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General Soleimani Awarded Iran’s Highest Military Order

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Last I remember, you ran away like a pathetic coward after crying to the mod, like you're doing now.

Why would I run ? You Persian midgets are not scary at all.

Yeah, sure, you clowns seem to know him very well.

"Hindu daddies" to be be frank, it's pakistan that was born out of India, I'd say that makes them your daddy, no? :lol:

Trust me, we wont take notice of any clown in a circus called Aeeyran unless he/she start to shout our names.

British created the entity India and got our lands back from them, nothing to do with the rats on east. Btw who are you? B|tches of Arabs? they ruled you over for a very long time. They civilized you. LOL

You are sucking on these Hindus these days who themselves are very fond of Zionists. way down the pecking order you are sunshine. If we can slap your daddies, you should know your place.

This comment makes no sense, try putting a proper sentence together.

Everything makes sense, you shithole not understanding is another matter.

A small nation that is bigger than you in every aspect?


You scumbags are look down by every nation. Axis of evil and what not.

Give me a break kid, after they humiliated you, they're hiding?

HOW? Its we who got the wreakage of their plan, it we who bitched slaped their pilot and in pathetic world of Persian maggots , that is our humiliation???? HAHAHA. Delusional Persian rat.

Wreckage of what? su-30? where, in your fantasy?



Look at the faces of your daddies. :D:D:D:D . Showing the pieces of Aim120 they found in the arse of SU30 as a used condom. LOL


Boy, I really wish your Solamni muster some courage and try it luck with us, since atm we as a nation are in T-Rex mode . Enough of the bullshit talk. :butcher:

Don't worry kid, just wait and see ;)


This rat of a man said the same thing a while back. How long you are going to keep us waiting? HAHAHA

We may need some genuine pigs to test our weapons, maybe perhaps TNWs as well. :devil:

India could swallow you whole kid, without China, you would not exist at the moment.

HOW? They just got b|tched slapped. We can end their nationhood if it comes to that.

Question is, what you can do if we come knocking your way and call the BS of your generals?

Of course we're not equal, you're way beneath us. An average Iranian sees you lot as beggars etc.

For average Pakistani you lot don't even exist, only rare mention when we have security related issues due to terrorism from Iranian soil and Iran-Hindu nexus. There might be some element of pitty for your kind seeing how you been discarded and spit on by the rest of the world. Some look at your as a nuisance in Islamic world. That's about it. As for you, what you think of us, rat opinion about Lion is irrelevant.

Crying to mods again like a little girl? :rofl:

I have seen you begging with a mod in some other forum. As a Pakistan I am astonished as to how a dirty Persian b|tch like yourself is allowed on this forum.

You don't contribute anything, just shitting around here and there like your nation. A nuisance.
Don’t insult Pakistan. I don’t care if someone insults you, you have no right to do so at a Pakistani forum.

I have not abused Iran and I am generally pro-Iranian, so don’t claim things which are false.

Shameful behavior.

Dude, you just literally insulted an Iranian general, do you have the memory of a gold fish?

I don't care where we are, anyone that opens their dirty mouth against my country will be dealt with.
We had a similar security problem with Iraqi Kurdistan, from where US backed Kurdish terrorists attacked our border guards every now and then. We told Mr Barzani that if this doesn't stop, then we will make it stop. Since then, the attacks have largely stopped.

Something similar is being done in the Balochistan area. You see, we don't ignore and take the slack-asss approach when it comes to security. It is why Iran is one of the safest countries to live in. And we do intend to keep it that way.
yawns lots of lecture . there are two way traffic here . if supposedly we host al adal . you people host indian raw too .
Dude, you just literally insulted an Iranian general, do you have the memory of a gold fish?

I don't care where we are, anyone that opens their dirty mouth against my country will be dealt with.

This Iranian general should go back to military school and learn how to give proper statements and provide proof before giving threats.

Every Pakistani, Sunni Shia Salafi Wahabbi Christian Jew Buddhist Hindu Parsi Punjabi Pukhtoon Hazara Baloch Sindhi Kashmiri Gilgiti Balti, will stand by what I said.

You guys don’t need to speak with his sick tongue.

As a Pakistan I am astonished as to how a dirty Persian b|tch like yourself is allowed on this forum.

You don't contribute anything

In sha Allah mods will take care of this troll.
OH please Jan aka Jhon otherwise please spare us the bull crap. Iran is a designated state sponsor of terror by the U. N.

Like I said you guys think you are smart asses taking others for a ride . Yiu enjoy this state of mind coz others let you think that way. We even know about the level of rust plaguing your weapon systems ;)

You sent a drone and it never went back :eek: as for the jack thing we are not responsible to rescue your amry guys everytime time the gt kidnap in numbers by the smugglers whom your Generals don't pay enough cut sometimes :coffee:

Starving hendi? Dude only a single squadron of indian airforce is enough to wipe off the entire Iranian air command. Talk sense!

These piglests are full of non sense mate. God knows why their diatribes and non sense is allowed on this forum.
Yes it does, because I have 0 issues against our shia Pakistani brothers who are themselves a victim.

More of a victim of Iranian supremacy
than gcc funded deobandis which we are almost done purging out of the system.

You guys think of others as ignorant fools who couldnt figure out the greater plan for life but youve been busted. The only hit squads which are active here our working under Iranian govts patronage. Iam no fool to give my life for the persian dream.

Shias Live large in pakistan . If somehow get screwed they retaliate with full Rambo force under govt support. It's not like you wipe off whole sunni Irani balochi villages and no one bates an eye
God doesn't need persian pride or Pakistani Muslims to establish Mehdi, he gonna rule any ways.

One thing iam sure about is that the royalty through out history has been projecting and preserving their vested interests by clinging on to and then subsequently hijacking some noble ideas. And Iranian mullahs are doing the same Annihilating regions upon regions - - - - - - - -

I can say with pride that pakistan has been bestowed with the patience and attributes of Imam Hassan. We value the integrity and well being Of Ummah what about all others? Hence you don't see us becoming party to any Muslim conflict - - - - - - -

Tell me a single thing which is Hussaini about Islamic Iran ? Can't speak a single world against the govt? Spreading mayhem in the region, target killing Shias around the globe so they could turn against their own? Does it sound Islamic?

You folks are nothing more than a political extension of ummayads and abbasis.

Leave this paving of ground for Mehdi to Allah SWT you don't have to engage in wars to hasten his coming - - - - - - -
Take note, you are accusing a whole nation. Symbol of Ale-Ziyad, Ale-Marwan and Ale-Umayyads is Ale Saud, Ale-Nahyan and other tribal families ruling PGCC countries. Your words makes me think that someone from Iran has attacked your military personnel. Do you even know what you are talking about buddy? Just asking
Imagine, there is no Mahdi... What would you people do? OMG... :D
They would be like Turkey :D
Why would I run ? You Persian midgets are not scary at all.

And yet you still ran away?

Trust me, we wont take notice of any clown in a circus called Aeeyran unless he/she start to shout our names.

You certainly seem obsessed with us. Just like you're obsessed with India.

British created the entity India and got our lands back from them, nothing to do with the rats on east. Btw who are you? B|tches of Arabs? they ruled you over for a very long time. They civilized you. LOL

lol what? British create your artificial state. Carved you out of India hahaha. You're basically some bastardised nation made from India.

You are sucking on these Hindus these days who themselves are very fond of Zionists. way down the pecking order you are sunshine. If we can slap your daddies, you should know your place.

Like I said, India gave birth to you, so they're your mommy/daddy.

Everything makes sense, you shithole not understanding is another matter.

No really, it seemed to be written by some brain dead ape.

In size
In economy
In life expectancy
In living standard
In military self sufficiency
In science and technology
In education
In safety and security

You want me to keep going?

You scumbags are look down by every nation. Axis of evil and what not.

There is no nation lower than your pakiland. You're basically a slum sewage whilst we control others nations.

HOW? Its we who got the wreakage of their plan, it we who bitched slaped their pilot and in pathetic world of Persian maggots , that is our humiliation???? HAHAHA. Delusional Persian rat.

That's their MIG you moron, where is the su-30?

Look at the faces of your daddies. :D:D:D:D . Showing the pieces of Aim120 they found in the arse of SU30 as a used condom. LOL

I don't see su-30 anywhere, however the AIM120 showed their story of downing your f-16 is indeed correct.

Boy, I really wish your Solamni muster some courage and try it luck with us, since atm we as a nation are in T-Rex mode . Enough of the bullshit talk. :butcher:

We already mortar your nation and send drones in, wtf have you done in retaliation?

We may need some genuine pigs to test our weapons, maybe perhaps TNWs as well. :devil:

Your chinese weapons will probably break apart right after your try to use them.

HOW? They just got b|tched slapped. We can end their nationhood if it comes to that.

Not in the eyes of the rest if the word, you people were humiliated.
Question is, what you can do if we come knocking your way and call the BS of your generals?

Well, try it and see what happens? Your failed state needs to first stop being a slum cesspool.

For average Pakistani you lot don't even exist, only rare mention when we have security related issues due to terrorism from Iranian soil and Iran-Hindu nexus. There might be some element of pitty for your kind seeing how you been discarded and spit on by the rest of the world. Some look at your as a nuisance in Islamic world. That's about it. As for you, what you think of us, rat opinion about Lion is irrelevant.

Your people are fightning and dying for Iran in Syria and Iraq lol, we don't exist for them. hahahahaah

I have seen you begging with a mod in some other forum. As a Pakistan I am astonished as to how a dirty Persian b|tch like yourself is allowed on this forum.

Not really, you're the one begging mods to come and aid you. How pathetic.
You don't contribute anything, just shitting around here and there like your nation. A nuisance.

How many pakistanis have died for Iran in Syria already? 100's? We own nations, the only thing you own is some slum cesspool of a nation carved out of India.
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Take note, you are accusing a whole nation. Symbol of Ale-Ziyad, Ale-Marwan and Ale-Umayyads is Ale Saud, Ale-Nahyan and other tribal families ruling PGCC countries. Your words makes me think that someone from Iran has attacked your military personnel. Do you even know what you are talking about buddy? Just asking
This Iranian general should go back to military school and learn how to give proper statements and provide proof before giving threats.

Every Pakistani, Sunni Shia Salafi Wahabbi Christian Jew Buddhist Hindu Parsi Punjabi Pukhtoon Hazara Baloch Sindhi Kashmiri Gilgiti Balti, will stand by what I said.

You guys don’t need to speak with his sick tongue.

In sha Allah mods will take care of this troll.
Okay clown, we should all just stay quiet and say nothing when your failed state can't do anything regarding terrorists roaming free on your soil?
Sorry but our general have honour unlike your generals.

More of a victim of Iranian supremacy
than gcc funded deobandis which we are almost done purging out of the system.

You guys think of others as ignorant fools who couldnt figure out the greater plan for life but youve been busted. The only hit squads which are active here our working under Iranian govts patronage. Iam no fool to give my life for the persian dream.

Shias Live large in pakistan . If somehow get screwed they retaliate with full Rambo force under govt support. It's not like you wipe off whole sunni Irani balochi villages and no one bates an eye

You're obviously not shia, you clown.

This is reality of shia in pakiland:

Pakistan's Shia genocide

I don't know why this thread is even here. Medals for someone who has never fought an official war it's non-story
Ah, now I see why this is a 12 page thread :lol: hijacked by Pakistanis.

Anyway, nice to see Haj Qassem with this prestigious medal. May he send many more terrorists to hell, regardless of where they reside.
Okay clown, we should all just stay quiet and say nothing when your failed state can't do anything regarding terrorists roaming free on your soil?
Sorry but our general have honour unlike your generals.

You're obviously not shia, you clown.

This is reality of shia in pakiland:

Pakistan's Shia genocide


What if a Shia military commander form pak army comes knocking at your "empire" for the crimes against Pakistani citizens?
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