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German - Pakistan relations and what majority in germany thinks about India...

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Can u do the same?
I can as long as I am not bowing to any statue its fine...I wouldnt is another story however, I wouldnt mind watching from the sidelines....

Interesting to note that someone in this very thread just claimed something along the lines that hanging out with an Indian will make you Hindu....what are your thoughts on that?
I can as long as I am not bowing to any statue its fine...I wouldnt is another story however, I wouldnt mind watching from the sidelines....
exactly but they are doing fine clearly shows they dont have problems with indians or culture


Interesting to note that someone in this very thread just claimed something along the lines that hanging out with an Indian will make you Hindu....what are your thoughts on that?

"Oh Noes, ze germans are becomoing pagan hindus :what::o::("
this one ?
if u dont understand sarcasm i dont think its anybodys fault
Nobody in Germany cares a rat for Pakistan or India. It is stupid and absurd to think (not unusual for a bozo although) these countries (particularly West European) loves a India/Pak and feel good about it.

I would not have posted here if OP limited his views for Pakistan only,but when he says German idea about India is slum dog only,well that needed befitting replies. And the kid deserves the treatment that he has got so far.
exactly but they are doing fine clearly shows they dont have problems with indians or culture
:rofl: really? Is that what you think?
Maybe you have not stepped out of India let alone even gone about to explore India...it is only human to be curious about new things...For them holi is new and interesting so they will experience it doesnt mean they are your best buddies? Man is that how you count friends? :unsure:

I said, bro your jig is up. From that statement you somehow came to the conclusion that the idea of "intermarriages" is new to me. If thats not an assumption then I don't know what is.
He said he is Italian German (whichever way) so how does that even correspond to what you said?
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Leave it man.....

I am not saying the one side is better than the other, just that he is making false statements and only is expressing his own view and by far not the general perception of Pakistanis and Indians.
"Oh Noes, ze germans are becomoing pagan hindus :what::o::("
this one ?
if u dont understand sarcasm i dont think its anybodys fault
If it was sarcasm...maybe you need to work on it...because how can playing holi make one pagan or hindu? because even atheist play with those colours :unsure:
Interesting.... Thanks for sharing your opinion and get ready for action


So you browse "art of trolling.com". You are getting better in it. :lol:
Well many only go to visit Taj Mahal...Ask any lay European that is the only thing they know about India....oh yes and the curry :D

Why should pakistan be loved? You dont even have taj. :lol:

Well i know Taj Mahal, Curry and the red fort!

What you know of pakistan? Apart from terrorists.
Well i was asked what most germans think about pakistan and india. To be honest both countries are far away and play no big role in our daily lifes, but they are seen different here.

Pakistan has a lot of bad publicity in the media here. Terrorism, Taliban and so on. But in general it is seen positive in germany. Some media here show an article that germany is liked very much in Pakistan and we work together on many fields. Military in afghanistan and other fields. When Pakistan was hit from the earthquake a few years ago, we collected money at our school and did spend it to help the people.

Last spring we had a huge flood in germany. Many cities were under water and it was much destroyed. Thanks god nobody died but it was hard work to bring back order in those cities. And students from Pakistan came and helped. They made soup and other food for our firefighters, who worked hard. They helped elderly people and filled sand bags to hold the rivers back.

I´m a voluntarily firefighter myself (we call it FFW) and in our area were 5 pakistani (2 girls and 3 guys) who helped us. The girls grought us food and the guys filled sand bags for us.

That gained alot of respect for you guys here...

On the other hand India...most germans see india as chaotic, poor and in very bad shape. Pictures are shown here with slums, dead bodies drifting down the ganges river...India is seen as a trade partner but not as a friendly nation. We gave India hundreds of millions for development and aid. What did india give us in return, when we had a flood??? NOTHING! ZERO! Even the small and poor Tunesia did send dates to eat for our firefighters. Tunesia said its a poor country and can´t offer much, but its the gesture that counts.

Nobody here expected from india to send millions of €. But they did send nothing. No indian helped here...
The only time when a few indians made headlines in germany was few years back. They went on a festival here and started to molest some women...They were hunted from germans and beaten to mush. They had to hide in a house and be escorted out from police or would have been killed...

That combined created a horrible image of india in germany. And to make it worse there are those constantly stupid games india plays in foreign politics.

That said, i have much respect for Pakistan and i´m thankful for the help we got last spring.

And for india: With friends like you guys, we need no enemies. Maybe you guys should show a better behavior to impress others and to win friends. I was never interested in Pakistan and India, but changed my opinion after pakistani helped us.

We dont care what Germans think about us.We are not on their payroll. .We do what we want to do.Germany's master is US.US snoop German chancellor phone ,but they can do nothing about. Our GOI will only take action that help our long term strategic interest.IF they want a limit relationship with Germany ,then so be it.But we will maintain relationship all other countries .IF they warm to us we also warm to them Always reciprocity.
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