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German - Pakistan relations and what majority in germany thinks about India...

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I was playing his game. I have great friends in Germany. In fact my best friend is a German. He is some Pakistani playing as German.

I´m not pakistani. I can show my passport. I guess you just can´t deal with another opinion.
Anecdotal evidence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My aunt is married to a German. She works at the University of Leipzig and he is a senior partner at CMS Hasche Sigle | CMS Hasche Sigle

Indians are veritably LOVED in Europe and Germany. You're just a bit butt-hurt over that other thread. This thread is literally the opposite of what is true in reality.

Well funny you can´t say why your people did NOT help us last spring. Whats the reason for just taking and not giving something? Is that what you see as partnership or friendship?
Apparently many of you dont know what a voluntary firefighter is....Many European countries have these and they are actually more in touch at people level....hence, know more about people rather than random polls which many dont even read while circling a random thing...
spending nature of Indians and Pakistan+BD are very different. Indians spend sparingly/

and in the event of rescue and painstaking or risky help, Indians are shown less/
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For me that behavior from india last year changed my opinion 180°. I´m honest...for me Pakistan was always some terrorist country far away. I don´t lie about that and i had no high opinion about it...But that experience last year changed the way i see it. For me, india acted like a parasite towards us. And i don´t forgive such behavior. From friends one can expect help.

And i don´t care if indians here go crazy now, insult and all that. Because my opinion stands now. I expect nothing from them.
Lol .. yes sure. Thats why thousands of Germans visit India each year and sit on the bank of river Ganga and enjoy it there. I see green in you mate :)
Lol .. yes sure. Thats why thousands of Germans visit India each year and sit on the bank of river Ganga and enjoy it there. I see green in you mate :)

You mean the dead bodies floating around? As i said, its my personal opinion. Your country did not help us. And that disappoints me and changed my opinion.
Anecdotal evidence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My aunt is married to a German. She works at the University of Leipzig and he is a senior partner at CMS Hasche Sigle | CMS Hasche Sigle

Indians are veritably LOVED in Europe and Germany. You're just a bit butt-hurt over that other thread. This thread is literally the opposite of what is true in reality.
Over statement of the century :rofl: Is that what she tells you guys? How come aunty sahiba is not an individual opinion while Markus here was told that its his opinion?! Kmon man why the imbalance??
For me that behavior from india last year changed my opinion 180°.
As i said, its my personal opinion. Your country did not help us. And that disappoints me and changed my opinion.

No one gives a flying **** about your personal opinion dude which you are trying to sell as the opinion of "majority of German people" -- a lie. Keep crying for all we care lol.
Lol .. yes sure. Thats why thousands of Germans visit India each year and sit on the bank of river Ganga and enjoy it there. I see green in you mate :)
Well many only go to visit Taj Mahal...Ask any lay European that is the only thing they know about India....oh yes and the curry :D
I have seen trend in Pakistani youth to study in Germany, don't know about India but those Pakistani youth can work well for developing good image of Pakistan in Germany, and Government of Pakistan must support youth who want to go to study to Germany it seems better then other countries if language issue can be resolved.

Making good relations with Germany at Government and specially at people to people level is essential for Pakistan as it has big say in EU and NATO, Pakistan need friend in west and Germany can be a good one, also Germany can help us in many fields and their expertise can help our economy grow and develop industrial base.
For me that behavior from india last year changed my opinion 180°. I´m honest...for me Pakistan was always some terrorist country far away. I don´t lie about that and i had no high opinion about it...But that experience last year changed the way i see it. For me, india acted like a parasite towards us. And i don´t forgive such behavior. From friends one can expect help.

And i don´t care if indians here go crazy now, insult and all that. Because my opinion stands now. I expect nothing from them.

Are you honestly retarded. Indians are one of the best minorities in Germany, just like in the rest of the world.

Over statement of the century :rofl: Is that what she tells you guys? How come aunty sahiba is not an individual opinion while Markus here was told that its his opinion?! Kmon man why the imbalance??

Because as stated earlier, he is just a single butt-hurt individual. Earlier he was trying to impress us with $300 watch. The shoes I'm wearing are worth more than that.

She is a single individual, however she has interacted with MANY MANY Germans, (as have I, but obviously not as many).
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