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Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’

From the link you posted, it is Myanmar internal matter, nothing to do with Bangladesh:

Burmese newspaper ‘Eleven Myanmar’ citing sources said the measures had been taken to beef up security ‘due to political instability’.

Quoting Rakhine State Chief Minister it reported that two police battalions would also be sent later to seal the border.

However, authorities in Bangladesh are not worried about Myanmar’s move.

Bangladesh Border Guard’s (BGB) Director General Major General Aziz Ahmed told bdnews24.com Myanmar has not done this with any hostile intentions -- rather internal security considerations explained the move.

“We have nothing to be worried,” he said, adding that Myanmar has made similar deployments even before.

Myanmar police guard its border with Bangladesh in the trouble hit Rakhine state after authorities disbanded its border force Nasaka.

Ethnic violence is frequent in this state.

The BGB Chief said they beef up security deploying military or other forces on many occasions to assist police.
3 Myanmar army battalions move to border -

Bangladeshi see every problem in BD because of India. If they cant solve their problem thats not India's problem.. They should thanks India they are separated from Pak- Af by India else all know what happens to them... 

Actually they are seeing some chicken neck as an oppurtunity...Arre first hold your election....

never mind, people always see ( count) chickens in advance !
A wet dream at its worst. When Indian mainland itself begs BD all the time for transit to its NE, because the Chicken Neck route is almost unpassable, here you are talking of a link with Vietnam through that hilly neck and without getting through BD. Keep on dreaming.
Who said chicken neck is unpassable ???????.linking with Bangladesh can help ease time and economical . But doesn't mean that all the northeastern are struck dead lock . It is not only road but also rail line that are connected through this chicken neck .And this rail line is going to connect with Asian countries through Manipur state border town moreh bordering Myanmar .
This thread is irrational.

India keeps more than enough Army to occupy Bangladesh, hold China simultaneously.
After the already sanctioned Mountain Strike Corps is raised, this military disbalance would be more entrenched.

Bangladesh would not be stupid enough to sign the end of its sovereignty by attacking India.
The article is about a strategic pitfall india was facing from 1947 to 1971. It was taken care of 42 years ago. Now it must mean nothing to indian strategists but for Pakistan it is the biggest certificate of stupidity and professional incompetence its Generals from first 24 years of its existance have collected.
Even a novice in military strategy in 1947 would recognize this spot on map as the biggest strategic advantage that came pakistan's way in this partition. From here onwards military course was obvious for pakistan: Militarize east pakistan. In case of war cut off indian north eastern states by a drive into the mountains linking up with frontiers of nepal, sikim and bhutan. and then help those states declare independence.
But pakistani generals stuck to the senseless view "defence of east pakistan lies in west pakistan". This meaningless dictum cut this country in half.

It also proves there was discrimination.
You realize that mighty Indian Army got kicked out of Sri Lanka by LTTE. It is certainly nothing to write home about. Study history my friend, else it has a strange way of repeating itself.
Dear, there is a huge deference between a peace keeping contingent and an army defending it's own homeland.... rest is logical and I'm sure you know what I mean... 
BD military is roughly half the size of IA....If it does not involve China I do not see any reason why India would need to urgently mobilize its military to the NE through Bangladesh ie need to go to war with Bangladesh...(The only reason you would go to war with Bangladesh is if you are already at war with China and they invade your NE).....do you think India can afford to focus even one fourth of its military on Bangladesh with China in the north....I don't think so....specially not when you have a force like China on the North and Pakistan on the west ...IA is big....but India is also a huge country which shares most of its borders with not-particularly friendly countries.
Even if army numbers are in the ratio of 1/6th, the military prowess of India is far more more superior than that number... Next If china and India went to war, i.e. two nuclear power went for each other, I doubt bangladesh would want to attract any attention there. If in such hypothetical war against china, I would expect Bangladesh if not helping India, at best remaining neutral... I don't think bangladeshis have scavenger like mentality to stab India when it's bleding in a war... even pakistan did not do that....
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I said the "ultimate" BD aim to be to get to this level of capability as regards to deterrence against India. Not talking about now but 2030 onwards.

The "chicken's neck" is a gift to BD military strategists and a Achilles-heel for Indians.

Funny Youuuuuuuuu.....:rofl::rofl:

have any idea abt India's military capabilities in 2030.??

Do you have any idea abt the no of submarines & aircraft carriers IN gonna operate by 2030.??

& what abt the position of IA & IAF by 2030..:azn:

go back to school!! you kid....:wave: 
The ultimate BD military build-up should get to the point that BD will be able to use the "chicken-neck" to cut
India in two and then be in a position to hold in the West for a few weeks while the North-Eastern states are invaded by the BD army.

Forget India, first prepare your army to deal with Myanmar..:omghaha:
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As India is developing Broad gauge railway lines in all states of North east, Once done we won't need Bangladesh ever for transit.
Also we are developing additional 10,000 KM Highway network in NE along with existing networks, including 2500 KM long new highways in Arunachal Pradesh alone including 2 lanes and 4 lanes.
PS: Though Railway lines will take around 1 decade to cover all over NE and Highways will be completed withing 5 years as some are already been completed.
The ultimate BD military build-up should get to the point that BD will be able to use the "chicken-neck" to cut
India in two and then be in a position to hold in the West for a few weeks while the North-Eastern states are invaded by the BD army.

To create an atmosphere BD can mobilize 100000 army to northern most. It'll be just nice to make them pee there having almost 600000 PLA force just 150 km north. But anyway, we don't have that strategist now. 
I think i agree with you...Once for all...Neither BD is going to invade checken neck nor India is going to attack it..The reason is pretty simple...There is not any substantial benefit that will happen in case BD occupy even the entire NE also.....
And again every one is forgetting that Indian Army and force presence in NE is sufficient enough to tackle BD and its hot pursuit if any independently without any backing of Mainland Indian forces...And on top of that Nepal and Bhutan are nations who always support India and its sovernity in case needed and will provide enough launching ground to counter the BD forces.

The world is moving towards localisation....Here ecomics demand that NE should do more bussiness with BD not because Indian mainland does not have access to it rather it is the fact on the ground...This is the same fact that demands that Punjab and Gujurat will be getting more benefit if the trade relation is good with Punjab from Pakistan....

Hence this talk of a nation occupying another nation is an outdated idea...Ultimately it matters is that how much of your citizen are economically stable rather than how big is your nation is...

Thanks for recognizing mainland india theme :-) .
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bangladesh is surrounded by India from all side. (Bay of Bengal is ours). And they are thinking about some chicken neck. Our Assam Rifle is enough for Bangladesh.
Since and before the time of Alexander BoB belonged to Bengal, now Bangladesh. It never belonged to India. It will remain so in the future. We have seen IA troops in 1971, our Ansar paramilitary troops are good enough to fight against them with their light weapons.
To create an atmosphere BD can mobilize 100000 army to northern most. It'll be just nice to make them pee there having almost 600000 PLA force just 150 km north. But anyway, we don't have that strategist now. 

Thanks for recognizing mainland india theme :-) .

For that you will need an anti-India government with balls to wage war against India. Then if you deploy 1 lakh troops in Rangpur then who will take care of the road and railway between Dhaka and Chittagong close to Tripura border. :omghaha::omghaha:
Once these 34 railway lines currently under construction in NE will be completed, BD will be insignificant for us and we won't need any transit through them as our NE will be well connected with mainland India through Railway and Highways.
34 railway lines under construction in NE.
NF Railway (Construction)
PS: 7 more lines are being surveyed and soon construction will start on them.
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