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Germans harassing and torturing a Muslim couple for wearing hijab

The question is, why did they ask her to remove her hijab in the first place, people can be scanned easily by machines, they have machines for this specific purpose.

No, I use my eyes and brain.

Try it out, it works.
Hey..read the telegraph news article..the incident is not related to this hijab thing..the man is British and the lady may not be his wife
I am not going to go into whether what was done was right or wrong but I am going to say that this guy sure can fucking fight, white boys didn't know what hit them
[QUOTE="Shaheer ul haq, post: 8819473, member: 168045"]No, I dont know how Muslims are treated at US and I have no idea what does US being the victor have anything to do with topic at hand.

Its funny, you were the one who opposed the idea of Pakistan punishing a blasphemer, completely ignoring the fact that it is Pakistani law.

I dont get your "safest" airport idea, Pakistani airports are one of the safest, just like Indians, how many planes are hijacked that flew from India or Pakistan.

Your argument does not hold any weight, but then it has nothing to do with the topic either.

May be Germans should not give visa to Muslims.
If they do, then they should be able to do a freaking simple thing to let a female lady check a female in privacy.
There is no rocket science here, its basic common sense and that is how you respect a lady.

World wars :)

If a lady is being tazed for not taking off her hijab, then it is torture, simple as that.

If one is trying to take a women's Hijab off, in front of people and the person trying to do is a male, then you sure are going to get those people angry.[/QUOTE]

Show me one post I posted one line parotting against Pakistani law? I dont care. I made a statement Gods dont need men to protect them and stand by it. If Muslim are so concerned about religion dont go outside of ur country and eat walk and die religion. Same for Hindus and Christians.
I am living in Germany there are many racist. They are even harassing school girls for wearing hijab. In church Sisters wearing hijab just with another name. That is allow ?
I am not going to defend what the guy did here, he was not suppose to manhandle or attack the security personnel, but then again I fail to understand why ask to remove complete hijab?? if it was to verify the identify of the female passenger it can be done by removing the veil , that is how its done at diff airport ... this family cross thru security detectors & female security staff is always present at Airport to carry out body search, i do believe their is more to the story..... if you notice the security personnel were concern for the guy when he fell down...... you can see one of them checking him out..... all this should have been avoided... i have travelled to Berlin & Hanover.... i am surprised this happened....
new world order = transhumanism,gay,lesbian,transexual, etc, but straight culture not allowed.
a muslim is a spanner in the works of the new world order machine.
He stood up for his wife's right to privacy.
Asking a Muslim woman to take off her scarf (if she wears it for religious reasons) is like asking her to strip and pole dance.

Maybe the officers are ok with their wives dancing nude for cash, but most people aren't.
She can be scanned in the machine.
She can be checked by lady police officers in privacy.
Germans need to respect people's beliefs.
So you mean, germany should make separate rules & laws for Muslims?. Genius...
Nobody is above than law. They treat everybody same . If you go abroad, respect their laws & cooperate it.
Security is already tight after they allowed refugees due to humanity, but same people are involved in rape, & making futile effort to impose their own views on others and they says bad evil to Germany.
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He stood up for his wife's right to privacy.
Asking a Muslim woman to take off her scarf (if she wears it for religious reasons) is like asking her to strip and pole dance.

Maybe the officers are ok with their wives dancing nude for cash, but most people aren't.

How bizarre is that explanation? Are those Muslim women who don't wear scarves dancing nude for cash?

I am not going to go into whether what was done was right or wrong but I am going to say that this guy sure can fucking fight, white boys didn't know what hit them

It was not your guy against white boys, you racist, but a felon against law enforcement officers.
Change rules for you?
Learn to respect woman!! Don't get me startedon how women are treated here

Change rules for the women, they can really use some knowledge of decency.
I dont get it why you guys think that it makes sense to justify the action of west by the action of east.
Both are horrible.

Show me one post I posted one line parotting against Pakistani law? I dont care. I made a statement Gods dont need men to protect them and stand by it.

The blasphemer that was discussed in that thread did not insult ALLAH.
She insulted Prophet S.A.W.

One needs to keep that in mind.

If Muslim are so concerned about religion dont go outside of ur country and eat walk and die religion. Same for Hindus and Christians.

To that I agree.
Hey..read the telegraph news article..the incident is not related to this hijab thing..the man is British and the lady may not be his wife

Your judgement is awesome.
But you sure can agree that western media is not exactly the gospel truth? Its all in the video.
It was not your guy against white boys, you racist, but a felon against law enforcement officers.
First of all he is not "my guy", he could be a random black/Arab or whatever but it doesn't change the fact that his wife was tazer gunned by heavy handed borderline racist law enforcers and got their rear handed to themselves.
So you mean, germany should make separate rules & laws for Muslims. Genius...

Hijab is a pretty simple thing to tackle, as an added advantage they will also learn something about the noble concept of decency.

Nobody is above than law. They treat everybody same . If you go abroad, respect their laws

No they dont. You need to learn more about that.

& corporate it.


Security is already tight after they allowed refugees due to humanity, but same people are involved in rape, & making futile effort to impose their own views on others and they says bad evil to Germany.

They didn't do it for humanity, they made a deal with them, Muslims were forced to convert to Christianity to be treated like normal people, go see how refugees are treated in Italy, UK, Germany, etc.
While you are doing that, you need to keep in mind that western media is not exactly Gospel truth.

new world order = transhumanism,gay,lesbian,transexual, etc, but straight culture not allowed.
a muslim is a spanner in the works of the new world order machine.

I hope more people understood it.
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