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Genocide Watch: Indian Muslims


Sep 10, 2020
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With the recent rise in Islamophobia and hate violence in India, I am making this thread strictly to only share updates on incidents of violence against Muslims in India.
Again please don’t troll or even debate on this thread it’s strictly to document all the incidents against Muslims in India !

Mods can you please help make sure this thread stays as only documenting hate crime incidents in India and doesn’t turn into a troll thread.

Did the Imported Government of Shahbaz Sharif make a Statement about Hindutva extremists in India yet????

If even 10th of this was happening in Pakistan against Hindus the Indian government would have been screaming Islamic terror Pakistan!!!
If even 10th of this was happening in Pakistan against Hindus the Indian government would have been screaming Islamic terror Pakistan!!!

Hamid Mir, Dawn, and Express Tribune would be writing nonstop front page headlines.
Hoisting Saffron flag on Mosque = Genocide ??? 🤔

While its smart to play victim , the only genocide in our part of the world post 1947 has been in West Pakistan and Kashmir (the Pandit's) .

Though I regret the killings of the Kashmiri Pandits let me tell you about the real genocide in Jammu and Kashmir. It happened in 1947 after independence of India, was done against Muslims and done by the RSS and the forces of the Hindu raja Hari Singh :
After the Partition of India, during October–November 1947 in the Jammu region of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, many Muslims were massacred and others driven away to West Punjab. The killings were carried out by extremist Hindus and Sikhs, aided and abetted by the forces of Maharaja Hari Singh.[9] The activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) played a key role in planning and executing the riots.[2][10] An estimated 20,000–100,000 Muslims were massacred.[
So, why is this genocidal militia, RSS, still in existence 75 years later and is the base organization of the party ruling India ?
Genocide - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

There should be a parallel thread to showcase to the world, Muslim Atrocity on Hindus in India. If it is listed ( allowed), this thread will pale in comparison and be considered as a joke.

The issue with Pakistanis are that they are not used to seeing Hindus and Christians being aggressive at all. They take that minorities in India are as submissive as Minorities in Pakistan. Have never heard of any Hindu indulging in terrorism in Pakistan.

There is something about Muslim Faith that makes them so intolerant of others. In India a Hindu was killed by a Muslim recently because he said Lord Krishna is greater than Allah. Muslims just close their eyes and ears to the acts of Muslims globally. Victim Card Pronto is what they pull out even when they are actual perpetrators.

But, go on...continue to live in your delusional world.
This is the common tactics, first attack hindus, then they retaliate then cry of muh Islamophobia, muh fascism. I can spam multiple articles of muslims committing crimes against Hindus but last time I posted a news of Ahmed Murtaza attacking Gorakhnath temple, I was banned for a week.

Genonide - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

Leave it bruv, for them a Sanatani procession near a mosque is a genocide.
While its smart to play victim , the only genocide in our part of the world post 1947 has been in West Pakistan and Kashmir (the Pandit's) .
Since you are brining west Pakistan- what about Indian Punjab, Haryana
pre-partition was home to big Muslim minority, now there's almost no one

300 pandits died and 40,000 Kashmiris died according to conservatives indian government source- imagine the real number
rape, torture, unidentified, unmarked killings aside
there's no comparison

What about Jammu massacres where a big Muslim population was driven off Thier lands
"After the Partition of India, during October–November 1947 in the Jammu region of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, many Muslims were massacred and others driven away to West Punjab. The killings were carried out by extremist Hindus and Sikhs, aided and abetted by the forces of Maharaja Hari Singh"

Dogra voilance in Kashmir where only 1/3rd of Kashmiris are even based in Kashmir rn- others had to seek refuge and move to North Punjab

That's one barbaric and brutal history

Continue to prove that y'all are dumb as rock
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Hoisting Saffron flag on Mosque = Genocide ??? 🤔
Teri padaish per lanatm

But during partition a lot of people from both sides were killed isn't it? A number of Hindus also came from Azad Kashmir who sre non Kashmiris and they were not made domicile of Kashmir until 370 abrogation. Not sure if they have got their domicile yet but I think its on the anvil.
Bc there were no dogra troops supported by Pak govt and sikh rajas comitting genocide in azad kashmir.

But during partition a lot of people from both sides were killed isn't it? A number of Hindus also came from Azad Kashmir who sre non Kashmiris and they were not made domicile of Kashmir until 370 abrogation. Not sure if they have got their domicile yet but I think its on the anvil.
Bc there were no dogra troops supported by Pak govt and sikh rajas comitting genocide in azad kashmir.

Very soon, the very sight of a Hindu will be called as Genocide against Muslims.
no just a piece of shit.
India is an inherently fragmented and weak state...
It has multiple fault lines each aid the other in further fragmentation... when one starts boiling over... others may just pick steam simultaneously...
It has large minority and linguistic groups that need mere traction, cause exists.
As it stands ... it may soon become fiefdoms of multiple violent mobs running their own domains as the state disintegrates.
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