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"German" submarines back in use for sneaky false-flag attacks ?

I'm sure you do not even know what's your point.
1-the attack conducted from a route over Kuwait and US bases and air defenses there, and targeted refinery near Bahrain again close to US radar installations. so whatever did it was stealth and can be used against the radar and air defenses.
2-the US mq-4 that we shoot out of sky had self protection jamming suite and that shows we did not just claim that our missiles have HOJ capability.
3-we hit ISIS and PKK with pin point accuracy ballistic missiles.
4-our air defenses have ranges more than KSA fighters anti radiation missiles. you may refer to jamming to compensate the disadvantage. lets say they can become stealth for 0.25 of the max range still they can't suppress our AD before we target them. and i am not even referring to their HOJ capability.
5-our su-24 have better SEAD range compare to their patriots range and i am not mentioning their jamming capability.
in this whole scenario i did not mentioned our regional allies, cruise missiles, suicide drones, drones, long range MLRSs our superior navy, our superior amphibious capability, jamming capability, standoff jammers, unconventional weapons, Saudis geographic disadvantage, our numerous air fields and many other fields that we are superior.

Oh I know my point, Tell me why can't Saudi's cant do the same to you ? how much Range does your Indestructible and unjammable AD has ? 300 ? 400 KM max ? KSA has Patriots too they intercept your Missiles as well .
Have you ever heard of SOW's ? or that KSA does have CM and BM too ? KSA AF has EFT and F-15 Strike Fighters and what did IRAF has ? Which PODS are your AF using ? which SOW ?

Your claim that our Su24 has more SEAD capability, please prove this claim .. and you talk about Allies lets see which allies you have, Yemen Houthies ? Syrian Asshead ? and who else ? Do you know KSA and its Allies ? GCC , America and NATO .

KSA AD does not cover all their land, but so does yours , there are always loopholes which your enemy will exploit against you, You will not find it that easy to cripple KSA capability to fight or hit back, same as KSA wont be able to easily cripple Iranian ability to strike in their land . Don't think you are indestructible superior to KSA , yes in some fields you are better and in others they are, it will be tough and equal fight .. But i doubt the war will happen at least not without other countries jumping in and that might lead to a peaceful solution which both countries will agree too .
Tell me why can't Saudi's cant do the same to you ?
they do not have long range cruise missile and suicide drones and stealth. because they can't acquire missiles excess 300 km range, our ya ali has 600, howeizeh 1300 and soumar 3000 km range.
how much Range does your Indestructible and unjammable AD has ?
200 km, Saudi agm-88s have 150 km range it means they will become a target before they can target anything.
KSA has Patriots too they intercept your Missiles as well .
patriots have 160 km range and our kh-58s have 200 km range.
Have you ever heard of SOW's
which SOW ?


qassed-3 standoff bomb==> 100 km range 2000 lb bomb
qassed-2 ==>75 km 2000 lb bomb


qassed-3 standoff cruise missile ==> more than 100 km 1000 lb warhead 2000 lb weight



yasin GPS guided glide bomb ==> 60 km range MK-82 bomb


balaban guided glide bomb ==> 50 km range if dropped of 24 thousand feet ~100 kg weight

also our ya ali and soumar missiles (kh-55) can be launched from fighters but who needs to launch them of air, they have 600 and 3000 km range if ground launched but worth to say. also recently they introduced this cruise missile in MAKS 2019:


KSA AF has EFT and F-15 Strike Fighters and what did IRAF has ?
F-14A and mig-29. before you start to blabbing i should say our F-14s are superior to any 4th generation in BWR and are superior to F-15 in WWR.
Which PODS are your AF using ?





Your claim that our Su24 has more SEAD capability, please prove this claim
and you talk about Allies lets see which allies you have, Yemen Houthies ? Syrian Asshead ? and who else ?
Hezbollah, Palestinian friends, Iraqi friends, Syrian friends, Afghan friends, Yemeni friends and even Pakistani friends which their total number is around one million people. Russia, China, north Korea and many others that i don't have the time to mention.
Do you know KSA and its Allies ? GCC , America and NATO .
there is no NATO as we saw before EU does not want to involve, US favors Iran to attack Saudis to make some money and in PGCC Oman, UAE and Kuwait do not want a war with Iran.
KSA AD does not cover all their land, but so does yours , there are always loopholes which your enemy will exploit against you, You will not find it that easy to cripple KSA capability to fight or hit back, same as KSA wont be able to easily cripple Iranian ability to strike in their land .
we have been making ADs in past 30 years mostly upgraded hawks, this is correctly the most heavily upgrade over hawks and replaced old examples:

also we produce other AESA ADs like 3 and 15 khordad locally so i assume we have better coverage compared to Saudis.
Don't think you are indestructible superior to KSA
i don't.
yes in some fields you are better and in others they are, it will be tough and equal fight
no it will not as you can find out by reading above mentioned info, the restriction on munition range made their AF mostly defensive, they can only perform bombing and air defense, no striking capability. that means for SEAD missions they have to risk lives and money and most importantly time because if they can't establish air superiority against us we will pound their bases every single hour.
they have a disadvantage against us, they are bonded to range (read it time) and location, our missiles (ballistic or cruise) can reach anywhere in KSA regardless of where they launched our air defenses are mobile our drones only need a pick up to fly from any random road. while their THAAD and patriot batteries are static, their air force needs to come near us to perform whatever they intend to do, they lack a big factor that powers like US have, long range stealth cruise missiles to keep a safe distance. that is why i think we will win.
I am guessing the Saudis may come out with phony radar evidence that the attack was from Iran.

But the silence on this topic in the first few hours was deafening, I expected this faked evidence immediately. These UAVs and missiles that hit the oil stations were friendly to the Saudis as my guess and were probably let by though defenses.

Isn't Erdogan smart to get S-400s. American or Isreali cruise missiles won't show up as friendly on those S-400s. Turkey is a free country and would be smart to buy some over priced poor-quailty Patriots so the Russians don't try anything.

Real evidence of the happenings on these attacks get destroyed:


And faked evidence is inserted into the pile of lies like Saddam's WMDs.
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Modern air defenses are ill equipped by design to deal with UAV swarms and there have been multiple papers highlighting this threat.

Whether the attack originated in Iran or Yemen, the focus lies on Saudi ADA and their inability to detect the threat.
What bothers me is that Either Saudi Radar systems looking towards the gulf were shut off or inoperable; something that begs investigation into where the gambit lies.
Modern air defenses are ill equipped by design to deal with UAV swarms and there have been multiple papers highlighting this threat.

Whether the attack originated in Iran or Yemen, the focus lies on Saudi ADA and their inability to detect the threat.
What bothers me is that Either Saudi Radar systems looking towards the gulf were shut off or inoperable; something that begs investigation into where the gambit lies.

Analysis : What used to attack saudi oil facilities?

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