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Geopolitics of ASEAN+ region

I think if you bothered to read his posts they will prove that you are talking rubbish
The deep inferior complex leads to deep arrogance and ignorance。:D
Those lowly race living in Jungles always delude themselves that they are the race who should be living in the Forbidden Palace。:rofl:
china wants neither peace nor war but only what is good for itself. we can invade the viets' den again and slaughter their kind if it buys us some time in dealing with anglo-americans. we aren't warmongers, but we aren't peacemongers either, and peace for the sake of peace is both foolish and self-defeating.

don't know what is O3 or O2, but it sounds sweet that we banished and separated these O2 barbarians to places as far apart as bonzi peninsular and the plague-and-snakes-and-insects-infested vietnam. some amount of civilizational pride is indeed called for :)

You are uneducated chinese called in China 北狄 or 東夷.:D
let's assume for one second that what you said was true: so the viet-bonzis were once one single family, which means they occupied a piece of connected, continuous land, which also means they ruled the vast territory from bonzi-land of the present day to the north to viet-land of the present day to its south, which would have included the entirety of han land today and the whole of continental east asia. let's just assume for one second that this were all true...

what does that say about the inferiority of your viet-bonzi race that you now hold less one-hundredth of han's land and live at the our paw like little mice, hahahahahahahahahaha

too bad you viets don't own the chinese language - you don't even speak chinese now, after willingly offering yourselves as slaves to frenchmen and adapting their language into a weird, half-bred, crooked tongue. so the mighty hans get to say what we say and what our ancestors taught us to say - which is that bonzis and nipponzis and viets are just half-"cooked" barbarians.

very low educated guys. I reminder you that China is big, but Mongolia, Manchus and Japanese have been enslaving you in very long time. Think about china first before say such stupid things.
China never wants to be a part of ASEAN other than an active participant and as an observer. She has big stakes in the well beings of ASEAN membership nations and she wants to be sure they are thriving. For one, individually, they are her close neighbors/trading partners, and together ASEAN could be her most devoted ally and vice versa in the future. Secondly most of her Diasporas living among these countries and is very natural for her to wish the best for them.

Because of all the above reasons, there shouldn't be any doubts about her sincerity. Don't take me wrong by saying it's almost like China is like a mother who genuinely cares about her children.

Rightly said.

China is now much much more important to each of ASEAN country than any ASEAN country to each other. This is a fact.

Only if you ASEAN countries can make China irrelevant, then would any of you be able to start ranting about uniting ASEAN to against China. Before that happens, any ASEAN country against China is like to improve your health by stabbing a knife into your own liver. :lol:

“Mother taking care of her children”, hum, that’s perhaps why Deng Xiaoping would like to spank a naughty child in 1979 when the child was hallucinated enough to dream a Federation of Indo-China.

Our troop never leave Laos-Camp, just changed its name from 'VietNam army' to "VN civilian", that's all.

Malcca strait soon will fall into our hands:coffee:

This is precisely why China is more import to any country in ASEAN than any ASEAN country to each other.

Given the fact that there exists such a belligerent and vicious Vietnam that keeps infringing its neighbor country’s sovereignty, a China appears even more important in peace-keeping SE Asia.
@ Anonymous user

Bro don't take this devious guy seriously he's the biggest troll around, however you can have a little fun with him though.

Rightly said!

Before they come onto this forum, they have to smoke heavily to hallucinate themselves.

Don't know really what percentage of this type of species is there among nowadays Viet's citizens.

I have seen the movie "killing fields" many years back, but I did not know the history then. Vietnam with its invasion of Cambodia removed Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge (Red Khmer), who killed 2-3 million people in their "communist" purges. I thank and congratulate Vietnam for doing this great service for humanity.

Having said that, the world has changed quite a bit since the 70's and 80's. China has changed a lot, so has Vietnam, but the power difference is rising astronomically. I am afraid China's military strength is growing much more rapidly than Vietnam's. This is because of many different factors, but being large and having economies of scale is helping China, while Vietnam is getting behind. Russia is no longer what it used to be, so although the US and to some respect India can also work as a balancer for Vietnam, the situation is not good in the long term, as US is not gaining ground against China and India is not truly a balancer for China, without the US.

This situation is also playing out in East Asia for Japan and South Korea, both of which are under security umbrella of the US and the situation will get more precarious every year.

So I think ASEAN+ arrangement will increasingly look attractive for all three states, actually 4, if we include the Philippines. The formation of ASEAN+ does not mean that individual states will have to leave security arrangement with the US. In fact, I think the US might also be interested to have a strong power as an ally which ASEAN+ have the potential to be. So I am hoping that the US will adopt the ASEAN+ model as an integral part of the Asian Pivot foreign policy direction which I have mentioned in this post:

ASEAN+ member states has slightly more than a billion people, the land mass is slightly less than China and current GDP also far exceeds China. If the integration is done in a systematic and proper way without mistakes, the growth of this area can be high, which may keep it ahead of China in many respects.

The Chinese should not look at ASEAN+ as a threat. As a close neighbor, both China and ASEAN+ will have the closest of economic relations and will be dependent on each other. The security part of course will be separate and distinct for both. The interesting part for China will be that as ASEAN+ matures, it will become less and less dependent on the US, which will mean that the US bases in this region may not be necessary any more at some point. That will be the point when ASEAN+ will hopefully start charting a more independent course and may even become friendlier toward China, as China afterall is a neighbor, while the US is a distant power with not so much in common.

As for the overseas Chinese, lets look at some numbers:
Han Chinese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Overseas Chinese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a very influential group of people in ASEAN+ group states. Instead of seeing their influence as a problem, I believe it is possible to turn this reality into an opportunity, by utilizing them as a lobbying group for ASEAN+ with the Chinese in China proper (China+Taiwan). After all, if ASEAN+ prospers, they prosper as well. ASEAN+ security and stability, is their security and stability as well.

While as an ASEAN+ state, Singapore has every right to be involved in ASEAN+ affairs, I do not think the same is true for China or any other state that is outside the group of member nations.

1) Please study what is “Indochina confederation”, or “Indochina federation”.

Listen to what those psychosis ranting:
China belonged to VN long time ago. And now, you can go back to your masters in Peking and tell them, they should unite with VN. VN had long and heroic history of defeat Western powers. Recently, Viet controlled Laos and Cambodia...Thailand, Myamar, Malaysia, Phillipine, Sing...labla ARE JUST A PIECE OF CAKE TO vn. Let's make up a Federation, we already got Indochina Federation as you knew it. And our new federation has name as THE UNITED STATES OF TOUGH ASIANS or U.S.T.A.(including ASEAN now and plus you guys Chinaman, and we Viet would be on 50/50 leadership)
-Capital in Hanoi, because we kicked ***** of both French and American.
-Official languages are Chinese and Vietnamese.

Dan Viet la nguoi Trung quoc ! - Topix

This guy perhaps realized they are now only a history-less bunch after abolish using Chinese, so would suggest include Chinese as their official language and put Chinese before Vietnamese. :lol:

Also this: Federation Republic of Vietcamlao (CamLaoViet?): An Introduction

It is very clear that Vietnam is actually the biggest threat to ASEAN, and perhaps the biggest threat to world peace.

2) Study what is ASEAN. ASEAN was built to against perceived Soviet-Chinese communist expansion, with Vietnam as Soviet-China’s pawn in the front-line. ASEAN admitted Viet in an attempt to accommodate and then soften its false ambition.

Future arises from present, and present comes from past. Without studying past, you cannot get the present, never the future.

Past and present both demonstrate the danger of uneducated Vietnam which is an ungrateful Ingrate; and in the future, people of all walks in ASEAN and China, perhaps in Bangladesh and in the world at large, should teach those Vietnamese that are illiterate of their history and ill-educated.

Good news is that thousands of Vietnamese students are attending Chinese Universities to learn knowledge and hopefully they will realized what is China and what is Vietnam.
You can look again two map here. You lies, you are fake Han, no pure Han as you said who lived in the middle of mainland China. He Bei provice isn't in Center China "中原" (Trung Nguyên in Vietnamese), is exactly in North East China .:enjoy:


Country area with pure Han "中原" in mainland.


He Bei province where was Land of countries of Yan and Qi peoples in ancient time, belong to peoples Xianbei, Khitan, and Jurchen.
Original pure blood Han Chinese called you: 北狄 or 東夷.:D

BTW: Viet and Han are two different race in ethnicity.
People with family mane Li in Korea came from Vietnam. After 32 generations they back to Vietnam and showed their Family History book 家譜 as evident for that they are Vietnamese in origin.

I think you better to study more about the geography of China, the Northeast of the Hebei province is the actual boundary of the traditional Han Chinese county and Manchuria.

Shanhai Pass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You can look again two map here. You lies, you are fake Han, no pure Han as you said who lived in the middle of mainland China. He Bei provice isn't in Center China "中原" (Trung Nguyên in Vietnamese), is exactly in North East China .:enjoy:


Country area with pure Han "中原" in mainland.


He Bei province where was Land of countries of Yan and Qi peoples in ancient time, belong to peoples Xianbei, Khitan, and Jurchen.
Original pure blood Han Chinese called you: 北狄 or 東夷.:D

BTW: Viet and Han are two different race in ethnicity.
People with family mane Li in Korea came from Vietnam. After 32 generations they back to Vietnam and showed their Family History book 家譜 as evident for that they are Vietnamese in origin.

A complete BullSh!t from a blatant ignorance of a barbarian!

The little piece in the middle of the 1st picture is not "汉". It is “韩”. Both spelt as "Han" that, unfortunately Romanization, or “spelling system” can’t be differentiated, which also contributed to fuel your misconception.

Only those ignorant of Chinese history would believe that and thank the poster for the false statements. More, though, perhaps your evil intention is to blame.

Funny enough under-educated vietnamses would use this map to pump up their shaky ego.

Alas! Should you Vietnamese haven’t tragically abandoned your precious national treasure called Chinese, you could have the capability to use its original expression in Chinese language and avoided this LOL shame of Vietnam!

BTW, just give your laughable a lesson of history, regardless which state of the 7, they all Chinese: followed the same culture, spoke the same language and practiced the same tradition.

Give your laughable a second lesson of history, current name of Han Chinese was invented only during Han (汉) Dynasty.

Now it is your home work: go home and figure out when was the Han Dynasty and what is the time distance from Warring Sates to Han Dynasty? :lol:

Well, I have taught lots of students. Some are good, some are bad, yet some are hopeless. It's all up to you which group you want to fall in. Those bad are laughing stocks of the others, those hopeless are utterly trash, and their only function to exist in this world is to pollute the environment...
A complete BullSh!t from a blatant ignorance of a barbarian!

The little piece in the middle of the 1st picture is not "汉". It is “韩”. Both spelt as "Han" that, unfortunately Romanization, or “spelling system” can’t be differentiated, which also contributed to fuel your misconception.

Only those ignorant of Chinese history would believe that and thank the poster for the false statements. More, though, perhaps your evil intention is to blame.

Funny enough under-educated vietnamses would use this map to pump up their shaky ego.

Alas! Should you Vietnamese haven’t tragically abandoned your precious national treasure called Chinese, you could have the capability to use its original expression in Chinese language and avoided this LOL shame of Vietnam!

BTW, just give your laughable a lesson of history, regardless which state of the 7, they all Chinese: followed the same culture, spoke the same language and practiced the same tradition.

Give your laughable a second lesson of history, current name of Han Chinese was invented only during Han (汉) Dynasty.

Now it is your home work: go home and figure out when was the Han Dynasty and what is the time distance from Warring Sates to Han Dynasty? :lol:

Well, I have taught lots of students. Some are good, some are bad, yet some are hopeless. It's all up to you which group you want to fall in. Those bad are laughing stocks of the others, those hopeless are utterly trash, and their only function to exist in this world is to pollute the environment...

Too bad those Korean Bangzis have stolen the name of that ancient Chinese kingdom. :coffee:
A complete BullSh!t from a blatant ignorance of a barbarian!

The little piece in the middle of the 1st picture is not "汉". It is “韩”. Both spelt as "Han" that, unfortunately Romanization, or “spelling system” can’t be differentiated, which also contributed to fuel your misconception.

Only those ignorant of Chinese history would believe that and thank the poster for the false statements. More, though, perhaps your evil intention is to blame.

Funny enough under-educated vietnamses would use this map to pump up their shaky ego.

Alas! Should you Vietnamese haven’t tragically abandoned your precious national treasure called Chinese, you could have the capability to use its original expression in Chinese language and avoided this LOL shame of Vietnam!

BTW, just give your laughable a lesson of history, regardless which state of the 7, they all Chinese: followed the same culture, spoke the same language and practiced the same tradition.

Give your laughable a second lesson of history, current name of Han Chinese was invented only during Han (汉) Dynasty.

Now it is your home work: go home and figure out when was the Han Dynasty and what is the time distance from Warring Sates to Han Dynasty? :lol:

Well, I have taught lots of students. Some are good, some are bad, yet some are hopeless. It's all up to you which group you want to fall in. Those bad are laughing stocks of the others, those hopeless are utterly trash, and their only function to exist in this world is to pollute the environment...

Hey, you are brain washed guy. Don’t say bull…it here, it show that yourself are exactly what you say. It’s truth that pure Han people called others no Han as four barbarian. At beginning such idea was focused on whom are living in surrounding like Chu, Qin, Yan, Qi and etc.
Your lession is wrong, because you are brain wahed with fake education materials with modify, edit and lies. In fact chinese don’t speak a same language. What is idiot thing about madarin languge are teaching in China ? when Peking ren speaking other peoples in areas of China can’t understand what announcer of Peking TV is talking about.:blah:
And look again to map what I posted above for the time of Warring States of China c. 260 BCE, it stated clearly the area where Han was.:D
Hey, you are brain washed guy. Don’t say bull…it here, it show that yourself are exactly what you say. It’s truth that pure Han people called others no Han as four barbarian. At beginning such idea was focused on whom are living in surrounding like Chu, Qin, Yan, Qi and etc.
Your lession is wrong, because you are brain wahed with fake education materials with modify, edit and lies. In fact chinese don’t speak a same language. What is idiot thing about madarin languge are teaching in China ? when Peking ren speaking other peoples in areas of China can’t understand what announcer of Peking TV is talking about.:blah:
And look again to map what I posted above for the time of Warring States of China c. 260 BCE, it stated clearly the area where Han was.:D

No matter what we call others, Viets are always monkeys in our eyes. sometimes you cant be called as human beings because you are 蛮 related to worm. scare me. worm
This is precisely why China is more import to any country in ASEAN than any ASEAN country to each other.

Given the fact that there exists such a belligerent and vicious Vietnam that keeps infringing its neighbor country’s sovereignty, a China appears even more important in peace-keeping SE Asia.

gpit, could you please clarify this statement: "China appears even more important in peace-keeping SE Asia".
Some statistics about ASEAN+

GDP list
ASEAN : 1.8 trillion
Japan : 5.9 trillion
S Korea : 1.1 trillion
Total : 8.8 trillion

China : 7.3 trillion

If Japan and South Korea decide to develop ASEAN as their joint backyard, only then an ASEAN+ can match the high growth rate of China and even surpass it.

Also ASEAN+ nations should start developing a common specification and standard for their indigenous military tech, hardware and weapons systems, so that all member nations buy weapons from within the region. Japanese and Koreans can lead high tech research, while low tech manufacturing can be done in cheaper labor countries in ASEAN+, under Japanese and Korean supervision. This should give USA, Chinese or Russian weapons a run for their money in the global market place.

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