947)

You were the one calling belgium as "innocent" when they have their hands stained with the blood of their colonies.
Really? Like where? Quote my post!

Better than your imaginary claims and "bla bla bla"
Can you even formulate what my imaginary claims are?

The same can be said for the Germans. They wanted jews alive, healthy and able to work for them for free.
No, actually they didn't. That was one of the more irrational aspects of the whole thing.

Who forged the documents and made those records? Was it verified by any third party in its authentic
You claim documents were forged? Provide at least some material supporting that clain.
Germans kept their own record.
Who/What country would you suggest as neutral third party to verify records after WW2

Did you even read the links BOY?
Keep it up. You know forum rules on this.

In case you did not notice you are the one posting without any links and sources. I don't know which school you went to but "bla bla bla" does not count as a valid source, sorry to break that to you BOY.
Lost your glasses? Keep it up with the name calling

And shoving 80+ civilians in a small cargo railwagon to ship them from western europe to poland sounds like normal to you? Putting them on rail without any sustencance or water for days?

In case you missed it, the Germans made malnutrition standard policy for untermenschen. So, it is not a defence or an excuse.
Untermensch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Racial policy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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And shoving 80+ civilians in a small cargo railwagon to ship them from western europe to poland sounds like normal to you? Putting them on rail without any sustencance or water for days?

In case you missed it, the Germans made malnutrition standard policy for untermenschen. So, it is not a defence or an excuse.
Sure, when most Germans couldn't even feed themselves they should have been feeding potential 5th columnists?? Does that make any sense to you?? Of course they would cram 80+ people in cargo rail wagons since that is what remained after the likes of Bomber Harris decided to blow up any functioning transportation in Germany/Europe the RAF/USAF could get their bombs on.

Anyhow, look at what Eisenhower decided to do to Germans AFTER the war was over:

In 'Eisenhower's Death Camps': A U.S. Prison Guard Remembers

Eisenhower deliberately starved to death close to 2 million German POW's, left them in the open exposed to the elements. Young men literally starved to death in their own filth. Americans didn't even bother to build simple shelters for these boys and provided them with no food stuffs at all.
Sure, when most Germans couldn't even feed themselves they should have been feeding potential 5th columnists?? Does that make any sense to you?? Of course they would cram 80+ people in cargo rail wagons since that is what remained after the likes of Bomber Harris decided to blow up any functioning transportation in Germany/Europe the RAF/USAF could get their bombs on.

Anyhow, look at what Eisenhower decided to do to Germans AFTER the war was over:

In 'Eisenhower's Death Camps': A U.S. Prison Guard Remembers

Eisenhower deliberately starved to death close to 2 million German POW's, left them in the open exposed to the elements. Young men literally starved to death in their own filth. Americans didn't even bother to build simple shelters for these boys and provided them with no food stuffs at all.
In 1939, 84 trains moved eastwards every day - by June of 1941, eight months after the start of the "Otto" program, 220 trains moved eastwards every day. During the fist five months of 1941, nearly 34.000 trainloads of supplies and troops were unloaded in the east. With respect to the railway wagons, the following figures represent the number of German and captured wagons available for use:
On 01 January 1942: 84.000 wagons.
On 01 June 1942: 142.000 wagons.
On 01 December 1942: 203.000 wagons.

The best year for the German rail system was during the summer of 1943. Nearly every important rail line in the Soviet Union had been converted to the standard gauge. Every day, over 200 trains departed Germany for the eastern front.
Deutsche Reichsbahn - The German State Railway in WWII


The standard means of delivery was a 10 metre long cattle freight wagon, although third class passenger carriages were also used when the SS wanted to keep up the "resettlement to work in the East" myth, particularly in the Netherlands and in Belgium. The SS manual covered such trains, suggesting a carrying capacity per each trainset of 2,500 people in 50 cars, each boxcar loaded with 50 prisoners. In reality however, boxcars were crammed with up to 100 persons and routinely loaded from the minimum of 150% to 200% capacity. This resulted in an average of 5,000 people per trainset; 100 persons in each freight car multiplied by 50 cars. Notably, during the mass deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka in 1942 trains carried up to 7,000 victims each.
In total, over 1,600 trains were organised by the German Transport Ministry, and logged mainly by the Polish state railway company taken over by Germany, due to the majority of death camps being located in occupied Poland. Between 1941 and December 1944, the official date of closing of the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex, the transport/arrival timetable was of 1.5 trains per day: 50 freight cars × 50 prisoners per freight car × 1,066 days = 4,000,000 prisoners in total.
On 20 January 1943, Himmler sent a letter to Reich Minister of Transport, Julius Dorpmüller pledging: "need your help and support. If I am to wind things up quickly, I must have more trains." Of the estimated 6 million Jews exterminated during World War II, 2 million were murdered on the spot by the military, political police, and mobile death squads of the Einsatzgruppen aided by the Orpo battalions and their auxiliaries. The remainder were shipped to their deaths elsewhere.
After the Soviet Army began making severe inroads into the German-occupied Europe and the Allies landed in Normandy in June 1944, the number of trains and transported persons began to vary greatly. By November 1944, with the closure of Birkenau and the advance of the Soviet Army, the death trains had ceased. Conversely, the subsequent death marches had the advantage of being able to utilize the forced labour to build defences.
As the Soviet and Allied Armies made their final pushes, the Nazis transported some of the concentration camp survivors either to other camps located inside the collapsing Third Reich, or to the border areas where they believed they could negotiate the release of captured Nazi Prisoners of War in return for the "Exchange Jews" or those that were born outside the Nazi occupied territories. Many of the inmates were transported via the infamous death marches, but among other transports three trains left Bergen-Belsen in April 1945 bound for Theresienstadt—all were liberated.
The last recorded train is the one used to transport the women of the Flossenbürg March, where for three days in March 1945 the remaining survivors were crammed into cattle cars to await further transport. Only 200 of the original 1000 women survived the entire trip to Bergen-Belsen.
Holocaust train - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By mid-1944, the Final Solution had largely run its course. Those Jewish communities within easy reach of the Nazi regime had been largely exterminated, in proportions ranging from about 25 percent in France to more than 90 percent in Poland. On 5 May, Himmler claimed in a speech that "The Jewish question has in general been solved in Germany and in the countries occupied by Germany."
During 1944, in any case, the task became steadily more difficult. German armies were evicted from the Soviet Union, the Balkans and Italy, and German forces—as well as forces aligned with them—were either defeated or were switching sides to the Allies. In June, the western Allies landed in France. Allied air attacks and the operations of partisans made rail transport increasingly difficult, and the objections of the military to the diversion of rail transport for carrying Jews to Poland more urgent and harder to ignore.
At this time, as the Soviet armed forces approached, the camps in eastern Poland were closed down, any surviving inmates being shipped west to camps closer to Germany. Local commanders continued to kill Jews, and to shuttle them from camp to camp by forced "death marches" until the last weeks of the war.
Already sick after months or years of violence and starvation, prisoners were forced to march for tens of miles in the snow to train stations; then transported for days at a time without food or shelter in freight trains with open carriages; and forced to march again at the other end to the new camp. Those who lagged behind or fell were shot. Around 250,000 Jews died during these marches.
The largest and best-known of the death marches took place in January 1945, when the Soviet army advanced on Poland. Nine days before the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz, the SS marched 60,000 prisoners out of the camp toward Wodzisław (German: Loslau), 56 km (35 mi) away, where they were put on freight trains to other camps. Around 15,000 died on the way.

Year Jews killed
1933–1940 under 100,000
1941 1,100,000
1942 2,700,000

1943 500,000
1944 600,000
1945 100,000
The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyhow, look at what Eisenhower decided to do to Germans AFTER the war was over:

In 'Eisenhower's Death Camps': A U.S. Prison Guard Remembers

Eisenhower deliberately starved to death close to 2 million German POW's, left them in the open exposed to the elements. Young men literally starved to death in their own filth. Americans didn't even bother to build simple shelters for these boys and provided them with no food stuffs at all.

The Institute for Historical Review (IHR), founded in 1978, is an organization primarily devoted to publishing and promoting books and essays that deny established facts concerning the Nazi genocide of Jews.It is considered by many scholars as the world's leading Holocaust denial organization. Critics have accused the Institute of antisemitism and having links to neo-Nazi organizations.The Institute is affiliated with the Legion for the Survival of Freedom and Noontide Press
Institute for Historical Review - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some source....




Sure, when most Germans couldn't even feed themselves they should have been feeding potential 5th columnists?? Does that make any sense to you?? Of course they would cram 80+ people in cargo rail wagons since that is what remained after the likes of Bomber Harris decided to blow up any functioning transportation in Germany/Europe the RAF/USAF could get their bombs on.
It was claimed and pointed out earlier how ineffecive the strategic bombing campaign was. And yet, it somehow totally disabled the German rail capacity? During the key years of 1941-1942?
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This is the biggest proof of Genocide..
That's proof that German's used disinfectant to kill off typhus carrying flees.

In 1939, 84 trains moved eastwards every day - by June of 1941, eight months after the start of the "Otto" program, 220 trains moved eastwards every day. During the fist five months of 1941, nearly 34.000 trainloads of supplies and troops were unloaded in the east. With respect to the railway wagons, the following figures represent the number of German and captured wagons available for use:
On 01 January 1942: 84.000 wagons.
On 01 June 1942: 142.000 wagons.
On 01 December 1942: 203.000 wagons.

The best year for the German rail system was during the summer of 1943. Nearly every important rail line in the Soviet Union had been converted to the standard gauge. Every day, over 200 trains departed Germany for the eastern front.
Deutsche Reichsbahn - The German State Railway in WWII


The standard means of delivery was a 10 metre long cattle freight wagon, although third class passenger carriages were also used when the SS wanted to keep up the "resettlement to work in the East" myth, particularly in the Netherlands and in Belgium. The SS manual covered such trains, suggesting a carrying capacity per each trainset of 2,500 people in 50 cars, each boxcar loaded with 50 prisoners. In reality however, boxcars were crammed with up to 100 persons and routinely loaded from the minimum of 150% to 200% capacity. This resulted in an average of 5,000 people per trainset; 100 persons in each freight car multiplied by 50 cars. Notably, during the mass deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka in 1942 trains carried up to 7,000 victims each.
In total, over 1,600 trains were organised by the German Transport Ministry, and logged mainly by the Polish state railway company taken over by Germany, due to the majority of death camps being located in occupied Poland. Between 1941 and December 1944, the official date of closing of the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex, the transport/arrival timetable was of 1.5 trains per day: 50 freight cars × 50 prisoners per freight car × 1,066 days = 4,000,000 prisoners in total.
On 20 January 1943, Himmler sent a letter to Reich Minister of Transport, Julius Dorpmüller pledging: "need your help and support. If I am to wind things up quickly, I must have more trains." Of the estimated 6 million Jews exterminated during World War II, 2 million were murdered on the spot by the military, political police, and mobile death squads of the Einsatzgruppen aided by the Orpo battalions and their auxiliaries. The remainder were shipped to their deaths elsewhere.
After the Soviet Army began making severe inroads into the German-occupied Europe and the Allies landed in Normandy in June 1944, the number of trains and transported persons began to vary greatly. By November 1944, with the closure of Birkenau and the advance of the Soviet Army, the death trains had ceased. Conversely, the subsequent death marches had the advantage of being able to utilize the forced labour to build defences.
As the Soviet and Allied Armies made their final pushes, the Nazis transported some of the concentration camp survivors either to other camps located inside the collapsing Third Reich, or to the border areas where they believed they could negotiate the release of captured Nazi Prisoners of War in return for the "Exchange Jews" or those that were born outside the Nazi occupied territories. Many of the inmates were transported via the infamous death marches, but among other transports three trains left Bergen-Belsen in April 1945 bound for Theresienstadt—all were liberated.
The last recorded train is the one used to transport the women of the Flossenbürg March, where for three days in March 1945 the remaining survivors were crammed into cattle cars to await further transport. Only 200 of the original 1000 women survived the entire trip to Bergen-Belsen.
Holocaust train - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By mid-1944, the Final Solution had largely run its course. Those Jewish communities within easy reach of the Nazi regime had been largely exterminated, in proportions ranging from about 25 percent in France to more than 90 percent in Poland. On 5 May, Himmler claimed in a speech that "The Jewish question has in general been solved in Germany and in the countries occupied by Germany."
During 1944, in any case, the task became steadily more difficult. German armies were evicted from the Soviet Union, the Balkans and Italy, and German forces—as well as forces aligned with them—were either defeated or were switching sides to the Allies. In June, the western Allies landed in France. Allied air attacks and the operations of partisans made rail transport increasingly difficult, and the objections of the military to the diversion of rail transport for carrying Jews to Poland more urgent and harder to ignore.
At this time, as the Soviet armed forces approached, the camps in eastern Poland were closed down, any surviving inmates being shipped west to camps closer to Germany. Local commanders continued to kill Jews, and to shuttle them from camp to camp by forced "death marches" until the last weeks of the war.
Already sick after months or years of violence and starvation, prisoners were forced to march for tens of miles in the snow to train stations; then transported for days at a time without food or shelter in freight trains with open carriages; and forced to march again at the other end to the new camp. Those who lagged behind or fell were shot. Around 250,000 Jews died during these marches.
The largest and best-known of the death marches took place in January 1945, when the Soviet army advanced on Poland. Nine days before the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz, the SS marched 60,000 prisoners out of the camp toward Wodzisław (German: Loslau), 56 km (35 mi) away, where they were put on freight trains to other camps. Around 15,000 died on the way.

Year Jews killed
1933–1940 under 100,000
1941 1,100,000
1942 2,700,000

1943 500,000
1944 600,000
1945 100,000
The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So German's were supposed to treat Jews and other fifth columnists any different from how British treated indian's and Americans treated African Americans at the time??

Churchill's Shameful Role in the Bengal Famine- Time Magazine

Bengal Famine Of 1943 - A Man-Made Holocaust

How Churchill Deliberately Starved To Death Four Million People During The Bengal Famine

The Bengal Famine of 1943, how 4 million Indians perished

The Institute for Historical Review (IHR), founded in 1978, is an organization primarily devoted to publishing and promoting books and essays that deny established facts concerning the Nazi genocide of Jews.It is considered by many scholars as the world's leading Holocaust denial organization. Critics have accused the Institute of antisemitism and having links to neo-Nazi organizations.The Institute is affiliated with the Legion for the Survival of Freedom and Noontide Press
Institute for Historical Review - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some source....

If you want to play this game then i can easily dismiss your sources as allied propaganda and there would be no point for further discussion. That link i gave you was from an American soldier stationed in Europe at the time (his interview is available on youtube), not from a "neonazi" nonsense as you accuse it to be.

Tell me why i should take your sources seriously when they fail to mention anything about American genocide of millions of Native Americans, Britains genocide of indians and other "lower races" as well as Duth role in African slavery and exploitation??

anyhow, discarding your cheap attempts, Americans and British were well known for brutalizing German POW's at the end of the war:

How Britain tortured Nazi PoWs: The horrifying interrogation methods that belie our proud boast that we fought a clean war | Daily Mail Online


After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation: Giles MacDonogh: 9780465003389: Amazon.com: Books





It was claimed and pointed out earlier how ineffecive the strategic bombing campaign was. And yet, it somehow totally disabled the German rail capacity? During the key years of 1941-1942?
By 1944, when most of the concentration camp inmates were dying due to typhus as a result of shortage of medical supplies, courtesy of Allied terror bombings, most German transportation net work had been disabled and what remained was heavily used for military purposes.
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Sure! They were saints.
The Katyn Wood Massacre

" Who committed the murders remained a mystery until 1990 when the Russian authorities admitted that it was the Russian Secret police (NKVD), that then spent much time and effort in attaching blame on the Germans."

I never say that Germans never commit any crime but I don't know from where you learn your history as you never admit the crimes committed by Allies and Soviet Union. When the European powers were attacking and colonialising other nations, it was kosher for you people, but when Germans do the same to you, then it p*sses you off.

Every thing is not in black and white. Allies also committed many war crimes. Admit it!
Sure! They were saints.
The Katyn Wood Massacre

" Who committed the murders remained a mystery until 1990 when the Russian authorities admitted that it was the Russian Secret police (NKVD), that then spent much time and effort in attaching blame on the Germans."

I never say that Germans never commit any crime but I don't know from where you learn your history as you never admit the crimes committed by Allies and Soviet Union. When the European powers were attacking and colonialising other nations, it was kosher for you people, but when Germans do the same to you, then it p*sses you off.

Every thing is not in black and white. Allies also committed many war crimes. Admit it!

I don't recall there being any bombers available during the years (centuries) in which Holland colonialized Indonesia and Surinam. There never was any aerial bombing by the Dutch against the people of their own colonies.

There were many other things but the discussion here is not about anything other than the history of 'strategic bombing' or 'terror bombing'. You and you buddy Desert Fox are attempting to sidetrack/sidestep that discussion, just like Indian Patriot is doing.
Dodging the topic

Yes you are dodging the topic, as usual.

I don't have to defend 'strategic bombing' because I disagree with your views on who initiated it. Dodging again

You may disagree on a lot of things here boy, your disagreement unfortunately for you does not change history. You threaten me with forum rules but it is I who post with links while you can only troll here to hide your embarrassment, BOY.

The allies initiated the policy of targeting civilians and I proved that with the links I posted so why don't you just keep quiet?

Not answering the question. Dodging.

No little boy, the only one running around in circles desperately seeking a place to hide is you. I have exposed your lies and your hypocrisy. You show outrage against nazi crimes which are not proven while you white wash allied war crimes and colonial history. The thing you are showing now is called HYPOCRISY. And hypocrites have no credibility.

It is all you post: bla bla, unsubstantiated

LOL!! I post links while you troll like a little boy.

Hitler was a vegetarian too.
Ashoka's Conquest of Kalinga?
Muhammad Shah, Sultan of Kulbarga vs. Bukka I, Raya of Vijayanagar?
Partition of India (1947)

LOL!! Hitler was indeed a vegetarian you uneducated fool. Read history properly. The Nazis were the first to promote animal rights and laws to protect animals against cruelty.

And while I talked about Indians you tried to drag in Hitler. Have you studied geography in school? Hitler is Indian, that's what they teach in Holland?

Ashoka spread buddhism and dharma while dutch spread colonialism.

Vijayanagar was a more walthy empire than holland.

partition of India was caused by war criminal england.

Really? Like where? Quote my post!

You were the one calling Germany invaded innocent france, belgium holland etc. "Innocent" LOL!!!

Can you even formulate what my imaginary claims are?


No, actually they didn't. That was one of the more irrational aspects of the whole thing.

Again shameless lies from you. The nazis did not want to kill jews. That is allied propaganda. If nazis wanted to kill jews then why did not allies launch any rescue missions? Because there was nothing to be rescued.

You claim documents were forged? Provide at least some material supporting that clain.
Germans kept their own record.
Who/What country would you suggest as neutral third party to verify records after WW2

India was the largest volunteer force sending 2 million soldiers to fight. While India was fighting the dutch were writing diaries. The colonies were the ones who suffered the most under european greed thus they should have been let to verify.

But the allies fabricated all documents. It was nothing but lies and conspiracy.

If nazis were so evil then why did US/west include west germany in their alliance against USSR? Do you have any answer to that? Oh wait, I know your answer. It will be "bla bla bla" or "dodging again".

That's what happens when you don't have a little clue on history and you dare to take on someone with better knowledge. You get reduced to posting "bla bla bla", little BOY.

Keep it up. You know forum rules on this.

What do the forum rules tell you about your trolling? And when did "boy" become a slur or an abusive word?

You can only troll here boy, so keep trolling.

I don't recall there being any bombers available during the years (centuries) in which Holland colonialized Indonesia and Surinam. There never was any aerial bombing by the Dutch against the people of their own colonies.

How shameless a liar can you be? Do you have any shame in you?

You post links about Ashoka who was a king in 300 BC. Did Asoka use bombers? Did Vijaynagar use bombers? Did bombers play any role in 1947 partition?

Forget everything you boy, tell me did the nazis use bombers against jews?

The ducth killed, enslaved and sold off indonesians and people from other colonies as slaves. God knows the dutch got away very lightly in second world war. The nazis were good people that is why you won't ever read of nazis committing atrocities in Paris or Amsterdam. The nazis treated humanely police and fire fighting services were fully in effect in both Paris and Amsterdam.

While the allies wanted to kill every German civilian the Germans ruled over occupied territories in a humane and civilised manner. It is a shame that the allies so shamelessly accused nazis of killing Jews.

When the European powers were attacking and colonialising other nations, it was kosher for you people, but when Germans do the same to you, then it p*sses you off.

He is a dutch, from holland. Read up on dutch colonial history and how they were engaged in slave trade. He is being quiet for obvious reasons. His country was attacked by Germany so for him Germans are monsters, but holland invading and colonising other countries is absolutely fine with him.

Don't bother posting facts here. The europeans will never admit their faults and put all blames on Germany. To be honest I am surprised they did not put the blame of colonialism on Germany. ROFLOL!!!
Sad to see how weak the Germans have become. The NAZIS were no better or worse than what the europeans were that time in general. Looks like the Germans forgot the horrific war crimes committed by the allies like the bombing of dresden and the medieval era style atrocities by soviet troops in Berlin.

If you knew anything about european colonial history you would understand. I don't know what your problems are but the germans did nothing different from what the colonialists did.

LOL!! So Germans are evil for terror bombing Spain, and that is an allegation not proven. But allies terror bombing German civilians is justice?

Terror bombing in second world war was started by bomber harris when he directed the RAF to deliberately target German cities to relieve RAF bases under attack from Luftwaffe. Hitler was outraged when German cities were bombed and ordered bombing of London which was a knee jerk reaction and absolute failure. If Luftwaffe had continued its tactics of targetting RAF bases then battle of britain would have been different.

And Japan and Germany are two different countries.

Then why are you crying for german bombardment of Spain?

Stop being a hypocrite.
Links? LINKS?

Do you even bother with links? Your only motive here is to troll. But since I want to show the others here how uninformed you are I will post links just to expose you.

"You guys burnt the place down, turned it into a single column of flame. More people died there in the firestorm, in that one big flame, than died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined." --Kurt Vonnegut, Jr

The WWII Dresden Holocaust - 'A Single Column Of Flame'

The Dresden trip took 12 hours. On this trip, I could still see the fires 500 miles away from Dresden.

BBC ON THIS DAY | 14 | 1945: Thousands of bombs destroy Dresden

You can keep posting how you talked to dresden bombing survivors and other such lies.

BBC - WW2 People's War - Berlin. Late 1944-1945. Surviving the Russian Atrocities

The Fall of Berlin, 1945

The rape of Berlin - Salon.com

The only two Waffen SS divisions formed in Serbia were 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen (Germans) and 21st Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Skanderbeg (Albanians). Serbian Volunteer Corps and The Serbian State Guard (Serbian collaborationist) were never Waffen SS unit. Many Germans from Serbia were also in 24th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Karstjäger.
@Nair saab the rise of Hitler and the WW2 war imposed by him on the world was nothing to be proud of
he was a fascist not a nationalist.
I don't recall there being any bombers available during the years (centuries) in which Holland colonialized Indonesia and Surinam. There never was any aerial bombing by the Dutch against the people of their own colonies.

There were many other things but the discussion here is not about anything other than the history of 'strategic bombing' or 'terror bombing'. You and you buddy Desert Fox are attempting to sidetrack/sidestep that discussion, just like Indian Patriot is doing.
First read the title of the thread. It is not just about bombers. Second, you called the Katyn massacare a BS, which wasn't and you have no answer to that. The files declassified in Gorbachev's era puts the blame for the massacare on NKVD and you reject these and consider German's responsible for that, this shows how biased you are.
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