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Genocide Watch: Indian Muslims

Good thread. Hope admins wont delete it like last time.

From Haryana:
Radical Hindu cop (see the orange coloring smeared on his forehead) in Haryana makes post celebrating excessively charging a Muslim during Ramadan:

Other radical Hindus seen celebrating the post in the replies. This is the level of derangement in this community - that they will celebrate discrimination and hardships on a person they know nothing about.
This rotting disgusting ideology of RSS is spreading like a wild fire in Canada. Thanks to Trudeau we have an invasion of RSS inspired students from India who are hell bent on destroying religious harmony and our beautiful country.


India violence leaves trail of burned Muslim homes, shops​

Islamic scholar complains of properties being 'selectively razed'

This tailoring shop in Karauli, Rajasthan, was looted and gutted by fire. (Photo by Meer Faisal)
QURATULAIN REHBAR, Contributing writerApril 16, 2022 12:30 JST
NEW DELHI -- A wave of religious communal violence across India coinciding with a Hindu festival has left at least one person dead, dozens injured, numerous Muslim-owned properties destroyed -- and residents bracing for the possibility of further clashes.
"Where will we go now? We have no means to survive or earn" a living, said Abid, 32, whose seventh-generation family home and popular bangle shop in Karauli, in northern India's Rajasthan, were burned in early April as Hindus rallied in celebration of their New Year.
In the same area, 33-year-old Waheed Khan said his four-decade-old rented shop for embroidery and stitching was also attacked and burned by a mob. "They destroyed every single thing in my shop, leaving behind rubble," he said, adding that he now owed his customers, in addition to "losing every penny."
Khan said that nearly 10 shops, all belonging to Muslims, were torched.
The violence comes at a time of high religious tension in India. Many Muslims say the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, which runs the country under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, marginalizes them or tacitly condones discrimination against them -- charges the party denies.
In parts of Delhi, recently, Muslim butchers complained of losing income after being forced to close their shops during another Hindu festival.
In Karauli, police have imposed a curfew and are seeking the perpetrators after the worst communal violence the city has seen since India's independence in 1947.
Shailendra Singh, the police superintendent in Karauli, told Nikkei Asia that so far 30 people "who were part of the violence" had been arrested. Police have alleged that Hindus taking part in a motorcycle procession were pelted with stones when they rode into a mainly Muslim area. Meanwhile, Muslim residents say some Hindus "played provocative songs" and tried to attack Muslim religious sites.
"The situation is under control right now," Singh said.
A man stands outside a burned shop that once sold dried fruits and spices in Karauli, Rajasthan. (Photo by Meer Faisal)
Other states also saw outbreaks of communal violence during the festival, including Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and West Bengal.
Witnesses claimed that Hindu processions were used to "harass Muslims," with some participants carrying sticks and swords, spouting hate speech and attacking property.
Serious riots were reported in the district of Khargone in the central state of Madhya Pradesh, which is governed by the BJP. Farooq Khan, a Muslim resident, said he came home from evening prayers to find smoke spewing from his house.
"I was numb and shocked," he said. "Just one hour ago, I was at home and it was safe. Now my family was pleading for help," he said.
Nawab Khan, 60, whose grocery store in Khargone was destroyed, said: "They started attacking our shops and houses. When I asked them 'why are you doing this,' they didn't listen."
At least 10 houses were set ablaze and dozens of people, including a high-ranking police officer, were injured in the violence in Khargone. Fearing arrests and more violence in the coming days, some families left their homes in search of somewhere safer.
As in Karauli, Muslims were accused of throwing stones at the New Year procession in Khargone -- and the authorities appear to have gone after them. Local Muslims accuse the police of harassment.
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan of the BJP earlier this week said, "The rioters have been identified."
"Those who have pelted [people with] stones will be punished, but along with it, they will be made to pay for the losses to both public and private properties," he said.
The punishment, according to local reports, has included bulldozing houses and shops belonging to those who allegedly threw stones at the Hindu revelers. Around 45 structures have reportedly been demolished by the local authorities, who deemed then "illegal constructions." Khargone was also placed under a curfew.
"Instead of arresting the culprits, they are arresting Muslims who were victims in this," said Nawab Khan. "They also have started bulldozing our homes."
Maulana Mahmood Madani, president of Jamiat Ul Ulema Hind, a leading organization of Islamic scholars, alleged that Muslim-owned properties were being "selectively razed," and this week asked India's home minister, Amit Shah, to intervene and stop the harassment of Muslims.
"It is very unfortunate to see that after the outbreak of violence, now the local administration is harassing the minority community," he said. "In a selective manner, properties belonging to Muslims are being razed. People are homeless, all of a sudden."
He asked, "Under which laws are the properties of a suspect of any crime allowed to be demolished?"
have already wiped them out,
We didn't wipe anyone out. They left on their own initiative.

Secondly, minorities in Pakistan are nowhere near as violent as muslims in India
Proof of this?

By the way, minorities in Pakistan don't need to deal with Muslims going outside their religious places after prayers with guns/knives/makeshift weapons and trying to barge in, so of course they won't try to defend themselves.

they mostly live in designated ghettos and are totally segregated from muslims as happens in a true apartheid state

Indian Muslims are the most ghettoized community in India.
Local radical Hindus despise and otherize Muslims so much that they refer to these ghettoes as "Little Pakistan", because their beastly ideology makes them unable to see these locals as fellow countrymen.
Also, proof there is an apartheid here? We have literal reserved seats for our minority community.

Thirdly, these incidents happen in Pakistan all the time but it is so normal it doesnt even reach the media

Not ..not if Muslins of India learn to live like Hindus living in Pakistan..

You can't live with Hindu extremists

Jinnah was right about this, Indian Muslims need to pool their numbers and create vast Muslim majority areas which they can defend

These areas will then form the basis of new Muslim states

We always told you if you allow hindutva extremism to spread, it will be matched with Indian Muslims defending themselves and the partition of India will begin again
Jinnah was right about this, Indian Muslims need to pool their numbers and create vast Muslim majority areas which they can defend
People don't realize this is exactly what lead to the first partition. Hindus began using their festivals as a way to to go to mosques and scream, yell, threaten and harass Muslims. Hindus also started economic boycotts of Muslims to crush them and weaken whatever power they had.

When Muslims finally said enough is enough, we want proper protections or Pakistan, cue the tears and crying about communalism, Muslims not loving Bharat mata, Muslims not being loyal, etc.

Footage from Haryana: Hindus storm a Muslim shrine, attack and destroy the grave and install a monkey idol.

With the recent rise in Islamophobia and hate violence in India, I am making this thread strictly to only share updates on incidents of violence against Muslims in India.
Again please don’t troll or even debate on this thread it’s strictly to document all the incidents against Muslims in India !

Mods can you please help make sure this thread stays as only documenting hate crime incidents in India and doesn’t turn into a troll thread.

While India exploits every single faultline of Pakistan, this side continues to let go of a historic opportunity to cash the Muslim grievances against the Indian state. Criminal to let this historic opportunity of stoking civil strife in India, thwarting its economic ascent, and denting its soft image in the world pass. Where folks see the suffering of coreligionists in India, I see a historic opportunity being wasted. History would not forgive the powers that be in this country. This might be our last chance before a growing India with an equally growing world stature fixes its last remaining fault lines. The time to strike and create more faultlines in the Indian polity is now.
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Partition is happening in India before our eyes

The start of creating Muslim citadels which can be defended from the enemy, with its own economic spheres is the start of the breakup of india
Good thread. Hope admins wont delete it like last time.

From Haryana:
Radical Hindu cop (see the orange coloring smeared on his forehead) in Haryana makes post celebrating excessively charging a Muslim during Ramadan:

Other radical Hindus seen celebrating the post in the replies. This is the level of derangement in this community - that they will celebrate discrimination and hardships on a person they know nothing about.

Fines are not excessive. Fines are compounding for every offense. There has been instances of people burning their bike or abandoning vehicle due to Fines crossing value of vehicle.

India has worlds largest road accidents every year. Laws are very strict now. I don't date drink and drive as I will land in prison ( no bail). These laws are applicable for every one.

This cop must be an aspiring ballyhoo hero and is doing poetry. Silly for people to make it viral.
Fines are not excessive. Fines are compounding for every offense. There has been instances of people burning their bike or abandoning vehicle due to Fines crossing value of vehicle.


Stop thinking we are as slow as people in your own community tend to be. The Hindu cop is already speaking for himself, we don't need you explaining his intentions.
Partition is happening in India before our eyes

The start of creating Muslim citadels which can be defended from the enemy, with its own economic spheres is the start of the breakup of india

Nothing is going to happen. The Muslims will take up their original faith and become Hindu. They will not go to messier country in neighborhood. But ...it will decade atleast to materialize the morphosis.
While India exploits every single faultline of Pakistan, this side continues to let go of a historic opportunity to cash the Muslim grievances against the Indian state. Criminal to pass on this historic opportunity to stoke civil strife in India, thwart its economic ascent, and dent its soft image in the world. Where folks see the suffering of coreligionists in India, I see a historic opportunity being wasted. History would not forgive the powers that be in this country.
TTP needs to migrate if you get the gist
Well, because Hindus were killed in Punjab and other places as were Muslims being killed by Hindus and Sikhs should it mean that Kashmiri Muslims who had no role to play in the killings elsewhere, they be genocided ?

Secondly, what was the business of the Hindu raja Hari Singh to continue after independence ? Why was his monarchist rule continuing ? You know how the famous landmark in Srinagar, Kashmir called Lal Chowk got its name ? Much before 1947 the Muslim and Sikh Communists of the Kashmir region were agitating against the anti-democratic monarchist Hari Singh and these Communists were inspired to adapt the Red Square area in Communist Moscow to that landmark in Srinagar. One of those Communists was BPL Bedi, the father of the famous actor Kabir Bedi.

Now, if the Communists of Kashmir were the ones to govern the region in India the refugee Hindus from Pakistan-administered Kashmir would have been given equal rights to live and no later violence would have occurred. When RSS terrorists were gathering in Kashmir in 1947 Vallabhbhai Patel, who's very dear to the current Hindutvadis, did nothing to act against the RSS. Patel is as much guilty of the Muslim genocide as the RSS and the raja. Would Patel, the deputy prime minister then, have allowed the Communists to govern Jammu and Kashmir ? The Modi government celebrated Vallabhbhai Patel by building the world's tallest statue in Patel's image because he served to become the Hindutavadis' gun-arm against two of their main enemies - Muslims and Communists.
Sorry, Jamahir, you know me as a committed supporter of yours particularly when the pack attacks you. Here you are wrong. To bring in the feudal element in the Maharaja's rule as a qualifying factor in the question of Kashmir is totally irrelevant, as they were asked to choose by the same act of British Parliament that gave two countries their freedom.

Your arguments are untenable.

And when partition happened in Kashmir? If partition happened there Kashmir would have gone to Pakistan.
The British Indian colony was partitioned, in two places, Bengal and Punjab. The princely states were asked to join one or the other, subject to viability. There was no question of partition.
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