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German Army Continues to Swallow Its Neighbors

France and its army was the backbone of the Allies forces during the WWI, and the victory over German was achieved under the command of the Marshal of France,Ferdinand Foch,supreme allied commander.

If France was incapable of winning any wars,it would have ceased to exist since a long time ago. Seeing how many powers tried to obliterate us through the centuries. @Nilgiri @AUSTERLITZ

France would have gotten crushed if it faced Germany alone during WW1 - even the US joined in to help out in 1917 lol.

I know the truth hurts but France, apart from during Napolean-era, are not good at fighting. Countries like UK, Germany and Japan are far superior at warfare than France.
France would have gotten crushed if it faced Germany alone during WW1 - even the US joined in to help out in 1917 lol.

I know the truth hurts but France, apart from during Napolean-era, are not good at fighting. Countries like UK, Germany and Japan are far superior at warfare than France.

Seems like you do not understand the concept of "world war" do you ?
France would have gotten crushed if it faced Germany alone during WW1 - even the US joined in to help out in 1917 lol.

I know the truth hurts but France, apart from during Napolean-era, are not good at fighting. Countries like UK, Germany and Japan are far superior at warfare than France.

Hey bud, You have to consider the overall capabilities, total power includes nuclear weapons, and what not. France has the most nukes in Europe, thus it is more than likely France would prevail. Though they have a terrible record. Oh and you don't face a single European country anymore in any conflict, it's NATO you're up against.
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Seems like you do not understand the concept of "world war" do you ?

Simply question:

France versus Germany in WW1 with no allies. Who would have won?

Germany of course.

Accept the truth and move on. France has talents but military prowess is not one of them.
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Simply question:

France versus Germany in WW2 with no allies. Who would have won?

Germany of course.

Accept the truth and move on. France has talents but military prowess is not one of them.

At present, France. Dynamics have changed, and there has been a paradigm shift in the world. Serves no purpose talking about France vs Germany. Germany would cease to exist in a conflict with France today.
I don't why NATO is so scared of Russia? As if Russia really going to invade Romania or Czech? Russia economy suffer a massive drop and you see their kuznetsov carrier spew more thick smoke than 1920 steam engine train. Most Russian equipment are very old and morale of their soldiers are poor as salary drop too.
Czech and Romania just fell prey to Western Europe war mongering propaganda.
Why is U.K. below India and Pakistan? Royal Navy proven with SSBN, permanent UN seat holder. And an economy power with roughly same size as India.

Hi. Thanks for your comment. I'll likely open a thread about world powers and discussions can be had there. Seeing as this one is about Germany.
@Blue Marlin @flamer84 @Nilgiri

Soldiers of armored infantry battalion Panzergrenadierbataillon 122 of the Bundeswehr, the German armed forces.(Johannes Simon/Getty Images)

Czech Republic and Romania are sending major chunks of their armies to the Bundeswehr.

A Czech and Romanian brigade will be integrated into divisions of the German army. The agreement is to be signed at a meeting of nato defense ministers tomorrow. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (faz), which broke the story on February 2, wrote, “The Bundeswehr is developing into the leading nato army in Europe.”

The agreement is the most dramatic of a series of arrangements Germany is negotiating to deepen its cooperation with other countries. The EU Observer summarized the faz’s report, noting, “The longer-term strategy would turn the Bundeswehr into the leading nato army in Europe, with small countries integrating their military forces into the German command structures.”

Two thirds of the Dutch army’s command structure began to integrate into the German army last year.


The faz wrote (Trumpet translation throughout): “This policy means Germany strengthens its own military power and, secondly, it creates practical road marks for the goal of European armed forces.”

The revolutionary handover of sovereignty from the Netherlands is already being seen as a proof of concept that other nations can follow, providing “the closest and most varied example of how far the military cooperation between two nato states can go” (ibid). Last year, German defense minister Ursula von der Leyen set out her ambitions to create “a multinational Panzer division” by integrating soldiers from other nations into the German army.

Die Welt explained, “This should create a unit with up to 20,000 active soldiers, which should be operational by 2021—which would be the nucleus of a European army” (March 17).

Now von der Leyen is taking further practical steps in that direction. The Czech 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade will be integrated into the 10th German Panzer Division and the Romanian 81st Mechanized Brigade will be assigned to Germany’s Rapid Force Division.

These are not mere token forces. The Czech Republic is integrating one of its two combat brigades into the German army (this does not include combat support forces, such as the 13th Artillery Regiment).

On February 13, Reuters reported that unnamed sources with the defense ministry say that Germany also plans to lay out plans to create a joint fleet of transport aircraft with France and to join a joint fleet of tanker aircraft with the Netherlands.

At first glance, the plans seem unimpressive. The Franco-German fleet would begin with 10 transport planes. The United States operates more than 5,000. However, Europe is so short of transport planes that even an additional 10 will make a difference. This move is also a proof of concept. If successful, it will serve as a platform that more and more units can be added to. With Britain on the way out, France and Germany are the European Union’s two largest militaries. If they can prove that they can share resources and work together, there’s great potential for cooperation.

Germany will also sign a declaration of intent to join the Multinational Multi-role Tanker Transport Fleet of aircraft led by the Netherlands. The group also includes Luxembourg; Belgium and Norway may also join. Germany said it could spend up to €1 billion on planes, which would be based in the Netherlands and in Germany.

Germany will also expand its cooperation with Norway, with plans to work together in buying submarines and missiles.

Germany has made no secret of the fact that it aims to build a European army through these deals with other nations. It is creating a network of military cooperation—with Germany at the center. In 2013 then-Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière concluded that efforts to create a European army in one sweep were simply not working. Instead, he aimed to create much deeper cooperation within individual nations, gradually building the nucleus of a European army out of bilateral cooperation.

“If Germany can prove that integration can work with the Netherlands and Poland—and they can save a lot of money doing so—other nations will want in. Once Berlin brings a few more countries on line, this project will gain critical mass,” we wrote at the time. “The result would be an EU army, or a very closely coordinated group of armies, centered on Germany.”

U.S. President Donald Trump’s insistence that Europe must bear the burden, the cost and the responsibility of defending itself is further encouraging this effort. Von der Leyen said that German requests to do more were “fair.” They certainly encourage other nations to sign up to the initiatives that Germany began long before Mr. Trump launched his bid for the presidency.

The timing of Germany’s push is deliberate. From February 17 to 19, national defense leaders, politicians and academics will gather in Germany for the Munich Security Conference. Talk of EU military cooperation is included in the conference’s annual report, which has been published ahead of the event. The report includes an infographic illustrating how far the Dutch have gone in integrating with the Germany army. With so much uncertainty about President Trump’s plans for Europe’s defense, extra attention is being focused on the conference this year to see what America will do, and how Europe will react. European military integration is definitely on the agenda.

The rise of a Europe capable of fielding a powerful military force, independent from the United States, would be one of the biggest geopolitical events in the last century and would revolutionize the balance of power around the world.

Herbert W. Armstrong warned of this exact military union for decades. In May 1953, he wrote that “10 powerful European nations will combine their forces.” In August 1978, he warned: “The Europeans are far more disturbed about their safety in relying on United States military power to protect them than Americans realize! …

Europeans want their own united military power! They know that a political union of Europe would produce a third major world power, as strong as either the U.S. or the ussr—possibly stronger!”

He saw that this cooperation would not come easily. But Europe is being forced in this direction. For more on how this force is coming together, read our article “Is Europe Finally Ready for an Army?” ▪

Germany is fully prepared for post EU Europe
At present, France. Dynamics have changed, and there has been a paradigm shift in the world. Serves no purpose talking about France vs Germany. Germany would cease to exist in a conflict with France today.

And you show how right you are about new paradigm and
other subtleties that your interlocutor is unlikely to grasp,
since we have taken Deutschland under our nuclear umbrella
decades ago, at the precise moment we'd be running over
Vaterland, we'd have to turn our missiles on our own Patrie?
Our British buds will applaud the fair play but to quote them :
Such a bloody shame, really!

The only think doubtful in that reasoning is that such intricacy
won't be lost on those who construct and hold simpler models
even when unfounded in facts to avoid reality's constant shifts.

But let me give a hand in that educational process nonetheless.

Says the clinically insane that comes from an artificial entity.

Huh? You just described all humans with darn few exceptions.

Off to more serious threads but good convo & day all, Tay.
Common Guys stop Comparing countries and their military capabilities .. Who surrender or who lost previous war does not matter here, what matter here where the country stands now and what are they capable of unleashing on anyone dare challenge them ..

@Vergennes @Taygibay@Nilgiri @Blue Marlin @flamer84 of course France is way Ahead of Pakistan in terms of Technology they hold, France has Experience , Quality of Weapons/Technology and better equipped and Trained Soldiers , No doubt about that ..
there is no reason to get the bait from a fanboy brothers :)

Pakistan on the other hand has achieve some military advancements over the time, specially in WoT .. there is also no Doubt that Pakistan has done remarkably good in that Guerrilla fighting ..we are on the right path of Modernizing our Forces with CM and MIRV's , our soldiers are getting better trained , better equipped and just like Other countries the will to fight and die for country is already there, for the projection of Power we got Nukes just like France, UK etc ..

France , Germany ,and UK are very dangerous combination .. one should never messed up with,bring in the Italians and Scandinavians and only God can save you if they fighting in their homeland ..
For the leadership Role , i will say its Good that no European country wants to take it because that is how a Natural Alliance is screwed up, when the Power is distributed to all the greed will never take over Friends/Allies ..

Please Avoid Comparing and insulting other countries or their forces ..every soldier fight and die for his country , no soldier wants to surrender its the circumstance and poor leadership that makes him do it ..
^^^ Don't worry brother, at least for my part.

Pakistan is less than a human lifetime old and
in a different strategic paradigm military wise.
It has the armed forces it needs vs its means.

But as often on fora, one guy armed with truth
defying convictions can start a row and derail a thread.

At least, that particular guy isn't in the White House? :undecided:

All the best to you and yours, Tay.
France has currently the most potent and active military of the EU,it would be natural to take the lead of the European defence,but will probably never happen.
kind of, do remember were still in the eu (for now)8-)

They'll unleash their anger at us and Poland,as always. :D
bloody germans picking on the little guy.

Germany has the capacity to become the leading European military if it really wanted. But it doesn't want.
correct, hence why i will cough up 50%of the amount needed to develop a syrum to change that, all we need is you guys to cough up you half and were good to go.
we will spike their beer and sausages and if there's no side affects put in in their water system so everyone gets infected:devil:
An interesting thread. German army expanding peacefully by incorporating military units of other countries is a new development in the current history of Europe. The question we should be contemplating is which country will be the next in line to join it's military forces with Germany. The bottom line is that Germany has the financial and technological muscle to build a strong army. If in future Italy, France, Spain, Scandinavian and other countries join Germany, it will be a real game changer in world politics. For that lets keep watching...
Europe certainly needs a military and Germany is probably best positioned to kick-start it. Of course the world better watch out for world wars ! but without a strong Europe there is no resolution to the open and smoldering wars of the middle east.
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