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General Kiyani talks abt media

About the missing persons, the CoAS said that a report revealed there were only 47 missing persons in Pakistan as compared to 350 in India and 11,000 in Sri Lanka.

And you never hear Indians and Sri Lankans bashing their intelligence agencies and military. Turkish people also never bash their intelligence agencies/military when they've been battling Kurdish separatists for decades. If army leaves Balochistan, things will not automatically get any better. There's enemies on the western border who will flame this insurgency to make it out of control for Pakistan. Baloch separatists are brainwashed. They think they have trillions of barrels of oil that can make Balochistan the richest country on earth. Little they know that western countries will take all their resources.

Support Pakistan army and intelligence agency they know more about the situation than us who are not living in Balochistan Province. If you bash the army and weaken the army. Pakistan will become this:

Good Luck. Already there are more than 100 million people in the eastern provinces of Pakistan.
There are a few fundamental flaw to the logic of towing the line that "America does it, too!" - consequently the same line that Gen. Kayani used here.

1) America is not so bad at doing it. They don't get caught even if they do by their own legal system. Because if they did, there would be no escaping their own law. Presidents could not escape their law, CIA is nothing. All CIA torture facilities are in foreign countries
2) They act against foreign nationals and go out of their way to protect their own nationals. They go through great pains to build a case against their own nationals. They make sure crime scene investigation is done properly, they collect all sorts of evidence and then nail them in court. There is no ISI like "We said they are terrorist, so isn't it enough?" type arguments in their courts.
3) You're aspiring to be something wrong in the first place if you know America does something wrong, why aspire to be something wrong?

In most countries where agencies, law and executive authorities get along is where they have all kept processes, regulations and laws, supreme, more than the agencies, more than the Chief Executive.

The rumors that CIA assassinated Kennedy are alive till today and CIA still hasn't been able to wash their hands off that. CIA made 1001 attempts to kill Castro - who cares about that in America? CIA came to Pakistan, violated all sorts of international laws and killed Osama Bin Laden and took off with his body who in America cares about that? But yes if they kill Presidents, people do care about that, they can kill a thousand Osamas, but it won't justify them killing a single American.

There will be no one in America who will agree with you if you decided to give any agency the right to kill Americans without trial. In Pakistan you're arguing this right to be given to ISI, why?

Obama just signed the NDAA, which states anyone in U.S. suspicious of terrorist activities can be detained and taken to an undisclosed location without trial. Americans pretty much wiped out the natives of North America. Took Africans as slaves and began a segregation law against them which lasted until the 1970's. After the bombing of the Pearl Harbor, America detained Asian-Americans and made concentration camps for them, even detained Asian children in the United States.

Besides, Pakistan of 2012 can not be compared to the United States of 2012. Compare Pakistan to other Asian countries in the neighborhood, India and Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka was successful in defeating Tamil Tigers. India and U.S. are still crying over human rights violations against Tamils in Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka is booming in every sector as happy as ever.
He said most of the TV channels do not favour soldiers defending the national borders at below 20 Celsius. These men in uniform need motivation instead of debate to discourage them, the CoAS added.

"Even in countries like the United States, the role of agencies is not discussed publicly," he said.The CoAS was of the view that everybody makes mistakes but it did not mean that the moral of the institutions is undermined.
The same goes with Indian media too! For example, they made a huge issue with the Chief's birth date with continuous 24x7 coverage, which sucked.

Most of the media and politicians haven't a clue about the conditions that the Army faces in forward areas like Siachen where soldiers guard the frontiers at heights up to 21,000 ft! These people especially the politicians should be made to stay in these posts for at least a week. This would prevent the media from writing and talking crap whilst sitting in their air conditioned studios with a know-it-all attitude.
The same goes with Indian media too! For example, they made a huge issue with the Chief's birth date with continuous 24x7 coverage, which sucked.

Most of the media and politicians haven't a clue about the conditions that the Army faces in forward areas like Siachen where soldiers guard the frontiers at heights up to 21,000 ft! These people especially the politicians should be made to stay in these posts for at least a week. This would prevent the media from writing and talking crap whilst sitting in their air conditioned studios with a know-it-all attitude.

You are young... Good to know...
umad? we dont want pakistan to turn into another north korea
umad? we dont want pakistan to turn into another north korea

At least there will still be a Pakistan.

Pakistan's enemy is not only India anymore. Its India, B.L.A., B.L.F., B.R.A., T.T.P., A.N.A., and Pakistan's powerful friend of the past who is now near the western border is not Pakistan's friend anymore. This is the fact.

The last thing Pakistan Army needs now is the people of Pakistan turning against them. If you do, there'll be no Pakistan anymore. The army is the last powerful institution left in Pakistan.
the issue with pakistanis is that they cant handle the truth!
the issue with pakistanis is that they cant handle the truth!

The issue with Pakistanis is that they lack nationalism. Pakistan Army are the ones laying their lives on the line to keep Pakistan from falling. These Pakistani journalists, terrorist sympathizers, and liberals will probably join Indians and other enemies of Pakistan in an anti-pakistan campaign until they lose their own country. There are no other people like this in the world.

Already a weak economy, weak infrastructure, weak energy, weak foreign policy now they want to weaken the army and truly wipe off Pakistan from the map.
mr kiyani they get more than any common pakistan what they do for country

Dictatorship with civil organizations
Free Health
Free Housing
Free Pantion
Free Land after retirement
Free electricity which common **** dont have
Free education to chillds

what else they know need
pasha was a good man. he came with the perffect plan to bring down this corrupt govt through memo gate. this bastad kiyani was the one who failed it for monetary benefits. he was against pasha's plan all along. had he been sincere PPP would not be ruling rthe country and neother would have won the bi elections...kayani u bastard.....
Well Kayani has American mates and went to America for some course I think

What a nonsense observation!

Kiyani is class fellow of lately appointed ISAF chief! Is this what you want to highlight?

Atleast he has not pledged loyalty to queen.

We have lost respect to the respect worthy.

This is why foreign states are ruling Pakistan through their puppets.

Every one seem to have missed Kiyani's rare advise.

Army is doing wonderful job with limited resources.

What is interior ministry doing? seems to be in good hands! because of zero criticism!
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