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German press: 'The Asian Giants Arms Race Is Starting to Look real

Give me a break. The Indian provocative policy led us with no choice but to attack. If we didn't attack, we would lose our territory to the Indian. Sooner or later, the Indian will militarize with that war or not.

Are HongWu?
India cannot become military power when they have to import every defence equipment from other country .

in Kargil they did not have enough ammunition and did not have enough coffins for dead soldier they thought they are invincible .:D
and the funny part is even the Coffin where made in china :hitwall:

is not that indian soldier are coward but the corruption so high in politician they don't give a Fcuk about india they just care about their Swiss account.:coffee:
Now you start distracting me from you own thread?

I only know we hit you hard right in your face in 1962.

You A3 never learn from the past, however you forget the pain completely, come home and fix your toilet first, remember my advice.

Well, thank you for 1962. After 50 years, we made you guys pee :omghaha:

India cannot become military power when they have to import every defence equipment from other country .

in Kargil they did not have enough ammunition and did not have enough coffins for dead soldier they thought they are invincible .:D
and the funny part is even the Coffin where made in china :hitwall:

is not that indian soldier are coward but the corruption so high in politician they don't give a Fcuk about india they just care about their Swiss account.:coffee:

This is a political issue.

NaMo will fix it :cheers:
Since when has Japan become a military giant? Remember Japan's constitution is one that is based on pacifism.

On topic, although India and China would deny that there is any arm race going. These are clear signs of arm race - significant increase in defence budget, testing of ICBMs, acquiring nuclear subs, building AC's and then there is space race too

Erm, Chinese military budget/GDP pretty much remained unchanged in the past decade. It is mainly increasing because Chinese economy is expanding. Though comparing to Europeans and American, both India and China's military budget to GDP ratio are pretty low (with the exception of Germany, who is placed under the same constraint as Japanese following WWII)
Erm, Chinese military budget/GDP pretty much remained unchanged in the past decade. It is mainly increasing because Chinese economy is expanding. Though comparing to Europeans and American, both India and China's military budget to GDP ratio are pretty low (with the exception of Germany, who is placed under the same constraint as Japanese following WWII)

Yes, I agree with you. India and China's military budget to GDP ratio are some where near 2% to almost 5% of US
Still more so than India.

Indeed.. they are the ones who raped Nanking.

Perhaps thats why china thinks Japan is the "giant" whose shadow still looms large.

India isn't out to rape Nanking .. and this has nothing to do with Agni-5 or Agni-15.

We just don't do such things... as the history shows.

India's stategic defence forces are purely for deterrence ... unless china intends to attack us or threaten to attack us, it has no need for any concern.
How many missiles have you launched on USA :rofl:

For once they were trying to be patriotic ;)

China can launch all her long range ICBMs on USA but will not do so since China is USA's largest money lender.

LOL at India..... trying so hard...... but everybody knows India can't even manufacture its own bullet :rofl:

and yet they label everything as indigenous !
China can launch all her long range ICBMs on USA but will not do so since China is USA's largest money lender.

Wrong! China won't do that because they are sane people and certainly not suicidal, unlike you!
........with the exception of Pakistan, which is plagued by internal fighting and jihad terrorism."......

1st of all Pakistan is not giant and our policy is to maintain minimum defense capability, so there was no need to highlight. 2nd our scientists & engineers are doing their work and as of now Pakistani's are satisfied with their work. Need of the hour is to remain silent & low profile and address domestic issue. Fireworks can be done in suitable time.
speaking of rape,India has nothing to be proud about.lol..

Yes, India won't be proud of Nanking rape .. we just don't do such things.

But since you say so, do you imply that Japan has a right to be proud of Nanking rape?

And their "guts" to commit the Nanking rape, still makes then a giant in the eyes of all chinese.

Hah .... strange definitions of "giant" which chinese have.
Well, we spent 120+ billion and increasing each year on military.

The countries in question combined can't match our spending.

It's not a race if it's this loopsided.

If I run with Usain bolt, it's not a race, it's a joke.
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