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German - Pakistan relations and what majority in germany thinks about India...

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We dont care what Germans think about us.We are not on their payroll. .We do what we want to do.Germany's master is US.US snoop German chancellor phone ,but they can do nothing about. Our GOI will only take action that help our long term strategic interest.IF they want a limit relationship with Germany ,then so be it.But we will maintain relationship all other countries .IF they warm to us we also warm to them Always reciprocity.
alas thats not to be........
alas thats not to be........

That right my friend .If they dont help them then there is some reason.When Tsunami hit japan we all see how India make effort to help them and same goes to Philipines.Foreign relations also for well being of our people.They help us and same way we help them.thats all
Still better than pakistan. :lol:

You know what is good in living next to a beggar? You feel rich. :flame:
Beggar with big hearts big enough to make you feel poor...Now go burn somewhere else ...


Thank you
For me that behavior from india last year changed my opinion 180°. I´m honest...for me Pakistan was always some terrorist country far away. I don´t lie about that and i had no high opinion about it...But that experience last year changed the way i see it. For me, india acted like a parasite towards us. And i don´t forgive such behavior. From friends one can expect help.

And i don´t care if indians here go crazy now, insult and all that. Because my opinion stands now. I expect nothing from them.

Ok .we already told britian and other nation to stop aid .Now we dont need anyone aid.Between UK is largest aid donor of India.I dont know about Germany.
Beggar with big hearts big enough to make you feel poor...Now go burn somewhere else ...


Thank you

We know how big hearts you have that you can kill someone who do not follow your "type" of religion. Malala disagrees to you. :lol:
We know how big hearts you have that you can kill someone who do not follow your "type" of religion. Malala disagrees to you. :lol:
I beg your pardon...Dont take it further!
:rofl: really? Is that what you think?
Maybe you have not stepped out of India let alone even gone about to explore India...it is only human to be curious about new things...For them holi is new and interesting so they will experience it doesnt mean they are your best buddies? Man is that how you count friends? :unsure:

Look if u cant make argument fine why need to replying?
And its looks u have comprehension problem i said they dont have any problems with indian culture unlike you.It shows their acceptance and not hatred towards india.
Actually the problems is, u guys so hated for ur deeds around the world if one guys says that pakistan is good and india is bad u people go ga ga over it but its a fact its actually opposite.
when MARKUs say india is chaotic (though 3 days back children are killed in pakistan) poor(pakistan shares almost same % of poor) unhygienic(pakistan still not able to eradicate polio) all pakistanis starts cherry picking towards india But some indian guys show the holi being celebrated in Germany alot of question arises like friends, new things,curious. why this double standard? why not accept in both ways that there is some germans hate india and some like india

If it was sarcasm...maybe you need to work on it...because how can playing holi make one pagan or hindu? because even atheist play with those colours :unsure:

Look u have comprehension problem nobody can help on that sorry ..... atheist:unsure:
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Look if u cant make argument fine why need to replying?
And its looks u have comprehension problem i said they dont have any problems with indian culture unlike you.It shows their acceptance and not hatred towards india.
and I think you missed my answer to that when I said that its human nature to be curious of new things...Why does every Indian write in a weird way and automatically expects others to understand? :unsure:
Actually the problems is u guys so hated for ur deeds around the world if one guys says that pakistan is good and india is bad u people go ga ga over it but its a fact its actually opposite.
I see more Indians going "ga ga" here...How is it a fact that its opposite when locals of that region report otherwise?
when MARKUs say india is chaotic (though 3 days back children are killed in pakistan) poor(pakistan shares almost same % of poor) unhygienic(pakistan still not able to eradicate polio) all pakistanis starts cherry picking towards india
Because we never deny our problems...we say we have problems so back off...go pick your own problems! I never picked Indian problems so keep your tongue in your mouth please!
But some indian guys show the holi being celebrated in Germany alot of question arises like friends, new things,curious. why this double standard? why not accept in both ways that there is some germans hate india and some like india
Read what you guys wrote:
It started from anyone can dance at colours to trying to make a point out of it:
exactly but they are doing fine clearly shows they dont have problems with indians or culture
and then finally I replied :
.it is only human to be curious about new things...For them holi is new and interesting so they will experience it doesnt mean they are your best buddies? Man is that how you count friends?
Because clearly you were trying to show about friendship...so I asked is that how you count your friends? In holi the person dancing next to you may not even know your name...its a showcase of culture...every country showcases their culture and citizens enjoy the variety...why only signal that 1 out?

So do you mean Holi is not a new thing for the West? They cant be curious?

You are comparing bad things about India vs a festival which Indians celebrate in every country from the states to Europe to Oz...what double standards?

Liking a festival or some celebration does not mean everyone loves you....they love the new event, something new to experience like how some people in the East are dying to go to the West and those who managed dont want to go back...because of the "new things they experience"

Just because Markus said A, B, C, D about your country, his and his friends view on you country.... you dragged in my country? How is that justified?

I am sure many like India that is not a doubt but how Indians are behaving recently, with how they fled to the thread bad mouthing a man sharing "his personal" experience ....well that itself speaks heaps! Instead of asking him, reasoning with him the whole thread went down the hole!
and I think you missed my answer to that when I said that its human nature to be curious of new things...Why does every Indian write in a weird way and automatically expects others to understand? :unsure:
I see more Indians going "ga ga" here...How is it a fact that its opposite when locals of that region report otherwise?

there is also a report say pakistanis hated the most with respect to indians why ignore that

Because we never deny our problems...we say we have problems so back off...go pick your own problems!

mod will not be as forgivening to me as he to u so i am saying any thing on this
I never picked Indian problems so keep your tongue in your mouth please!

i never said its u thats why i used pakistanis

Read what you guys wrote:
It started from anyone can dance at colours to trying to make a point out of it: and then finally I replied : Because clearly you were trying to show about friendship...so I asked is that how you count your friends? In holi the person dancing next to you may not even know your name...its a showcase of culture...every country showcases their culture and citizens enjoy the variety...why only signal that 1 out?

celebrating holi doest make friendship i said acceptance of culture dont twist words

So do you mean Holi is not a new thing for the West? They cant be curious?You are comparing bad things about India vs a festival which Indians celebrate in every country from the states to Europe to Oz...what double standards?
Liking a festival or some celebration does not mean everyone loves you....they love the new event, something new to experience like how some people in the East are dying to go to the West and those who managed dont want to go back...because of the "new things they experience"

you can take markus guys word blindly but its hard to take that lot of indian trying to improve the image and relations to a better level..........result holi being celebrated you just cant go there and go ga ga over u culture without having close relationship with them ,there is a reason for that

Just because Markus said A, B, C, D about your country, his and his friends view on you country.... you dragged in my country? How is that justified?

its abt good PAKISTAN and bad india . and u need to read OP again what he said abt indiaa

I am sure many like India that is not a doubt but how Indians are behaving recently, with how they fled to the thread bad mouthing a man sharing "his personal" experience ....well that itself speaks heaps! Instead of asking him, reasoning with him the whole thread went down the hole!

i would have reason with him if questioned the indian government on help them out

but he went to poor, chaotic, and unhygiene to rape show his devotion into discussion but u will support such person becoz he says good abt pakistan and bad abt india

ok i need to go for dinner now
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