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Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’


Thank you for posting this map.

I wanted to but could not manage it.

For those who thump their chest at the ' Chickens Neck" need to take a close look at how tenuous the connectivity is between BD & CHT. An insurgency has always been on there & it will take little to stoke it into a full fledged rebellion.

India has its finger inside the ' Fish's Gills" and can shut the gills in a trice.
Hmm are you the author of "military strategies for dummies" ??

Our eastern naval command will bomb you to submission (vikramaditya is coming to BoB:D) while IA from east ,will occupy chittagong. That would be ultimate :enjoy:

Nobody talks about this chicken neck .. 
@kalu_miah China this, China that, would you stop whoring yourself for china?? does your low IQ gives you inferiority ??

Rangapur in the North is also vulnerable for BD, if these fools even think of harming India. :D The small track of land near Tripura connects Chittagong with Dhaka, Bangladesh will be ruined if such connection is broken. :laugh: 
Indian nukes are not thermonuclear. Chinese have thermonuclear weapons. Indian nukes are of low quality/yield.

India thermonuclear bomb has been confimed. India's thermonuclear test was confirmed by more accurate date from 125 seismic stations across the world.

tribuneindia... Nation
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In realistic terms Bangladesh can do nothing with this, If push comes to shove, conventional power of india trumps all bangladeshi geographical advantages, as such if Bangladessh does come under IA hammer (which I hope never would happen), wont take for more than 24hrs for boundaries to be reshaped....

You realize that mighty Indian Army got kicked out of Sri Lanka by LTTE. It is certainly nothing to write home about. Study history my friend, else it has a strange way of repeating itself.
If the Indians here still didn't get what I was trying to say in my post, Bangladesh will be a neutral observer, providing no help to any side in this conflict and China does not need Bangladesh help at all for this project. China will need the help of Burma and NE populations willingness for independence, as long as China has these two, India can kiss NE goodbye. What do you say @Chinese-Dragon ?
bangladesh is surrounded by India from all side. (Bay of Bengal is ours). And they are thinking about some chicken neck. Our Assam Rifle is enough for Bangladesh.

@ We have seen the capabilities of Assam Rifle in 2000 in "Boroibari Operation". You are talking about Assam Rifles only ? We have seen the capabilities of Indian army also under the veil of BSF in that operation. I tell you in that in that operation, it is not 16 but 400 Indians died ?
If the Indians here still didn't get what I was trying to say in my post, Bangladesh will be a neutral observer, providing no help to any side in this conflict and China does not need Bangladesh help at all for this project. China will need the help of Burma and NE populations willingness for independence, as long as China has these two, India can kiss NE goodbye. What do you say @Chinese-Dragon ?

You will be neutral but India will take side of Myanmar in case of Bangladesh- Myanmar war.... 
@ We have seen the capabilities of Assam Rifle in 2000 in "Boroibari Operation". You are talking about Assam Rifles only ? We have seen the capabilities of Indian army also under the veil of BSF in that operation. I tell you in that in that operation, it is not 16 but 400 Indians died ?

We need not fight with Bangladesh.. They are fighting with themself.. Cant u see. BDR fighting with Army, BNP-AL fighting, BNP - ELection commision fighting... your are showing a failed country these days.
You will be neutral but India will take side of Myanmar in case of Bangladesh- Myanmar war.... 

We need not fight with Bangladesh.. They are fighting with themself.. Cant u see. BDR fighting with Army, BNP-AL fighting, BNP - ELection commision fighting... your are showing a failed country these days.

@ You have to who is there "man behind the gun" ?

@ I can see ! It is only you ! Who is fingering all through ????????
You will be neutral but India will take side of Myanmar in case of Bangladesh- Myanmar war....

What gives you the idea that Myanmar will have war with Bangladesh, over what? Maritime boundary has been resolved with UNCLOS arbitration. Rohingya is the only remaining issue and this is a South East Asian Muslim problem, that will be handled by other ASEAN states and Muslims of the world (OIC). If worst comes to worst, we can always make a deal, if we get the right incentives in return, but these kind of deal making will not happen before China kicks out last vestiges of Indian influence from Myanmar and NE. Bangladesh have no interest to go to war, we believe in peace. :yahoo: Om Shanti.
@ You have to who is there "man behind the gun" ?

@ I can see ! It is only you ! Who is fingering all through ????????
Is India is responsible for this also.

Bangladesh most corrupt, Africa most dishonest continent: TI survey | News | Governance
Dont blame your failure on us.
Why you are listening to us. 
What gives you the idea that Myanmar will have war with Bangladesh, over what? Maritime boundary has been resolved with UNCLOS arbitration. Rohingya is the only remaining issue and this is a South East Asian Muslim problem, that will be handled by other ASEAN states and Muslims of the world (OIC). If worst comes to worst, we can always make a deal, if we get the right incentives in return, but these kind of deal making will not happen before China kicks out last vestiges of Indian influence from Myanmar and NE. Bangladesh have no interest to go to war, we believe in peace. :yahoo: Om Shanti.

Myanmar preparing for large-scale conflict: Bangladesh 
The FSI Report: Is Bangladesh a Failing State? by Delwar Hossain
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Suggest you guys cool off.

Nothings happening nor shall happen so why waste your energies ?
maritime problem has been resolved already, as I mentioned in my earlier post. Why are you posting a 4 year old news, need new glasses? Are you that clueless about what is happening in the neighborhood?
3 Myanmar army battalions move to border -

Bangladeshi see every problem in BD because of India. If they cant solve their problem thats not India's problem.. They should thanks India they are separated from Pak- Af by India else all know what happens to them... 
Suggest you guys cool off.

Nothings happening nor shall happen so why waste your energies ?
Actually they are seeing some chicken neck as an oppurtunity...Arre first hold your election....
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