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Now .....What :blink:

You are requesting US Govt. tho take up this issue???

How many Palestinians are killed during the protests and how many times US condemned it ???

(Protests may be for right reason or wrong)
1) It seems People do not know the real meaning of the "Genocide" here. Some of the supporters of a particular party are creating too much panic online.

2) It is always amusing to see the same guys never even went against and even opposed the Shahbagh square protest by spreading their propaganda here , The protest done by the BD society is a peaceful protest to punish the criminals who did the genocide in 1971.

3) On the contrary Jamaat e Islami guys went Berserk , destroyed the public property,disrupted the public life, even threatened the security establishment and targeted the minorities in the name of religion. When the security establishment took steps to prevent the mayhem created by these guys, efforts are being kept in place to brand it as a Genocide:-)crazy:).

4) I agree there will always be a political angle in this kind of things and even Vote bank politics, But the real cause of the Jamaati Islami guys is not justified and they are targeting Hindus in BD, disrupting public life and threatening security establishment with civil war.

5) All these guys are doing in these past days is just reminding the BD public the days of 1971 when the Bengali Genocide took place for 9 months by the above acts.

6) There are some religious groups who advocate Islam but they are disassociating with Jamaat e Islami, says it all.

1) People do not have to debate over the definition of a few words. If the killing by the AL govt cannot be called genocide, it is certainly a case of targetted killings by the state police apparatus. The purpose is to liquidate a group of AL's political opponents.

2) Yes, people have rights to demand anything, even illegal ones, but, instead of swayed by opinions declared in a public gathering, the tribunal is supposed to give a fair trial. But, Sayedee's trial was not fair and the verdict did not reflect the proofs provided by the prosecutor. Sayedee's death sentence was given not because his guilt was proved sufficiently without DOUBT. It was rather given on the light of the hearsays about his role in 1971 and because of AL pressure.

Please refere to Post # 1, starter of this thread to understand the reality. Even Ms. Malakar was not required by the trial to stand in the witness box, and it is true she has stated from India that Sayedee is not responsible for the death of her husband. Then, why a death sentence for a crime Sayedee has not committed?

3) I am not a supporter of Jamaaat and certainly do not like its stupid, ignorant and lier supporters in this forum. But, I must ask you what other course of action the street supporters of Jamaat could have done when the Tribunal proved itself a farce and a death sentence was handed down only as a result of pressure from the AL?

4) You are right about the Hindu-hating nature of Jamaatis, but, it is not true that this time its people have vandalized Hindu houses a few days before. It was the AL gangs who are quite capable of doing this kind of nefarious things to make Jamaat a criminal party in the eyes of people.

5) Your comparison of the present event with anything in 1971 is quite misplaced. What similarities do you find?

6) You are mistaken on this count, too. Not all bearded muslims follow Jamaat brand of Islam. Many Islamic organizations even think Jamaat's political thinkling is quite off the fundamental teaching of Islam. However, all people have right to be in politics. But, a political party must believe in the basic principles of a State.
Thanks @aazidane ...sorry I can't sign the petition there, it's against my view. I won't report a foreign power for my internal matters. If it were UN, I'd consider.
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Loss of 60 peoples lives within hours in the hands of govt. security forces is genocide to me, it might vary person to person.

There must be a proven systematic policy of elimination of some national, ethnic, racial or religious group. One incident of mass murder does not come close.
There must be a proven systematic policy of elimination of some national, ethnic, racial or religious group. One incident of mass murder does not come close.

One political group was targeted for elimination though it doesn't fall under the 4 groups you mentioned. They all are human being to me.
People who burn national flag and destroy freedom minar can not be called nationalist. They are anti national people.

People should be burning the indian flags instead of national flag. BTW one rawami goon was caught red handed vandalising one shaheed minar, so stop your rawami propaganda.

One should not bite more than he can swallow. I'll be happy if BAL tries something like that because that will be the day we've been waiting for.
1) People do not have to debate over the definition of a few words. If the killing by the AL govt cannot be called genocide, it is certainly a case of targetted killings by the state police apparatus. The purpose is to liquidate a group of AL's political opponents.

The Debate on the word "Genocide" is because this word keeps on appearing on the titles on the threads related to this topic.

2) Yes, people have rights to demand anything, even illegal ones, but, instead of swayed by opinions declared in a public gathering, the tribunal is supposed to give a fair trial. But, Sayedee's trial was not fair and the verdict did not reflect the proofs provided by the prosecutor. Sayedee's death sentence was given not because his guilt was proved sufficiently without DOUBT. It was rather given on the light of the hearsays about his role in 1971 and because of AL pressure.

If according to you Sayedee's trail was not fair then, there is a constitutional way to approach for correct trail not by the barbaric acts and Propaganda.

Please refere to Post # 1, starter of this thread to understand the reality. Even Ms. Malakar was not required by the trial to stand in the witness box, and it is true she has stated from India that Sayedee is not responsible for the death of her husband. Then, why a death sentence for a crime Sayedee has not committed?

If there is evidence that he has not committed crimes in 1971, Then Jamaat would have approached the court with it, instead of all these brutal acts.

3) I am not a supporter of Jamaaat and certainly do not like its stupid, ignorant and lier supporters in this forum. But, I must ask you what other course of action the street supporters of Jamaat could have done when the Tribunal proved itself a farce and a death sentence was handed down only as a result of pressure from the AL?

I have answered this point in my above lines.

4) You are right about the Hindu-hating nature of Jamaatis, but, it is not true that this time its people have vandalized Hindu houses a few days before. It was the AL gangs who are quite capable of doing this kind of nefarious things to make Jamaat a criminal party in the eyes of people.

Yes may be vote Bank politics comes to play here. But why Jamaat has not condemned the incident???

Why they haven't denied their participation in vandalizing???

5) Your comparison of the present event with anything in 1971 is quite misplaced. What similarities do you find?

In 1971 based on common religion killing and other acts were done and same is done now targeting minorities. Both were done by the people who follow same ideology.

6) You are mistaken on this count, too. Not all bearded muslims follow Jamaat brand of Islam. Many Islamic organizations even think Jamaat's political thinkling is quite off the fundamental teaching of Islam. However, all people have right to be in politics. But, a political party must believe in the basic principles of a State.

Yes I am not saying Jamaat should be banned read my post carefully. These guys are trying to get support by religions sentiments but majority of religious groups are opposing the acts done by them, is what I have written.
If there is evidence that he has not committed crimes in 1971, Then Jamaat would have approached the court with it, instead of all these brutal acts.

In a real court the one who brings charges has to prove, the defendant doesn't have to prove his innocence, he is presumed innocent until proven guilty. In a kangaroo court like the rawami tribunal the accused has to prove that he is innocent or else he is presumed guilty. This kangaroo court did not take into account the fact that the victim's brother who came to testify Sayeedi's innocence was kidnapped by the security forces from the very gate of the court.
No, not pre 71 era, I say bring the post 75 era!

Why are you talking against post-1975 era? It was the best era and because of that era led by General Ziaur Rahman the people of Bngladesh are living still in a free country. It is always AL that initiates trouble for the country and for itself. It was the inefficiency of AL govt that there were hundreds of thousands of deaths in 1971 war. It was in 2007 AL street demonstrations that brought about another military rule. It is now again AL that is creating chaos in the streets, and virtually asking for the military to take over.

Do not say Mujib's killing was initiated by Zia. Mujib was killed in August 1975 because of his too India leaning policy and his policy of a gradual disbanding of the military (India would have liked it). Today's people are not that alarmed about India, although I find a few Mollah propagandists here are trying to scare us as if we are all small children and it is still 1975. But, post-1971 scenerio was different because BD was a new country and people were worried about Indian interference. So, there was no negative reaction when Mujib was killed.

Zia came or had to come because of another coup not initiated by himself. He was kept arrested in this coup and was released by his military supporters who then staged a counter coup. So, why do you talk negative about post-1975? Contrary to what you want to say, BD gained another or true independence with the rise of Zia.

Seems Indians are not that fond of seeing Bangladesh a strong military country that can say NO to Indian gestures on its face. Zia said NO to India and went to court China's assistance. Because of his farsightedness, China still remains a friend of BD and is helping BD to build up its economy and military muscles.
If according to you Sayedee's trail was not fair then, there is a constitutional way to approach for correct trail not by the barbaric acts and Propaganda. If there is evidence that he has not committed crimes in 1971, Then Jamaat would have approached the court with it, instead of all these brutal acts.

When the trial itself is manipulated by government who would they approach for justice? It's like a rape victim asking the rapist for justice.

Why they haven't denied their participation in vandalizing???

They did.

Acting Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Moqbul Ahmed has issued the following statement condemning the recent attacks and persecution on the minorities


Acting Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Moqbul Ahmed has issued the following statement condemning the recent attacks and persecution on the minorities:
\\\"The Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami condemns the syndicated, unsubstantiated and malicious reporting by a number of newspapers including the Daily Star and Prothom Alo on 5 March, 2013, where without any specific evidence; they have alleged that members of Jamaat carried out attacks on minorities all over Bangladesh. These reports have been published with a deliberate view to fuel sectarian violence, by newspapers which have long been supporting the call for banning Jamaat in recent times.
Jamaat categorically states that none of its members were responsible for the reported attacks. In fact Jamaat has issued strict orders to its member to protect the lives and properties of minorities in light of the saying of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) ‘whoever harms a non-Muslim will not enter paradise’. In fact in its numerous press statements Jamaat has condemned the attacks on minorities. Jamaat will continue to condemn all such attacks on minorities.
Moreover, Jamaat-e-Islami conducted preliminary investigation has revealed that local Awami League leaders and activists along with the assistance of the different government agencies have carried out these attacks to deflect the public attention from the crimes against humanity being committed by the police.
We, therefore call upon the Government to set up an independent judicial enquiry to probe into the incidents in order to take swift legal measures against the perpetrators. In the meantime we call upon the people to resist all such unfortunate attacks on minorities.\\\"


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