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General Kayani spills the beans

@Shaheen Sehbai
says it all......
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What's the funny part in the reproduced section? Legislation is the resposnibility of the civilian government, which other branches follow. Ever wonder why so many terrorists are let go by courts? because there are no laws to address terrorism and corresponding punishments. Yoiu need to learn some before making a fool of yourself.

Joke of the century, i wonder what makes Kiani think that common people, media, judiciary will buy this BS.
For half time civilians have ruled, for half time Army has, so why all the blame on one party ?

Politicians, Soldiers, Businessmen, Police, Intelligence officers and voters, all come from same population. Pakistani people gave and elected these politicians. Generals like Zia also came from Pakistani home.

What I also see is that Army wants people to call them to rule if free and fair elections don't happen and people protest against it in every part of the country.

Just like people in Baluchistan are now asking for Army to take over.

Accountability and Responsibility extends to all sphere of population and administration. I still think that majority of people now want military rule especially in Army and certain section of society. They don't believe in any Politician.

How long this to and fro movement will keep on going for Military-Civilian rule ?


My nation---are an absolutely pathetic group of people---they are the most deceitful group of people as well---. The only thing that they know is greed greed and greed---. They are a people not fit to be a nation at this time---. They have no national identity----they have no national interest---they are not intelligent enough to protect even their own house.

Every oppurtunity they had to move the nation ahead---they chose to find instances to make it weaker and destroy its foundations---.

They kicked the army out---now they want it back---just think---how brainless the citizenery has to be to invite Benazir Bhutto back to power----
Gen Kyani's statement is actually Pro Democracy and will strengthen it. I welcome his warm remakes and commitment to Free and Transparent Elections.

Of civilians control means allowing all sort of cheating and badmuashi because it is being done by civlians then sorry this doesn't fall under the defination of civilian RULE. No one must be allowed to destroy national systems, neither army nor civilians. If Civilians fail to control Electoral Corruption and Army provides support, they are more than welcome to do so.
What's the funny part in the reproduced section? Legislation is the resposnibility of the civilian government, which other branches follow. Ever wonder why so many terrorists are let go by courts? because there are no laws to address terrorism and corresponding punishments. Yoiu need to learn some before making a fool of yourself.

Seriously? Even the kids knows that its military who got the power, civilians are just showpiece.
I am fool but you my friend should watch Zero dark 30 and praise them wow what a great nation we are, OBL was found in back yard of PMA oh yeah its zardari fault :rofl: Civilians told Americans to stop Drones they replied that drones fly and do missions from your airbases :rofl:

This nation can't progress until we have followers of zia, mush, zaid hamid and kiani. Are you happy seeing the murderers of 30,000 Pakistani's alive? Are you happy to see beheading of Pakistani soldiers? You don't want to see peace and stability in Pakistan? If not then ask about results especially from a man who is in power from 2004.
first when I talk about civilians, I mean politicians not the general populace.

If civilians (politicians) are just showpiece who's fault is it? These are the same ******* civilians who have bowed to all millitary and kissed their *** every time without fail. What good are these civilians for? What have they achieved in al these years. It's easy to talk in air without any facts, you just need to look at the comparison of comparative civilian rule vs millitary rule be it law and order, economic growth, or any other aspect, these bastard cicies have only looted this country and caused problems for the common man.

Millitary has power, because they are sincere in what they do, if civies have any competence or integerity are if they are serious about natin building and progress, power will automatically shift to them, even if you think by sitting in assemblies and having power to legistlate is not power enough.

Seriously? Even the kids knows that its military who got the power, civilians are just showpiece.
I am fool but you my friend should watch Zero dark 30 and praise them wow what a great nation we are, OBL was found in back yard of PMA oh yeah its zardari fault :rofl: Civilians told Americans to stop Drones they replied that drones fly and do missions from your airbases :rofl:

This nation can't progress until we have followers of zia, mush, zaid hamid and kiani. Are you happy seeing the murderers of 30,000 Pakistani's alive? Are you happy to see beheading of Pakistani soldiers? You don't want to see peace and stability in Pakistan? If not then ask about results especially from a man who is in power from 2004.
East Pakistan and Kashmir arose from primarily political roots, not military. True that Kargil was a military misadventure of the highest order. Sectarian strife is a social, not a military issue. The Abbottabad raid and drone strikes are the lesser evils compared to the alternatives.

One must be careful in generalizing blame, and look at all causes before apportioning it.
Point is, when you have to defend the land and its people there is no place for excuses and their categorization just sounds absurd. Whether its social or not, people are dying while the claims are still floating high that '' we take bullets and save you commoners''. It doesn't matter if they are sacrificing sleep at borders, sovereignty of the country is still being violated.......We all are making sacrifices here, so lets not try to extol one, while conveniently belittling others. Facts speak for themselves and it would be foolish to expect that swashbuckling can mislead the masses. One must have the fortitude to accept others views as well, this land belongs to all and not just the military and her lackeys.

They kicked the army out---now they want it back---just think---how brainless the citizenery has to be to invite Benazir Bhutto back to power----

Mastan Sahib, lets not jumble up things here. There is a huge distinction between ''wanting them back'' and asking them to do their jobs 'properly'.
If the Pakistani Armed Forces, especially the army was actually willing to do it's job of killing the enemies of the nation and state, a major portion of the problems Pakistani society faces would be resolved, but that, as far as the Pakistan army is concerned, is bad politics - Don't think so? Why then does the army refuse to kill off the enemies of the Pakistan nation and state?

The dogs of war

THERE was a time when wars needed to end before historians could begin writing chronicles about them. Today’s wars have become prime time television viewing. History is as immediate as instant coffee.

Almost two years ago, on the night of May 2, 2011, 79 US Navy SEAL commandos (and a dog) conducted a raid on a nondescript house in sleepy Abbottabad. The house was like many Pakistani homes. It encroached upwards into a third storey, it had no internet, no landline telephone connection, no stand-by generator. Its master bathroom contained a bottle of Just for Men hair dye.

The house stood less than a mile away from the Pakistan Military Academy where intelligence gathering and counterintelligence are taught. There could not have been a more carelessly located, more vulnerable bunker in which to squirrel away the man most wanted by the United States — Osama bin Laden.

That night, as President Obama and his team of advisors watched the action at Abbottabad live on screens in the White House, the US SEALs flew in and flew out unchallenged, their return cargo the bullet-ridden body of their quarry.

Since that night, there have been numerous eyewitness accounts, some unauthorised revelations, a few books, and even an Oscar-nominated film Zero Dark Thirty that purport to provide a plausible narrative of that attack and its gruesome finale. The only voice that has not been heard so far has been of the dog which accompanied the SEALs. The dog has not barked.

In that sense, he is not very different from our costly watchdogs — the F-16s — that Pakistan’s defence forces maintain to safeguard our borders. That night they also did not bark.

One former SEAL who has barked, using the pseudonym David Owen, has described in his book No Easy Day that their helicopter flight from Jalalabad to Abbottabad had taken 90 minutes. It takes that time for a commercial flight from Islamabad at one end of Pakistan to reach Karachi at the other end. “We evaded the Pakistani radar and anti-aircraft missiles on the way in and arrived undetected.”

Having completed their mission, they detonated charges that destroyed the second helicopter that had crash-landed earlier on their arrival at Osama’s hideout.

“The explosion at the compound had finally attracted the attention of the Pakistan military. Unknown to us, they grounded all of their aircraft and started a head count.
With everyone accounted for, they scrambled two F-16s armed with 30mm cannons and air-to-air missiles. Pakistan’s military has always maintained a state of high alert against India. Most of the country’s air defences are aimed east towards that threat. The jets roared into the sky and raced towards the Abbottabad area.

The SEALs meanwhile had already escaped into Afghan airspace.

Somewhat kindly, David Owen avoided likening our defence strategy to the Egyptian tank designed for use in the Arab-Israeli war. It was said to have three reverse gears and one forward gear — the latter for use in case the Israelis attacked from the rear.

As Pakistanis, we support one of the largest armies in the region. It feeds first from the beggar’s bowl that is shaped like our national budget. As civilian Pakistanis, we are prepared for the defence of our motherland to eat grass, even cake, provided we know that if we are attacked, our protectors will not spend precious time doing a head count before responding, while we civilians busy ourselves with a body count.

It is ironical that this summer, Pakistanis will be asked in the forthcoming general elections to vote on who should represent them, but not on who should defend them.

One is not suggesting that the public should be allowed to vote in (or out) the defence leadership. That would be strategically impractical. There is an argument, however, for some level of accountability, some mechanism that should be able to ask why our planes remained grounded and silent.

History we know is the version of the victors. Today, it is the United States version of conflicts since the end of the Second World War that is the Authorised Version. They won in Vietnam, they won in Cambodia, they won in Grenada, they won in Chile, they won in Iraq, and they are winning in Afghanistan.

The popular British historian William Dalrymple, during his recent round of lectures in Pakistan, has put forward a proposition that Afghanistan — after the withdrawal of the US and Allied forces in 2014 — could well degenerate into another Kashmir.

Interesting as such a supposition is, it seems unlikely. History argues against it. Over the past thousand years, Afghanistan has survived intact precisely because it is the sort of place people prefer to visit, rather than to stay or settle in.

When Obama’s troops quit Afghanistan in 2014, he will still be in the White House, the studio where his wife Michelle opened the envelope to announce the Oscar for the best film this year.

The award went to Argo, a film about the rescue of six US diplomats from Tehran while Ayatollah Khomeini’s revolutionary guards were preoccupied with 52 others incarcerated in the US embassy there. The film that lost out to Argo was Zero Dark Thirty. Was it perhaps because Obama had seen it already, on television, live?
Its simple & loud & clear?
Gen.Kiyani is one of the many crooks pakistan got today in power?
He is gorbachov of pakistan & we hve zardari acting as boris yeltson ?
Bt wht they forgot to realize is, some where & some how there is a PUTIN in making & about to appear on the stage?
Point is, when you have to defend the land and its people there is no place for excuses and their categorization just sounds absurd. Whether its social or not, people are dying while the claims are still floating high that '' we take bullets and save you commoners''. It doesn't matter if they are sacrificing sleep at borders, sovereignty of the country is still being violated.......We all are making sacrifices here, so lets not try to extol one, while conveniently belittling others. Facts speak for themselves and it would be foolish to expect that swashbuckling can mislead the masses. One must have the fortitude to accept others views as well, this land belongs to all and not just the military and her lackeys.

You make a good point that we are all in this together, and it is wrong of anyone to claim more or less sacrifices, be they civilian or military. Everybody is suffering in one way or another in trying to do their part.
By making it clear that he and the Pakistan army will not protect Pakistanis and their property, Mr. Gem. Kiyani appears to be signaling politicians that they are on their own when it comes to the so called "insurgency", which some hold is itself a creature of the Army
When you decide to take up a gun , & go to defend border of Pakistan , & when you take bullet coming towards every Pakistani on your chest , then I will Take your Words as Sacred as well .

Don't waste your price less time on those who,watch TV shows of the croupt politicians or like to live in the dream world of media funfair ?
Bt when ever they see another shaheed in khaki,they keep telling us damocrazy is the best revenge???
You are 1000% right yes still 88% of the poor & midlle class pakistanis still trust & love their brave army, & they don't want this damocrazy any more?
Bt sory to say MR,KIYANI is another MR,gorbachov & thatthe naked truth?
Army as a institution, is not wht kiyani has described in his words, & he will find a putin after his retirment for sure, & its the fear which he is trying to counter now?
Anyway KIYANI hve to answer this question? He however, allowed the corrupt civilians to do the damage before his own eyes?
& don't think he has any answers?
Pakarmy zindabad!
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