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General Kiyani talks abt media

What a nonsense observation!

Kiyani is class fellow of lately appointed ISAF chief! Is this what you want to highlight?

Atleast he has not pledged loyalty to queen.

We have lost respect to the respect worthy.

This is why foreign states are ruling Pakistan through their puppets.

Every one seem to have missed Kiyani's rare advise.

Army is doing wonderful job with limited resources.

What is interior ministry doing? seems to be in good hands! because of zero criticism!

What are you on about??
Well.. the fact that our media is more free in some cases than the west and Israel is good news, but Kayani is right! We need to support our troops rather than talk against them.
any govt. agency involved in intell and interior security be it ISI, CIA, Mi-6, Mossad, RAW, the KGB in soviet days will continue to and have crossed the so called 'red lines' of state laws and have conducted ops which are sometimes authorised and many times not and by mind-set are not expected to be answerable until they get exposed by a 'whistle-blower'. the organisations are secretive in nature, their training such that they eliminate the target first and ask questions later. - their actions may shock and apall many but to some it is quite necessary in this murky and shadowy world which many do not understand (esp. our self righteous media) they serve a purpose for their govt / bosses and we are not aware of the 'real' stories reasons behind these actions.

well said.

our web age commentators tend to forget the very nature of such under cover organisations means that they have to operate beyond the normal fold of limits and laws because thats where the conventional state institutions have failed and hence the very reason for existence of such secret organisations.

problem with Pakistan media is that its heavily influenced by pro Taliban individuals and infested by anti- state elements who's articles are even more hostile and venomous towards Pakistan army than that can has been ever said in the western media.

Kamran shafi is one such example. that person is full of hatred and actually on a hate campaign towards Pakistan army
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