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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's historical China map flap

cnleio : do you think Chinese pupils should learn more on outside history books ?
I heard that, in China history book used for teaching pupils, they told that some territories belong to China for thousand years while it's not true ...
Few weeks ago, a guy even said that China occupied SCS 2 thousand years ago ... Sorry 2 thousand years ago, even Hainan is a very strange place to China Emperor.

And an Emperor ever send his men to China East Sea ( maybe nowaday Japan ) for finding the immortal recipient created by fairy ...
LOL, The China history much longer than ur Vietnam and in Human History Chinese created more Great than urs. How u teach us about the China history ? even now everything 'made in China', China play a important role in world diplomacy stage also one member of P5 in U.N, PLA is a strong military force and nuclear power.
Some people are really stupid and make me sick, that map is only a map of PART of China.

It was drawn by a priest of French Jesuit -du Halde, who came to China during the earlier of Qing Dynasty, and the Chinese emperor & officers. The whole map is named [[康熙皇輿全覽圖]] and it included North-East of China (so-called Manchuria), "China" (middle land), Tibet and other parts of China (except for Xinjiang before it wasn't belong to Qing Dynasty during the earlier of Qing).

Also the term "China" doesn't officially refer to 中國 before the ROC, since the Qing Dynasty considers the whole Chinese Empire including North-East of China, Tibet, Mongolia and Xinjiang are all 中國.
During the old days, "China" and "Chinese" mostly refer only to Han's land and Han people, but Han's land(漢地) and Han people(漢人) is never translated as 中國 and 中國人.

Therefore, what Germany gave China is just a ancient map of "part of China" which was drawn by Chinese and a priest of French Jesuit. This map of "China" is just a map of the 12 Han's provinces, not the whole China.
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Your Chinese missed your way.

We never consider the map as the evidence for territories or something else ...
We are interested in how Western show their opinion gently by gifting that map to Xi

LOL, The China history much longer than ur Vietnam and in Human History Chinese created more Great than urs. How u teach us about the China history ? even now everything 'made in China', China play a important role in world diplomacy stage also one member of P5 in U.N, PLA is a strong military force and nuclear power.

So great indeed cnleio. We expect you act as Great level ... by follow the international law and rule.
I dont mean teaching China about history. I just want to let you , about the contrast between your real history and history book in your school which is revised under the PRC willing. After that we never can call them as history book but historic fiction novel.
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So great indeed cnleio. We expect you act as Great level ... by follow the international law and rule.
I dont mean teaching China about history. I just want to let you , about the contrast between your real history and history book in your school which is revised under the PRC willing. After that we never can call them as history book but historic fiction novel.
1. The internatinoal law & rule just setup to govern the weak, or not only five chairs in UN security council permanent members.

2. Whatever China's name, still Chinese govern this lands & this country. The ppl still using Chinese HanZi and inherit Chinese culture & tradition. Not like others using foreigner created words,i doubt whether their children can understand old historical books wrote by entirely different words or charactors. China history has a connecting link between the preceding and the following by Chinese HanZi, not like blank in other's history and culture.
The fact that, Germany ever linked with Japan, and now they gifted you the map without Senkaku islands as historic evidence of China.

I guess what they mean is let's act as international law for any dispute, not the ancient historic fake evidence
Japan,Senkaku,Germany all you think about just have no idea what I am talking and International law just something for helpless or already wrecked countries.
Dude China will grow so big and powerful within the next 10-15 years that many Asian countries will ally with it and the rest will keep quiet.

Once a rich and militarily powerful China rises, then Asia will be a peaceful continent.

this is laughable and the typical asian problem. You believe opression generates peace. This is wrong, it creates hate and conflict and is tze main reason tzat asia always was subordinate to others.

India itself is more diverse than EU. Ethnically, culturally, linguistically. If you think it's such a great achievement to have a federation of similar countries, how much more awesome is it for 1.2 billion very diverse people speaking 30+ languages and hundreds of dialects living together as a single country?

As for the NATO - it is mostly the USA's muscle that holds it together, and the contribution of Italy is negligibly small. Besides, we saw just how much NATO could do when Russia took Crimea away. European countries can't do anything militarily, without riding on the coattails of the US military machine. The whole NATO thing is just an excuse for USA to have bases across the world. Without the American military, NATO wouldn't exist. Without any other military, say German or Italian, NATO will still exist.

Not really. Until the mid 20th century, they were still killing each other senselessly. How many Europeans killed aech other in WW2? It was only after that event, that they learned to live together in peace. (Which they have done quite well.) Compared to that, India and China have had one border conflict in the past 5000 years or so. Europeans are really in no position to teach us the glories of peace.

You dont understand reality. We took entire ukraine, russia just small crimea. Thats the fact. I wont comment on india. because india is a very poor nation and depends on food aid. I think its a good thing to help indians to be able to feed their children.

Asia is 6 times bigger than Europe. China and almost all of its neighbors get along, except for the ones that are somehow involved with disputes with all of their other neighbors.

China gets along just fine with Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, all the Stans, Mongolia, South Korea, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and countless others. Sounds like you're wet dreaming.

You rule no part of East Asia, nor any parts of Southeast Asia with Chinese economic defenders.

Considering the fact that we push our culture on you, that you write in an indo european language here and use only our technology...well yes, we totally dominate you.
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1. The internatinoal law & rule just setup to govern the weak, or not only five chairs in UN security council permanent members.

It's true that China want to improve their imagination in other eyes, isn't it ?
Don't act as barbarian while call yourself a Great !!! That's what we expect from a country with long and rich history and culture like China !!!

To our eyes, in the region, China is acting worst among big powers !!!
Just want to share our feeling. Don't word attack me !!!

And in contrary to China thought, outsiders actually not consider China as so strong military.

And China investment in other countries always considered as making poorer the local resident and environment.
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It's true that China want to improve their imagination in other eyes, isn't it ?
Don't act as barbarian while call yourself a Great !!! That's what we expect from a country with long and rich history and culture like China !!!

To our eyes, in the region, China is acting worst among big powers !!!
Just want to share our feeling. Don't word attack me !!!

And in contrary to China thought, outsiders actually not consider China as so strong military.

Well to br honest china is not seen as a military power here in europe. Our viewpoint is more centered on economy.
Well to br honest china is not seen as a military power here in europe. Our viewpoint is more centered on economy.

That's why China has been putting more and more budget on their military.
While USA reduced.
That's why China has been putting more and more budget on their military.
While USA reduced.
then thats fruitless, because we still dont see them as military power.
It's all over the media in Germany that Merkel wants to pull China to her side to counter Russia. She is the traitor of the European cause by siding with the US that wants to weaken the EU. It was the US that said "**** the EU" and creates all the mess at the doorstep of the EU.

Wrong.The European cause is that retarded countries don't invade and take land from European countries-a self declared goal of the EU since its establisment is to prevent wars and inter country 19th century land grabs in Europe.Europe must stand with the US on this issue.
Old maps could be or could not be accurately show the true geography at that specific time accordingly.
Angela Merkel's presentation is not an accurate one.

For example, both Inter-Mongolia and Outer-Mongolia was in control of the Qing Government in Beijing through out the whole Qing Dynesty. So, excluding Mongolia out of Qing is inaccurate.
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