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Germans harassing and torturing a Muslim couple for wearing hijab

Just gave you an advice, that you can really use..
Yeah sure, and you are qualified to make a judgement like that in what way? Seriously, what makes you think i of all people do not use my eyes and Ears? My caution to another member not to take captions added by god knows who to video footage to necessarily be true? You can use a portion of your own medicin.
The question is, why did they ask her to remove her hijab in the first place, people can be scanned easily by machines, they have machines for this specific purpose.

No, I use my eyes and brain.

Try it out, it works.
Your title is mis leading @waz it's might be coz of wearing hijab it's might be some other reason and as for security in airport you have to follow the rules or Get out and use some camel or horse for travel. Few days back I was traveling and in Sydney Aiport they were asking men women kids to take off their jackets as well.
Off topic but I like the guy knock out four guys with single hand:lol: @Zibago
Your title is mis leading @waz it's might be coz of wearing hijab it's might be some other reason and as for security in airport you have to follow the rules or Get out and use some camel or horse for travel. Few days back I was traveling and in Sydney Aiport they were asking men women kids to take off their jackets as well.
Off topic but I like the guy knock out four guys with single hand:lol: @Zibago

They can ask a female to check her, in privacy.
Airport rules should change to respect the lady, dont you agree.

Yeah sure, and you are qualified to make a judgement like that in what way? Seriously, what makes you think i of all people do not use my eyes and Ears? My caution to another member not to take captions added by god knows who to video footage to necessarily be true? You can use a portion of your own medicin.

May be you do, you asked me do I believe anything I see on the internet, that was a response to that and seriously you should try it out, it has really worked out for me.

On topic: You can see that they were asking her to remove her Hijab and then they tazed her while none of them did anything serious other than protesting to do it.
Germans had no right to taz the lady.
[QUOTE="Shaheer ul haq, post: 8819522, member: 168045"
May be you do, you asked me do I believe anything I see on the internet, that was a response to that and seriously you should try it out, it has really worked out for me..[/QUOTE]
Please quote. After you reread post 32 and 34. I didnt ask you anything.
whoa whoa , let hold up our horse here to bring the religion in here ... that man was stressed out , things are either clear or not , but the man has to understand that the world Specially Europe is on high alert after terrorist Attacks in France and other EU countries, so a little cooporation with the Authorities will not hurt her faith or his dignity .. People needs to understand that those Police and LEA are there to Protect you, serve you and some times they did have to take extreme measure , but its not wise to lose temper and start beating them .. now this is wrong in various sense to what i think , First , the Office and other Security on Air port can have used more lethal Way if thing gets escalated .. second the Kid is getting the wrong message that if you are stopped at Air port just beat the Police or LEA, which is entirely wrong , third the kid will have negative impact on his dad been beaten and taking to custody .. so anyone who is with or even alone have to keep his head leveled ... Even Even and i repeat even if the Officer ask her to Take off her Veil for the security purpose than i would say it is not a grave sin that Allah will not Forget this women for .. so to me its not a Religious issue but a simple incident of man been stressed out .. so lets keep things civil here, no Disrespect to Islam or Muslims in General , there are millions living in West and they daily Corporate with Authorities ..lets not generalize anyone here .
You are justifying the actions of Germans by the action of Pakistanis.
No I am not. If you had made a stand alone comment - that is not referanced this incident then it would have been probably wrong on my part to bring Pakistan in. You however made a referance "welcome to liberal world" which invited my comparison with Pakistan. The fact and you and every Pakistani knows this almost all North Western European police forces (Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, France in order) are better to citizens of all backgrounds then police in Pakistan is. Thumping and humping comes standard with Pak police which might not be too bad if they did decent job of crime control - which they don't.

So it boils down to kettle calling the pot black.

But the leader of the free world isn't that well off either
Well the leader of the free world shoot first and then ask questions. Had this incident happened in America there would have good chance of her seeing her husband get killed in hail of bullets only later to be called "suicide by cop".

And that was a response to who? Look at 32 again.

My bad.

No I am not. If you had made a stand alone comment - that is not referanced this incident then it would have been probably wrong on my part to bring Pakistan in. You however made a referance "welcome to liberal world" which invited my comparison with Pakistan. The fact and you and every Pakistani knows this almost all North Western European police fprces(Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, France in order) are better to citizens of all backgrounds then police in Pakistan is. Thumping and humping comes standard with Pak poplice which might not be too bad if they did decent job of crime control - which they don't.

So it boils down to kettle calling the pot black.

I dont think there has been an incident on Pakistan "airport" police tazing a lady for not taking off her hijab.

Anyways, my reference to "liberal world" was that they do not respect the privacy of a lady.
I dont think there has been an incident on Pakistan "airport" police tazing a lady for not taking off her hijab.
Are airport police special? I know they are not. And we are talking about police - not the premises on which a incident occurred. ASre airports are sacrosanct?

Anyways, my reference to "liberal world" was that they do not respect the privacy of a lady.
They do. Once incident does not make a country. And Germany is late and forced entrant to liberal world as you should know.

Compare to the way women get treated in Pakistan by police (unless they are rich and connected) they are liberal.
Are airport police special? I know they are not. And we are talking about police - not the premises on which a incident occurred.

Cant speak for others, but Pakistan airport is different and unlike other police.

ASre airports are sacrosanct?

Not sure if that is a correct choice of words, but airports are obviously important and require different handling and treatment.

They do. Once incident does not make a country.

This is not one incident in the liberal world, they have banned hijab.

And Germany is late and forced entrant to liberal world as you should know.

No I dont.

Compare to the way women get treated in Pakistan by police (unless they are rich and connected) they are liberal.

No they are uneducated, uncivilized retard (the Pakistan police).
No, I dont know how Muslims are treated at US and I have no idea what does US being the victor have anything to do with topic at hand.

Its funny, you were the one who opposed the idea of Pakistan punishing a blasphemer, completely ignoring the fact that it is Pakistani law.

I dont get your "safest" airport idea, Pakistani airports are one of the safest, just like Indians, how many planes are hijacked that flew from India or Pakistan.

Your argument does not hold any weight, but then it has nothing to do with the topic either.

May be Germans should not give visa to Muslims.
If they do, then they should be able to do a freaking simple thing to let a female lady check a female in privacy.
There is no rocket science here, its basic common sense and that is how you respect a lady.

World wars :)

If a lady is being tazed for not taking off her hijab, then it is torture, simple as that.

If one is trying to take a women's Hijab off, in front of people and the person trying to do is a male, then you sure are going to get those people angry.
I cant see her getting tazed. Not here to defend Germans, just don't see this as Islamophobic.
I cant see her getting tazed. Not here to defend Germans, just don't see this as Islamophobic.

She didnt fall over by a stormy wind, just like the guy didnt fall over by a stormy wind.
They tazed her, THAT was the reason that the guy got mad.
One simply does not beat up a policeman at an airport.

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