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General Pervaiz Musharraf's Last Message to Imran Khan just before his death!

Yea and we all know how brave our generals are, slight thread and they take off their pants.
i had heard once, not sure if this is true, but amrekans were talking about pakistans nukes, musharraf threatened war if they tried to denuclearise pakistan. it was his redline but theyd cooperate in other aspects regarding al qaedi and isi in afg-pak
Isnt he responsible for start of civil war in Pakistan by betraying the warriors that were created and supported by Pakistan ?

He could see the reality only after remaining out of power ... When in power u r surrounded by hundreds of yes man that will keep u away from the ground reality ...

Hafiz and bajwa couldnt see the reality as they were being told only what they wanted to hear ... Our establishment needs major overhauling if Pakistan intends to survive otherwise another Bangladesh type of scenario is not far away
What civil war? Terrorism is not "civil war". Let's have absolute clarity on this issue. TTP were/are clearly not the "Mujahideen" that we supported against Russians. None of these terrorists was even born when the Afghan jihad was going on. Anyone with confusion over this needs to revisit history instead of pointing fingers at our establishment. See this for why what went on in FATA had to happen for certain strategic goals to be achieved.

Another "Bangladesh" type scenario is a hype that unfortunately supporters (I will not blame the party leadership because they have always avoided any such talk) of one specific party wants to continue to push for. If another Bangladesh is on the cards then realize it will be at the detriment of Punjabis, Pashtuns, Balochis and Sindhis alike. Nobody can say they had no hand in it. Perhaps some in the said party's base want the "hum idher, tum udher" situation. Try that out in KP and see how well that fares with Afghans hovering around KP ready to pounce and reclaim what they believe they lost more than a 100 years ago.

So these ultimatums may be great for blackmailing, but the reality that awaits dismemberment of Pakistan (over political divide) will be far worse than whatever goes on in Pakistan currently.

NS has been sent packing twice, BB twice, however they never took the secessionist route. It would be highly advisable for the "militant" members of the referenced party to realize the same.
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The modern deal of selling Pakistan was done by Musharraf. In his tenjre, when US was allowed a huge embassy and given powers to roam freely and do watever they wish, was the bases for infiltration. Since that time the US infiltrated the army and every institution. Now every hafiz or haji is a US slave. He is dead so i wont say much but Allah will deal with him now and i hope he gets what he has done.

More like Sharifs infiltrated every institution in Pakistan. That's why your army head is in London to see a fugitive.

Did you want Pakistan to side with Bin Laden and Taliban instead? Did you want a Taliban HQ to open up in Pakistan?

Your argument makes no sense. Stop gaslighting yourselves and blaming others for your problems.
Did he leave the country better off when he left power than when he assumed power, or not? That is his legacy, and no one can deny that either. The legacy is easy to see. Claims of patriotism are just that, and no more.
Depends on the glass half empty or half full perspective that one takes.

The same criteria can be applied to every single one of Pakistani leaders and you will get mixed results.
Depends on the glass half empty or half full perspective that one takes.

The same criteria can be applied to every single one of Pakistani leaders and you will get mixed results.

Of course. How else can one explain the steady decline in the nation's fortunes except by noting every ruler leaving power with Pakistan being distinctly worse off than before. Rinse. Repeat. And here we are.
Isnt he responsible for start of civil war in Pakistan by betraying the warriors that were created and supported by Pakistan ?
Did not expect this from someone of your calibre and think tank label.

Terrorism is not "civil war", It is not humane. It is not justifiable.

The killing of innocents, the killing of teachers, the killing of labourers is a crime against humanity.

All those who participate in such or support such deserve to be crushed by the state with utmost force.
Of course. How else can one explain the steady decline in the nation's fortunes except by noting every ruler leaving power with Pakistan being distinctly worse off than before. Rinse. Repeat. And here we are.
So why even both singling one military ruler out in a sea of non-performers?
More like Sharifs infiltrated every institution in Pakistan. That's why your army head is in London to see a fugitive.

Did you want Pakistan to side with Bin Laden and Taliban instead? Did you want a Taliban HQ to open up in Pakistan?

Your argument makes no sense. Stop gaslighting yourselves and blaming others for your problems.

Copy of the exact same mentality. With us or against us. Ever heard of something called a neutral stance?
And for ur info, Pakistan already did suppprt taliban, created medrassas and sent in barbarians. Now those barbarians are again used against own citizens.
Sharifs infiltrated? Lolz what can a dumb bonga civilian do? We all know who is behind everything.
So why even both singling one military ruler out in a sea of non-performers?

Not really. All I pointed out was that the legacy of any ruler, including Gen Musharraf, is the better way to evaluate performance than merely claiming a patriotic cloak.
Copy of the exact same mentality. With us or against us. Ever heard of something called a neutral stance?
And for ur info, Pakistan already did suppprt taliban, created medrassas and sent in barbarians. Now those barbarians are again used against own citizens.
Sharifs infiltrated? Lolz what can a dumb bonga civilian do? We all know who is behind everything.
It is impossible to keep a neutral stance though let's be realistic here, are you China here?

A neutral stance would have included you as part of the Afghanistan campaign and they would have fkd your shit up like they did Iraq

We had everything to lose, and nothing to gain by helping them.
Copy of the exact same mentality. With us or against us. Ever heard of something called a neutral stance?
And for ur info, Pakistan already did suppprt taliban, created medrassas and sent in barbarians. Now those barbarians are again used against own citizens.
Sharifs infiltrated? Lolz what can a dumb bonga civilian do? We all know who is behind everything.
"Neutral" stance is a pipedream sold by ill-informed (at best) and cunning (at worst) politicians to a misled and confused population.

You lost your neutrality due to our kinship with Taliban and also once the Taliban were given bases inside of Pakistan. So nobody was sold on this "neutral" story that IK keeps on trying to peddle with no takers.

Musharraf did what was most feasible for Pakistan which is exactly the case of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. Had we not done it, Afghanistan would have been in the hands of NA, Pashtuns in KP/FATA would have been angrier for not helping the Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan would have been left out in the lurch with the US/India gaining even more influence in our western backyard.

Things with Taliban get messy, but there is still a lot of history and opportunity to turn things around with TTP. With NA, it was 60+ years of acrimony. I still believe Pakistan should mend fences with NA but I can guarantee none of our KP/FATA denizens would be happy about it.
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Copy of the exact same mentality. With us or against us. Ever heard of something called a neutral stance?
And for ur info, Pakistan already did suppprt taliban, created medrassas and sent in barbarians. Now those barbarians are again used against own citizens.
Sharifs infiltrated? Lolz what can a dumb bonga civilian do? We all know who is behind everything.

Pakistan could not take a neutral stance because the border was open and Taliban were hiding in Pakistan. Question is why didn't Pakistan stay neutral after Soviets left Afghanistan and provide support to Taliban? Why wasn't the border fence built then? That's where it all went wrong.

Working with the US in war time is not a big deal.

US is an enemy of Afghanistan, not Pakistan. It is Pakistan's largest trading partner and arms supplier with a relationship that goes back since the 1950s.

AQ/Taliban psyops is this, to minimize Pakistani interests and bring its interests to the forefront to make you the sacrificial lamb. So their enemies are your enemies. Bit like what they have done with Palestine, suddenly their enemies are your enemies. It's just a psyops.

Does anyone care about Kashmir and what India has done? Does anyone regard India as an enemy even if they sympathize with the cause?

Musharraf is a national hero, he put the Sharif brothers in jail and saved Pakistan from a Taliban/AQ takeover. If it wasn't for him more than a 100 million Pakistanis would have become brainwashed and society would have collapsed and it would have become a Syria.
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It is impossible to keep a neutral stance though let's be realistic here, are you China here?

A neutral stance would have included you as part of the Afghanistan campaign and they would have fkd your shit up like they did Iraq

We had everything to lose, and nothing to gain by helping them.

"Neutral" stance is a pipedream sold to the masses by ill-informed (at best) and cunning (at worst) politicians to a misled and confused population.

You lost your neutrality due to our kinship with Taliban and also once the Taliban were given bases inside of Pakistan. So nobody was sold on this "neutral" story that IK keeps on trying to peddle with no takers.

Musharraf did what was most feasible for Pakistan which is exactly the case of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. Had we not done it, Afghanistan would have been in the hands of NA, Pashtuns in KP/FATA would have been angrier for not helping the Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan would have been left out in the lurch with the US/India gaining even more influence in our western backyard.

Things with Taliban get messy, but there is still a lot of history and opportunity to turn things around with TTP. With NA, it was 60+ years of acrimony. I still believe Pakistan should mend fences with NA but I can guarantee none of our KP/FATA denizens would be happy about it.

Pakistan could not take a neutral stance because the border was open and Taliban were hiding in Pakistan. Question is why didn't Pakistan stay neutral after Soviets left Afghanistan and provide support to Taliban? Why wasn't the border fence built then? That's where it all went wrong.

Working with the US in war time is not a big deal.

US is an enemy of Afghanistan, not Pakistan. It is Pakistan's largest trading partner and arms supplier with a relationship that goes back since the 1950s.

AQ/Taliban psyops is this, to minimize Pakistani interests and bring its interests to the forefront to make you the sacrificial lamb. So their enemies are your enemies. Bit like what they have done with Palestine, suddenly their enemies are your enemies. It's just a psyops.

Does anyone care about Kashmir and what India has done? Does anyone regard India as an enemy even if they sympathize with the cause?

Musharraf is a national hero, he put the Sharif brothers in jail and saved Pakistan from a Taliban/AQ takeover. If it wasn't for him more than a 100 million Pakistanis would have become brainwashed and society would have collapsed and it would have become a Syria.

If iran could remain harmless and neutral, why couldnt nuclear Pakistan?? Because we love dollars too much.
Why was border open? We could have sealed the border n be neutral? We could have stopped supporting extremists n close those medrassas? What did we achieve? NA in Afghanistan was way better than bearded baboons. Pashtuns of Afghanistan still hate us, even after our so called help.
The destruction that decision brought is still haunting us. Even if we couldn't remain neutral, we could have not allowed americans to infiltrate army and every institution. TTP and many terrorist groups r still here while the US is gone. The US could not destroy two countries, they only pressurized us and our brave generals opened their legs. These are nothing but excuses of a slave mentality.
If iran could remain harmless and neutral, why couldnt nuclear Pakistan?? Because we love dollars too much.
Why was border open? We could have sealed the border n be neutral? We could have stopped supporting extremists n close those medrassas? What did we achieve? NA in Afghanistan was way better than bearded baboons. Pashtuns of Afghanistan still hate us, even after our so called help.
The destruction that decision brought is still haunting us. Even if we couldn't remain neutral, we could have not allowed americans to infiltrate army and every institution. TTP and many terrorist groups r still here while the US is gone. The US could not destroy two countries, they only pressurized us and our brave generals opened their legs. These are nothing but excuses of a slave mentality.
US doesn't care about Iran enough like it does Pakistan that's why it buys out leaders and constantly makes snark remarks about nukes and what not

it sees it as a big potential threat, and with the 9-11 event they all blamed pakistan being a part of it.

But I agree we should never have allowed Americans to infiltrate us, having free choice and independence is utmost priority.

although idc what afghanistan thinks of us anyway, they have always hated pakistan and pakistanis i couldnt care less
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