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George Zimmerman found not guilty

Just like how Casey Anthony is living like a queen?

Broke and debt-ridden Casey Anthony comes out of hiding for bankruptcy case - NY Daily News

With all the lawsuits that are sure to come after him, I'm sure we'll see a similar article on him a couple of years from now

Still Zimmerman was armed, Trayvon wasn't. That gives him a big advantage.

If it was in self defense, he could have shot him in the leg or something. Why did he shoot him in the heart?

Zimmermabs back is on the ground with Trayvon on him or hunched over continuing his attack. The most likely position to shot at is the torso area, which is the largest surface mass in a human being.



The standard human target shooting is always aimed at the torso area as the chance of a successful strike is much higher compare to other body area.

Anyone who practiced shooting at a range is trained to shoot like that especially the law enforcement officers in the US.
What typical nonsense to malign the VICTIM.
They are well established facts that cannot be denied. The kid had a violent background.

I'm sure if it were George Zimmerman with that background you would have jumped the gun.

Did Zimmerman know about Treyvon's suspensions? Did he know about his background?
In the same sense did Zimmerman know that Trayvon was related to the residents of one of the homes in the neighborhood?

This child who had just turned 17 and weighed 40 pounds less than Zimmerman
If you want to get into this physical detailing, then it was this 17 year old, 6'2" (6 feet, 2 inch) tall kid who was on top of Zimmerman, bashing his head into the concrete sidewalk after punching him in the face and breaking his nose.

was PERUSED by the murderer even after the 911 operator had told Zimmerman to stay put.
Well, this we will never know if he was actually "persuing" him or just keeping an eye on him to see which direction he was headed in.

Treyvon had every right to be in that neighborhood- he was visiting his father a resident of the said neighborhood.
Of course he had every right to be in that neighborhood.

What was his crime? Walking while black? What spooked Zimmerman about this young boy other than his own prejudices?
This is utter garbage. This is one of the reasons why the prosecution lost the case by trying to make it into a racial issue.

Zimmerman received 0 training to be a "watchman"- he was entirely self-appointed.
If that were so, he would not have been a watchman in the first place. Don't make ridiculous statements that contradict reality. You can't be a self appointed watchman armed with a firearm.

The Laws that allow this injustice to pass are wrong, the people who justify the death of an unarmed 17 year old for doing nothing wrong but go down to his local shops for some ice team and skittles have a twisted view of right and wrong.

Okay, imagine someone punches you in the face and breaks your nose, and then throws all of their weight on you and starts bashing your head against the concrete ground, blood trickling down your nose, blood excreting from the back of your head, and when you start shouting for help your attacker covers your mouth with his hands and tries to smother you while bashing your head on the ground every time you try to struggle and get up.

Of course, if it were you, you would have stayed on the ground and let your attacker have his way with you, even kill you, and do nothing i'm assuming, right?

Any sane individual who values his own life would have done anything to defend themselves in a life and death situation like that.

I'm not justifying the kids death. But he could have called the cops too, if he felt Zimmerman was stalking him.
He cannot be accepted by the standard Neo-Nazi, but it doesn't mean he is not racist against the black people.

I've seen many white wannabe hispanics in USA embracing their white root yet despise their non-white side.

I bet Zimmerman is one of these epitomes.

The guy is just a young hippy, what makes him to deserve the death in the eyes of Zimmerman? I can't think anything else than racism against the black. He tracked him down for no reason, clearly that Zimmerman guy is the aggressor here.

He was a neighborhood watch man and there were robbery in the neighborhood. So its ok for neighborhood to ensure that any stranger is observed. He killed Travon only for self defense. He would walk for sure with man slaughter charges.
Do you appoint them presidents of China? :coffee:

We will see if minorities will be qualified as the future Chinese President.

Because we have 90% of Han population, of course there will be Han guys becoming the Chinese President.

But remember, Obama doesn't count as a black President, since he has to serve his Anglo-Saxon master first.
We will see if minorities will be qualified as the future Chinese President.

Because we have 90% of Han population, of course there will be Han guys becoming the Chinese President.

But remember, Obama doesn't count as a black President, since he has to serve his Anglo-Saxon master first.

Yeah,to every proof you get you have to come with some garbage regarding whites,nothing satisfies your ilk.Appoint a non han president first then talk.Until then you'rejust talking trash.

You just described a lot of the teenage boys in this country.

If people start thinking that if they dress/act like the followers of this so called "culture" of gangster rap which is complete garbage might get you profiled and killed then this is another good thing that emerged from this case. :cheers:

The prosecution kind of shot itself in the foot, during the whole case they were trying to push forth the race card really hard. Even one of the witness the African American Female that testified in the court had some huge issues with her statements.

"Yeezzz siiiirr"
Who cares? The racism is still deeply rooted in USA, no one can deny it.

Zimmerman is whiter than Trayvon Martin, thus he can get away by murdering a person who is darker than him.

Let's say if Trayvon Martin is an Anglo-American or German-American, then i don't think Zimmerman would be lucky to get away from this sh1t.

Then there would be no prosecution at all as the former police chief stated (he was fired because he insisted there is no evidence supporting murder/manslaughter charges against Zimmerman). If not for the race card, this would have been a normal self-defense case with only local media coverage.

I think people not familiar with this case only focus on "Zimmerman questioned/followed Martin and reported him to police, but eventually shot and killed him", but the important piece missing here is that Zimmerman only followed Martin, but Martin reacted by attacking Zimmerman to the extent of repetitively banging Zimmerman's head onto concrete sidewalk (btw, Martin is 5'11" or 1.80m tall and Zimmerman is 5'7'' or 1.70m), and then Zimmerman purposefully shot Martin in self-defense.

Zimmerman claimed that before he decided to shoot Martin, he yelled for help many times when Martin was beating him, but no one stood up to help him. well, because forensic technologies could not distinguish whether it was his voice yelling for help or Martin's, let's skip this part.

When Zimmerman suspected Martin was a burglar, he questioned/followed and called 911; when Zimmerman was attacked and feared for his life, he defended himself. These are two separate matters, but some media and prosecutors have been mixing these two to create a misleading story.
The decline of America continues. It's a country that has no rule of law. Just laws for whites to protect whites. Modern day Nazis. American economy collapses because of karma. Go black people.

America is without doubt the most racist country on earth. Bunch of white supremacists. Fcuk the white race.
Kind of like how Hans enjoy certain privileged not avialible to tibetians or Turkics ain't it?

So since non Han minorites like Tibetans and "Turkics" are exempt from one child policy and have slots reserved for them in universities, what are those nonexistent privileges?
This is a funny one. The text says : A man in Oakland throws a garbage can in store window to protest the verdict

So since non Han minorites like Tibetans and "Turkics" are exempt from one child policy and have slots reserved for them in universities, what are those nonexistent privileges?

Tell me when China is ready to have one as president.

And BTW Chinese are just as racist as their Japanese and Korean kin.

Racism is what makes east Asia successful BTW.
We will see if minorities will be qualified as the future Chinese President.

Because we have 90% of Han population, of course there will be Han guys becoming the Chinese President.

But remember, Obama doesn't count as a black President, since he has to serve his Anglo-Saxon master first.

What "anglo-saxon" master? Seriously???

In a country where almost every athlete, superstar is a african American, who's president is black, and where blacks enjoy more privileges than a lot of other minorities, and who's institutions are predominantly influenced and owned by Semites, i think it is a failed argument to try to add a racist color to this particular case as well as the entire American gov.t/society.

If anything, by your logic, Obama isn't black, he's a European Jew who serves his AIPAC masters and puts Israel's/Zionisms interests before the interests of Blacks, Whites, or any other American.

Secondly, let me know when China, or Japan, or Korea, will allow a minority from within their own countries to rule the majority Han, or Japanese, or Korean population?

Not even in a million years.
He cannot be accepted by the standard Neo-Nazi, but it doesn't mean he is not racist against the black people.

So if he had blond hair or blue eyes, than he's a "neo-nazi" for having defended himself?

So any white person, who defends themselves against a non-White attacker, is a neo-nazi?

Secondly, there is absolutely no evidence that he had any racial intentions when he followed Trayvon Martin. So you claim that he was a "racist" falls right on its face.

I've seen many white wannabe hispanics in USA embracing their white root yet despise their non-white side.
So what does that prove in this case?

I bet Zimmerman is one of these epitomes.
The guy looks nothing White.

The guy is just a young hippy, what makes him to deserve the death in the eyes of Zimmerman? I can't think anything else than racism against the black. He tracked him down for no reason, clearly that Zimmerman guy is the aggressor here.

Of course, he did not deserve death, no one deserves death. Zimmerman was just doing his duty as a neighborhood watchman in a neighborhood which previously witnessed robberies. If Trayvon Martin felt threatened by Zimmerman then why didn't he call the cops which was the right thing to do? Zimmerman called the cops, Zimmerman did not attack Trayvon Martin.

Trayvon Martin was the aggressor for attacking Zimmerman!
To all those still complaining about the verdict, the Jury is far better informed than any of us here and are privy to information, evidence, reports, and other crucial data that was taken into consideration when determining the ruling of the court case.

Their decision should be respected.
We will see if minorities will be qualified as the future Chinese President.

Because we have 90% of Han population, of course there will be Han guys becoming the Chinese President.

But remember, Obama doesn't count as a black President, since he has to serve his Anglo-Saxon master first.

Obama came out of a WHITE women's womb and was brought up by WHITE people.

He was seen as "acceptable" by the whites that voted for him: i.e. will defend white interests and pay lip-service to black rights. In a way he is the perfect US president - he provides cover for white Americans to claim that a racist country could not possibly elect a "black" president.

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