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"German" submarines back in use for sneaky false-flag attacks ?


Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Norbert Brügge, Germany
2019, June 13
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A valid suspicion:

"German" submarines back in use for sneaky false-flag attacks ?


In the Gulf of Oman off the coasts of the United Arab Emirates and Iran, two tankers were attacked and partly caught fire
This was the second attack by a previously unknown aggressor on tankers in the Gulf of Oman after the first attack in May

Hamburg shipping group Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement said on Thursday in Singapore that their tanker "Kokuka Courageous" had been damaged in a suspected attack. A representative of the Japanese owner of the ship told the US news channel "CNN" that it had been attacked twice with a "kind of grenade". The first "shot" hit the tanker above the water surface, then fire broke out.

The other tanker is the oil tanker "Front Altair" of the Norwegian company Frontline. This was confirmed by the Norwegian Maritime Authority. The ship had been attacked in the early morning at 6:03 clock, the authority said on Thursday. It had been reported by three explosions on board, the ship is on fire.

"It is the US government's assessment that the Islamic Republic of Iran is responsible for the attacks that occurred in the Gulf of Oman today," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday in Washington at a brief press conference. ".... and Trump: "They did do it".
That is what the attacker (not Iran) wanted to hear ! Who has the most interest in discrediting Iran ? ... and has submarines ? We can guess it. Great Britain and Saudi Arabia have joined the unproven accusation by the U.S.A. The U.A.E. has doubts about the presented "evidences" . Israel is silent as always.
Japan contradict:

The Japanese government has been requesting the United States for concrete evidence to back its assertion that Iran is to blame for the attacks on two tankers near the Strait of Hormuz on Thursday, government sources said Sunday.
The request came after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a statement hours after the attacks blaming Iran but without offering proof. The Department of Defense later released a video allegedly showing an Iranian patrol boat removing an unexploded mine attached to the side of the Japanese-operated tanker Kokuka Courageous.
But Japanese government officials remain unconvinced, the sources said. "The U.S. explanation has not helped us go beyond speculation," said one senior government official.
Pompeo said in a press conference Thursday that the United States' assessment was based on their "intelligence, the weapons used, the level of expertise needed to execute the operation.
A source close to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "These are not definite proof that it's Iran." "Even if it's the United States that makes the assertion, we cannot simply say we believe it," he said.
If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, "That would apply to the United States and Israel as well," said a source at the Foreign Ministry.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called the incidents in the Strait of Hormuz "suspicious" in a tweet, and "suspicious" is not enough to describe what happened," he wrote !!
The results of the investigations will be announced soon, quoted the news agency IRNA on Thursday the speaker on. Iran is investigating the incidents. Several teams of experts had flown with helicopters over the sea area in which there had been explosions, said a spokesman for the rescue department of the Iranian fleet.

A courageous comment


Hans Stehling, uk (Pseudonym)

"It is known that the Israeli military is an integral part of that US plan to first cripple the Iranian economy with global oil sanctions and then to initiate an air and sea attack against the Iranian state and its people.
But first, a credible excuse was required. That excuse was orchestrated jointly by a belligerent Trump and Netanyahu, this week, when two oil tankers were structurally damaged by limpet mines, off the coast of Oman – subsequent to a similar action the previous weeks – and the sabotage immediately blamed by US Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo, without any evidence whatsoever, upon Iran. However, the state actor concerned was, almost certainly, not Iran but very probably the Israeli navy with its state-of-the-art, German-built, nuclear-armed submarines, covertly patrolling the deep waters of the Gulf.
The deliberate sabotaging of four shipping tankers in the Gulf and the too obvious accusations against Iran, indicate that US-Israeli plans for a combined attack against the Iranian state are now fairly imminent. And that fact should make the world take notice because such unwarranted and unprovoked aggression against a sovereign state could very easily escalate into a global conflict."

Crew on Japanese tanker saw "flying object"

The crew of the hit Japanese tanker saw a "flying object" before the second explosion on board. "The crew members say they were hit by a flying object," said Kokuka Sangyo, head of the shipping company, Yutaka Katada, on Friday. "They say they saw it with their own eyes," he added.
According to its chief, the shipping company received a report stating that "something come flying to the ship. There was an explosion, and it pierced the ship." Which kind and how large the flying object could have been, does not emerge from the reporting.
The loaded with methanol "Kokuka Courageous" was met in Katada on Thursday in two attacks. After the first suspected attack, the crew had made "evasive maneuvers", but the ship had been hit again three hours later.

Where is the drain with damage 1 ? (here is nothing)

Damage 1 location ?

What type of explosive device was used is still unclear. Such surprising and precise shots into the side of a freighter can only come from a submarine. In any case the damages at the tanker "Kokuka Courageous" are clearly bullet holes that should set fire leaking naphtha. The holes have been not caused by limpet mines. The tanker was attacked from the distance twice at intervals of 3 hours. Crew members have seen a "flying object" (Triton missile ?). Probably the second attack took place because the tanker did not burn after the first attack.
Both ships were attacked in more or less the same time, in morning twilight, in something which looks like coordinated operation. The distance of the tankers from each other was at least 40 km, which can not be handled by a single attacker. A second attack on the "Kokuka Courageous" after a three-hour break can only come from an invisible submarine. Who can still doubt now ?


Fiber-optic guided-weapon system EADS Polyphem-MS "Triton"

The authoritative Combat Fleets of the World claims the Israeli Dolphin submarines have the "Triton" fiber-optic guided-weapon system. "Triton" allows submarines the ability to attack helicopters, surface ships and coastal targets. "Triton" is a 15 km-range submarine-launched variant of the EADS "Polyphem" and will launched from a torpedo tube.
Note: The production of Polyphem has been discontinued and will be replaced by the IDAS system.

Here is the suspect: Exported German submarines of the Dolphin class


The Israeli submarine fleet and its operational capabilities

The U.S. Navy's foolish evidence-campagne


The black triangle (damage 1 or limpet mine) does not exist, it's photoshopped
The actual damage 1 is more below (nearby a drain) and not visible in this photo


What should the U.S. video prove ?
It is meant to show that an unexploded limpet mine has been removed. What for a malicious nonsense.
Here the damages only examined by Iranians.

Hole after second attack (damage 2):

Hole with fused fragments (not located actual damage 1):

Bulge with placed object; damage 1 is not recorded or visible in this photo:

Should this be a hand-damaged small limpet mine
and the magnet was not removed ? That is impossible !
It looks like a subsequently placed object for this photo:

The ineffective attempt to show an Iranian limpet mine

Here a non-functioning "mine" was destroyed with a hammer:

Fragments from damage 1 ?

That is important to know about limpet mines

Why is the hole on the hull of the attached tankers so enormous?
A limpet mine can not have caused it. Mounted above the waterline, limpet mines can cause only minor damage. The pressure of a detonation is largely directed outward, away from the ship's hull.
Therefore, limpet mines are attached below the waterline.
When placed against a ship's hull underwater, the limpet has dense water behind it, and most likely has an air void on the other side of the hull plating. The ocean tamps and helps reflect the explosive blast, which like all types of energy seeks the path of least resistance. Thus, more of the explosive force is directed into the ship itself.

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The Israeli submarine fleet
and its operational capabilities

The Israeli Navy currently has 5 modern submarines of the so-called "Dolphin" class. They were ordered in German shipyards, built there and delivered. The basis of the Dolphin is the smaller German submarine class 209. The Dolphin is a converted and upgraded variant to the specifications of the Israeli customer. The financing was partly taken over by the Federal Republic of Germany.
The delivered submarines were built in two batches. The first three submarines of the class have a simple diesel-electric drive, the following (Dolphin-II) an additional "Air Independent Propulsion" (AIP) system for the motors and more fuel. The AIP is a system that allows a submarine to run its diesel engines without having to bring a snorkel to the surface to supply the batteries with air.
The Dolphin-II boats are about 11m longer than the first three Dolphin boats. Externally, the Dolphin-II is just a Dolphin-class boat with an extended area behind the tower containing the AIP systems.
Importantly, the boats can be equipped with nuclear-capable cruise missiles. The estimated range of Dolphin-II boats is 15000 nautical miles.The Dolphin-II is capable of reaching a top speed of 25 knots (46.3 km/h) underwater and can operate without resupply for up to 30 days under normal operating conditions.



Operational capabilities

The "Dolphin" submarines are normally operated in the Mediterranean. The port of Haifa is the naval base.
Speculation about an Israeli submarine base in Eilat on the Red Sea is downplayed. "Israel has no plan to station submarines in Eilat." "Submarines need open water, and that is not the case in Eilat (?)," said a high-level naval source in 2009.

However, an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine participated in a drill off Eilat in the same year after sailing from the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal. Witnesses said the submarine "INS Leviathan" docked at Eilat's naval base. It was then returned along with an Israeli missile boat through the Suez Canal. This was the first such trip for the secret boat and a sign of Israel's growing strategic reach.

The transparent use of a base in Eilat would mean that a "Dolphin" submarine must use the Suez Canal, which is fully exposed. The channel is too shallow for submersion.
A discrete option would be to sail around Africa. But such a trip would take weeks. An additional supply of fuel during this trip would not be required.

This option is very realistic if the intention is to operate secret in the Gulf. A temporary base Eilat would be an ideal docking station to supply the submarines with fuel and provisions or for crew-change after the long trip around Africa and also after "patrols" in the Persian Gulf. If the boat use an empty mooring at night, nothing will be noticed.


any chance for a War between KSA and Iran ? after the Oil refinery attack ?
any chance for a War between KSA and Iran ? after the Oil refinery attack ?

This attack was in a way also a message to the saudis so they realise how vulnerable they are. saudis apparently also begged the US not to get in a conflict with Iran after Iran shot down the mq-4. Their reason was that there would be tremendous consequences for them should Iran start striking them.

The fact is saudis have a very limited capability to wage war against Iran. They have an advanced airforce, but an incompetent military. Their 4th gen airforce is an easy target for Iran's airdefence. Meanwhile, Iran can easily devastate them. I feel should a war break out between Iran and saudis, Iran would utterly humiliate and wreck them. The only hope the saudis have is for US to come to their rescue, yet again.
This attack was in a way also a message to the saudis so they realise how vulnerable they are.

Bad way to send a message , If Iran is behind this than they should grow balls and own it up , don't hide behind Houthies, You attack KSA and in return they will bomb Houthies ..

saudis apparently also begged the US not to get in a conflict with Iran after Iran shot down the mq-4.

KSA doesn't need to beg them, If America wants you wipe off the world map, they can do it in 5 mins or less ..

The fact is saudis have a very limited capability to wage war against Iran.

So does Iran against KSA ..

They have an advanced airforce, but an incompetent military.

You have a relatively competent Army but Napoleon era Air force , your competent Army will be slaughtered if they have no Air protections against the Saudi Air force .

Their 4th gen airforce is an easy target for Iran's airdefence.

Ok and your 2nd Generation Air force will do Wonder for you ? Dumb Logic , your AD is not that capable to take on modern Jamming system and PODS , but I will give you that doubt and world will know when both countries go toe to toe with each other .

Meanwhile, Iran can easily devastate them.

Blind Patriotism , Arrogance , Ignorance , Brainwashing from Ayatuallah's .. Your pick

I feel should a war break out between Iran and saudis, Iran would utterly humiliate and wreck them.

I highlighted the Key word for you .. Wars doesn't fought on what you feel , they are fought and won by Technology , Strategies , Resources etc ..

The only hope the saudis have is for US to come to their rescue, yet again.

A one on one match will be interesting , but KSA won't fight alone its GCC allies will join either Willingly or with some Pressure , As for America to Join you should pray Allah that they don't join ..
Bad way to send a message , If Iran is behind this than they should grow balls and own it up , don't hide behind Houthies, You attack KSA and in return they will bomb Houthies ..

KSA doesn't need to beg them, If America wants you wipe off the world map, they can do it in 5 mins or less ..

So does Iran against KSA ..

You have a relatively competent Army but Napoleon era Air force , your competent Army will be slaughtered if they have no Air protections against the Saudi Air force .

Ok and your 2nd Generation Air force will do Wonder for you ? Dumb Logic , your AD is not that capable to take on modern Jamming system and PODS , but I will give you that doubt and world will know when both countries go toe to toe with each other .

Blind Patriotism , Arrogance , Ignorance , Brainwashing from Ayatuallah's .. Your pick

I highlighted the Key word for you .. Wars doesn't fought on what you feel , they are fought and won by Technology , Strategies , Resources etc ..

A one on one match will be interesting , but KSA won't fight alone its GCC allies will join either Willingly or with some Pressure , As for America to Join you should pray Allah that they don't join ..
my friend that technology you are saying just watched these drones and CMs hitting their targets...
IRIAF may not capable to establish no fly zone over PGCC but it's well capable to defend it's territory, also our superior AD like any war will take the bulk of job (our AF was responsible for only around 200 of all 750 kills of IRQAF during the Iran-iraq war on the other hand US coalition lost 38 aircraft during first Persian gulf war where only up to 5 claimed by IRQAF and the other ones were shot down by AD or on the ground, long story short AD matters). also our AF has superior SEAD capability with it's SU-24s while the PGCC does not have that. also again our air bases are near the Persian gulf while Saudi AB are near the red sea.
it's not blind patriotism when we say our bavar AD is superior to US patriot or our drones are stealth or we have radar coverage includes Mediterranean sea of west and India of east or we have AD coverage over all of Iran and beyond that or homing on jamm missiles or pin point ballistic missile or long range cruise missiles it is not claim or propaganda and we demonstrated that in real war.
Bad way to send a message , If Iran is behind this than they should grow balls and own it up , don't hide behind Houthies, You attack KSA and in return they will bomb Houthies ..

What are you blabbering about? are you 12?

KSA doesn't need to beg them, If America wants you wipe off the world map, they can do it in 5 mins or less ..

Go back to watching your hollywood movies kid.

So does Iran against KSA ..

If you are this inept, perhaps don't get involved in these discussions. Iran would utterly decimate saudi arabia. You just saw what even a small Iranian proxy did to them.

You have a relatively competent Army but Napoleon era Air force , your competent Army will be slaughtered if they have no Air protections against the Saudi Air force .

Their airforce would get shot down like flies. They have nothing but 4th gen planes. Iran's air defence would make mince meat out of them.

Ok and your 2nd Generation Air force will do Wonder for you ? Dumb Logic , your AD is not that capable to take on modern Jamming system and PODS , but I will give you that doubt and world will know when both countries go toe to toe with each other .

If you don't know jack about Iranian air defence then close you gub and don't talk about it.

Blind Patriotism , Arrogance , Ignorance , Brainwashing from Ayatuallah's .. Your pick

It's called logic, something you're not familiar with.

I highlighted the Key word for you .. Wars doesn't fought on what you feel , they are fought and won by Technology , Strategies , Resources etc ..

Stop talking as if you know what you're talking about. You're clueless as you have demonstrated.
Forget the word 'feel', I'll guarantee Iran would decimate them.

A one on one match will be interesting , but KSA won't fight alone its GCC allies will join either Willingly or with some Pressure , As for America to Join you should pray Allah that they don't join ..
PGCC is a joke and America is only something to fear for you people.
Go back to watching your hollywood movies kid.

Failed to response, I take it as defeat ..

If you are this inept, perhaps don't get involved in these discussions. Iran would utterly decimate saudi arabia. You just saw what even a small Iranian proxy did to them.

Another failed attempt for Arrogance , Your Iranians are not just getting Closer to India in Diplomacy but in Delusions as well , You can't decimate KSA like its a piece of cake, Your Ayatuallah's are brainwashing you kids for decades, your brain is incapable of understanding modern Warfare .
and hey Dumbo, Proxies don't count in a All out war between two nation ..

Their airforce would get shot down like flies. They have nothing but 4th gen planes. Iran's air defence would make mince meat out of them.

Indians used to say that too about PAF , go learn what happen to then on 27th Feb, You have no better AD than Indians and yet we manage to blind them as long as our AF were operating , KSA has better fighters with better Technology to Jam your AD , only thing you will be shooting like flies will be flies, shooting down modern jets is no joke .

If you don't know jack about Iranian air defence then close you gub and don't talk about it.

Yes i do, its like Indian Vedic Technology which no one in the world has right ? yeah go m@sturbate on that ... ground realities are different, go ask someone who understand Modern Warfare better than both of us ..

It's called logic, something you're not familiar with.

So you logic is that your AD which is not even close to countries like US , Russia , China , France , UK and many other nation , you think they can take on a modern Air force like its a walk in park .. if this is how Iranians are , I now know why it was easy for the Ayatullah's to fool you into doing dumb things .

Stop talking as if you know what you're talking about. You're clueless as you have demonstrated.
Forget the word 'feel', I'll guarantee Iran would decimate them.

OMG we have badA$$ over here who knows everything, kid it is you who are clueless about Modern warfare and how Modern Air forces operate under harsh AD environments, but hey bragging is free so keep on doing , truth is you are not as Strong as you pretend , yeah you are tough match for any GCC but KSA will not go down without decimating your Armed forces as well .

PGCC is a joke and America is only something to fear for you people.

I fear ignorance too, which you are showing .. Thank god my brain was safe from these Mullah's and Ayatuallah's , they messed up you pretty bad, I feel sorry for you lot .

my friend that technology you are saying just watched these drones and CMs hitting their targets...
IRIAF may not capable to establish no fly zone over PGCC but it's well capable to defend it's territory, also our superior AD like any war will take the bulk of job (our AF was responsible for only around 200 of all 750 kills of IRQAF during the Iran-iraq war on the other hand US coalition lost 38 aircraft during first Persian gulf war where only up to 5 claimed by IRQAF and the other ones were shot down by AD or on the ground, long story short AD matters). also our AF has superior SEAD capability with it's SU-24s while the PGCC does not have that. also again our air bases are near the Persian gulf while Saudi AB are near the red sea.
it's not blind patriotism when we say our bavar AD is superior to US patriot or our drones are stealth or we have radar coverage includes Mediterranean sea of west and India of east or we have AD coverage over all of Iran and beyond that or homing on jamm missiles or pin point ballistic missile or long range cruise missiles it is not claim or propaganda and we demonstrated that in real war.

Hitting a Oil Refinery is not as hitting a Military target, and Proxy attacks don't count , are you Iranians incapable of understanding basic War ? if a full scale war breaks out both countries will be utilizing all their resources , yes that might include Proxy attack but that doesn't means your Army/AF/Navy is better, fighting KSA with their modern equipment will not be easy, and I hope the Iranian Generals are not as dumb as Iranian posters here who think they can just walk in and KSA will be gone ..

let me give you example of Indo Pak clash in Feb, look up how Indians used to Talk about PAF and PA and how it will be piece of cake for them to take on Pakistan, and see the results .. let me remind you if you forget , They tried to attack in Balakot , we intercepted quickly they break formation and run dropping their load on empty places , we strike them next morning with 26 Planes , excluding AWAC's , EW etc .. we cross the LoC , we Jammed IA radars they were flying blind in their own territory . We shot two of their fighters , capture one alive . We stayed in Indian Air space to prove a point and we did it , now KSA has far modern jets , they have better resources , better equipment than us , they can easily strike Iran in case of war, yes your AD can pick them up and might be able to shot some of the jets but it will be difficult , Why do you think every modern Nation like US , Russia and China have great AD but still invest in Modern Jamming pods and Fighter jets ? THINK ...
Failed to response, I take it as defeat ..

That low IQ vomit does not deserve a response more than I put.

Another failed attempt for Arrogance , Your Iranians are not just getting Closer to India in Diplomacy but in Delusions as well , You can't decimate KSA like its a piece of cake, Your Ayatuallah's are brainwashing you kids for decades, your brain is incapable of understanding modern Warfare .
and hey Dumbo, Proxies don't count in a All out war between two nation
LOL with this India obsession. A case of Stockholm syndrome?

Indians used to say that too about PAF , go learn what happen to then on 27th Feb, You have no better AD than Indians and yet we manage to blind them as long as our AF were operating , KSA has better fighters with better Technology to Jam your AD , only thing you will be shooting like flies will be flies, shooting down modern jets is no joke .

More India obsession LMAO.
Saudis can't jam jack. Their planes will be shot down looooong before they can "jam" anything.

Yes i do, its like Indian Vedic Technology which no one in the world has right ? yeah go m@sturbate on that ... ground realities are different, go ask someone who understand Modern Warfare better than both of us ..

Yet more India obsession. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

So you logic is that your AD which is not even close to countries like US , Russia , China , France , UK and many other nation , you think they can take on a modern Air force like its a walk in park .. if this is how Iranians are , I now know why it was easy for the Ayatullah's to fool you into doing dumb things .

Take a hike kid. Iran's bavar-373 is more advanced than anything air defence those nations have, minus Russia. Russia's s-400 is more advanced.

Iran's bavar is:

1- more capable than patriot in every sector including missile range and radar
2- More capable than HQ-9 in every sector (see above).

As for being fooled, Iranian have proven their hardware in real life. If you don't have the brain capacity to process this, it is not my fault.

OMG we have badA$$ over here who knows everything, kid it is you who are clueless about Modern warfare and how Modern Air forces operate under harsh AD environments, but hey bragging is free so keep on doing , truth is you are not as Strong as you pretend , yeah you are tough match for any GCC

Yawn, bunch of ghiberish with no susbtance.

but KSA will not go down without decimating your Armed forces as well .

These jokers are getting humiliated by some bare foot Houthis. They are too weak and pathetic to even reach Iranian border with their military nevermind actually engage in a conflict.

I fear ignorance too, which you are showing .. Thank god my brain was safe from these Mullah's and Ayatuallah's , they messed up you pretty bad, I feel sorry for you lot .

Focus on saving yourself from your Indian obsession. You're like a rape victim that has fallen in love with their rapist.
That low IQ vomit does not deserve a response more than I put.

LOL with this India obsession. A case of Stockholm syndrome?

More India obsession LMAO.
Saudis can't jam jack. Their planes will be shot down looooong before they can "jam" anything.

Yet more India obsession. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Take a hike kid. Iran's bavar-373 is more advanced than anything air defence those nations have, minus Russia. Russia's s-400 is more advanced.

Iran's bavar is:

1- more capable than patriot in every sector including missile range and radar
2- More capable than HQ-9 in every sector (see above).

As for being fooled, Iranian have proven their hardware in real life. If you don't have the brain capacity to process this, it is not my fault.

Yawn, bunch of ghiberish with no susbtance.

These jokers are getting humiliated by some bare foot Houthis. They are too weak and pathetic to even reach Iranian border with their military nevermind actually engage in a conflict.

Focus on saving yourself from your Indian obsession. You're like a rape victim that has fallen in love with their rapist.

I give you more time and dedication than you deserve .. Poor you, get well soon ..
Go see a therapist regarding your India obsession. I wish you a quick recovery (unlikely).

You are just a brainwashed emotional kid, who have been taught that universe revolve around you, and you can take on everyone .. that doesn't make you smart but dumb , and this is what you are showing in this thread how dumb you are .. just empty claims and nothing to prove or back it up , you think war is easy and i just gave you a example from a real conflict not a fantasy one .. but i think you are to far gone to even heal , you will live in this ignorance and probably one day die as ignorant .
You are just a brainwashed emotional kid, who have been taught that universe revolve around you, and you can take on everyone ..
that doesn't make you smart but dumb , and this is what you are showing in this thread how dumb you are .. just empty claims and nothing to prove or back it up , you think war is easy and i just gave you a example from a real conflict not a fantasy one .. but i think you are to far gone to even heal , you will live in this ignorance and probably one day die as ignorant .

Hurry up and see your therapist kid. chop chop.
Hitting a Oil Refinery is not as hitting a Military target, and Proxy attacks don't count , are you Iranians incapable of understanding basic War ? if a full scale war breaks out both countries will be utilizing all their resources , yes that might include Proxy attack but that doesn't means your Army/AF/Navy is better, fighting KSA with their modern equipment will not be easy, and I hope the Iranian Generals are not as dumb as Iranian posters here who think they can just walk in and KSA will be gone ..

let me give you example of Indo Pak clash in Feb, look up how Indians used to Talk about PAF and PA and how it will be piece of cake for them to take on Pakistan, and see the results .. let me remind you if you forget , They tried to attack in Balakot , we intercepted quickly they break formation and run dropping their load on empty places , we strike them next morning with 26 Planes , excluding AWAC's , EW etc .. we cross the LoC , we Jammed IA radars they were flying blind in their own territory . We shot two of their fighters , capture one alive . We stayed in Indian Air space to prove a point and we did it , now KSA has far modern jets , they have better resources , better equipment than us , they can easily strike Iran in case of war, yes your AD can pick them up and might be able to shot some of the jets but it will be difficult , Why do you think every modern Nation like US , Russia and China have great AD but still invest in Modern Jamming pods and Fighter jets ? THINK ...
I'm sure you do not even know what's your point.
1-the attack conducted from a route over Kuwait and US bases and air defenses there, and targeted refinery near Bahrain again close to US radar installations. so whatever did it was stealth and can be used against the radar and air defenses.
2-the US mq-4 that we shoot out of sky had self protection jamming suite and that shows we did not just claim that our missiles have HOJ capability.
3-we hit ISIS and PKK with pin point accuracy ballistic missiles.
4-our air defenses have ranges more than KSA fighters anti radiation missiles. you may refer to jamming to compensate the disadvantage. lets say they can become stealth for 0.25 of the max range still they can't suppress our AD before we target them. and i am not even referring to their HOJ capability.
5-our su-24 have better SEAD range compare to their patriots range and i am not mentioning their jamming capability.
in this whole scenario i did not mentioned our regional allies, cruise missiles, suicide drones, drones, long range MLRSs our superior navy, our superior amphibious capability, jamming capability, standoff jammers, unconventional weapons, Saudis geographic disadvantage, our numerous air fields and many other fields that we are superior.
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